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Contests and competition

Jealousy and envy

It doesnt stop, it only evolves
Creativity, arriving like clouds over the Atacama
As rain in Hawaii
Soothing as aloe
How comforting is stagnation
No change, no motion, no irritation
All the while oxygen depletes and life evaporates
But it hurts so much
Everything hurts
Love, and need
Sailing the globe desperate for attention
An ocean of fear between this island and that
Never knowing what new lands hide
Perhaps it is easier to reach the moon
Than to find friendship that lasts and fulfills
Pity those who think love is a chemical reaction
Pity those who think God is undiscovered
Proven is how wretched people are
Let the fools laugh and the angry spit venom
I swim and flounder among the waves, the jaws
His love passes silently across the ocean
Only to appear as a tsunami overtaking me
Im caught off guard and I cry
He came for me, the one I love
Love so intense it hurts, so heavy it drowns
I turn towards the endless water
I breathe, so satisfied, it pains me
So beautiful, it aches

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