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Sean O'Sullivan

DOB: 29/09/91
1 Archway, Green Street, Dingle, Co !erry, "e# O$ %relan&
'el: ()* +,- +99 ).,
/0ail: o1ulliv12a1tonacu3
% a0 a 4athe0atic1 1tu&ent an& have 5u1t co0#lete& an /ra10u1 1tu&y #lace0ent in
the 6niver1ity o$ Seville % a0 eager to re0ain in S#ain $or the re0ain&er o$ the
1u00er an& to thi1 en& % a0 1ee3ing e0#loy0ent in 4a&ri& % have e7#erience a1 a
0ath1 tutor an& have al1o acte& a1 a conver1ational ai& $or Sevillano1 &uring 0y
/ra10u1 year
6niver1ity o$ Seville: 201) / 201* San&wich 8ear
A1ton 6niver1ity: 2010 9 :re1ent
:o;al1coil Chorcha Dhui;hne, Dingle, Co !erry, "e# o$ %relan&
<eaving Certi=cate
/ngli1h A
4athe0atic1 A
A##lie& 4athe0atic1 B
:hy1ic1 B
/cono0ic1 B
S#ani1h B
Art B
Teaching Experience
Se#te0;er 2011 9 4ay 201): % wa1 #art o$ a voluntary #rogra0 organi1e& in
con5unction with 0y univer1ity that allocate& 4ath1 1tu&ent1 to local 1chool1 to wor3
a1 a11i1tant1 to the teacher1 A$ter % ha& gaine& a $ew 0onth1 e7#erience % 1tarte&
wor3ing a1 a $reelance 4ath1 tutor &uring the aca&e0ic year

Previous Internship Experience
Su00er 201): Digital >etwor3 A11ociate1 Dingle, Co !erry, "e# o$ %relan& :ro5ect:
C"4 Data;a1e con1truction "e1#on1i;le $or the con1truction o$ a 0ar3eting &ata;a1e
u1ing 4S Dyna0ic1 C"4 an& the e1ta;li1h0ent o$ a&0ini1trative #roce&ure1 an&
wor3?ow1 /7ten1ive u1e o$ 4S O@ce a##lication1
Other Experience
Aoot;all Clu; 8outh 'ea0 Coach A1 a coach an& a11i1tant 0anager o$ one o$ the youth
tea01 at Ban&1worth 6nite& Aoot;all Clu; % wa1 a;le to &evelo# tran1$era;le 13ill1C
organi1ing training, =7ture1, $un&rai1ing an& 1ocial event1 % al1o &evelo#e& 0y
a&0ini1trative an& organi1ational a;ilitie1, while 0y tea0 wor3 an& co00unication
13ill1 were enhance& ;y interacting with colleague1 an& the young #layer1
"e$erence1 availa;le on reDue1t

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