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Crispy Chilli Baby Corn

1/4 kg - baby corn, cut into one inch pieces 2 tbsp - oil
1/4 tsp - ginger-garlic paste For marinade
Salt to taste : Large pinch of black pepper powder
2 - small onions, quartered (optional) 1 tbsp - Corn flour + few tbsp water
6 to 7 tbsp -s Spring onion whites
3 to 4 tbsp - Spring onion greens
1 tbsp - chopped Garlic
1 tbsp - chopped Ginger
2 tsp - soya sauce
2 tsp - Vinegar
1 tbsp - Corn flour
5 tbsp - water
1/2 tbsp - Brown sugar
1 - large green capsicum, cut into thin slices
1.5 tbsp - Tomato sauce
1 tsp - Green chilli paste
Salt to taste
1. Blend all the ingredients for the marinade and marinate the baby corn for 10 mins.
2. Heat 2 tbsps oil in a flat pan. Add the baby corn pieces and shallow fry till brown. Flip and cook the
other side. Keep aside.
3. Heat some more oil in a heavy-bottomed vessel. Add chopped ginger and garlic and saute on high
flame for about 30 secs.
4. Add the chopped spring onion whites and quartered onions. Saute for 2-3 mins.
5. Add sliced capsicum and stir fry on high flame for 3 mins.
6. Add green chilli paste, tomato paste, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and combine.
7. Add the sauteed baby corn and toss for a min on high flame.
8. Add 1/4 cup water, the brown sugar and adjust salt if necessary.
9. Add the corn flour water and combine on high flame, tossing the contents for 3 mins.
10. Add chopped spring onion greens and combine. Garnish with more spring onion greens.
11. Serve hot.

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