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3GPP TS 32.251 V8.7.

0 (2009-09)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;
Telecommunication management;
Charging management;
Packet Switched PS! domain charging
"elease #!
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.
charging, accounting, management, !TS,
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'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all media.
) *++,- 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (./&0- .T&"- 11".- 2T"&- TT.- TT1).
.ll rihts reserved.
3MT"4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its members
3GPP4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners
5T24 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& currently bein reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP
Orani!ational Partners
G"M6 and the G"M loo are reistered and owned by the G"M .ssociation
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $ "elease #
8 "cope......................................................................................................................................................
* /eferences..............................................................................................................................................
3 9efinitions- symbols and abbreviations..................................................................................................
3.8 9efinitions...........................................................................................................................................................
3.* "ymbols.............................................................................................................................................................
3.3 .bbreviations.....................................................................................................................................................
: .rchitecture considerations..................................................................................................................
:.8 ;ih level 2P" architecture...............................................................................................................................
:.* P" domain offline charin architecture...........................................................................................................
:.3 P" domain online charin architecture............................................................................................................
< P" domain charin principles and scenarios.......................................................................................
<.8 P" charin principles.......................................................................................................................................
<.8.8 /e=uirements...............................................................................................................................................
<.8.* 1harin information...................................................................................................................................
<.* P" domain offline charin scenarios...............................................................................................................
<.*.8 0asic principles............................................................................................................................................
<.*.8.8 &P>1.' bearer charin.........................................................................................................................
<.*.8.* MM conte(t charin.............................................................................................................................
<.*.8.3 7low 0ased bearer 1harin (701).......................................................................................................
<.*.8.: "M" charin.........................................................................................................................................
<.*.8.< 51" charin..........................................................................................................................................
<.*.8.? M0M" conte(t charin........................................................................................................................
<.*.* /f messae flows.........................................................................................................................................
<.*.*.8 Triers for charin events from ">G@...............................................................................................
<.*.*.* Triers for charin events from P>G@...............................................................................................
<.*.3 19/ eneration............................................................................................................................................
<.*.3.8 Triers for ">19/ charin information collection............................................................................
<.*.3.8.8 Triers for ">19/ 1harin &nformation .ddition.......................................................................
<.*.3.8.* Triers for ">19/ closure..............................................................................................................
<.*.3.* Triers for M>19/ charin information collection...........................................................................
<.*.3.*.8 Triers for M>19/ charin information addition........................................................................
<.*.3.*.* Triers for M>19/ closure.............................................................................................................
<.*.3.3 Triers for "G@>19/ charin information collection......................................................................
<.*.3.3.8 Triers for "G@>19/ 1harin &nformation .ddition.................................................................
<.*.3.3.* Triers for "G@>19/ closure.......................................................................................................
<.*.3.: Triers for PG@>19/ charin information collection......................................................................
<.*.3.:.8 Triers for PG@>19/ 1harin &nformation .ddition.................................................................
<.*.3.:.* Triers for PG@>19/ closure.......................................................................................................
<.*.3.< Triers for "M">19/ charin information collection.......................................................................
<.*.3.? Triers for 51">19/ charin information collection.......................................................................
<.*.3.A Triers for ">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ charin information collection.........................................
<.*.3.A.8 Triers for ">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ 1harin &nformation 1reation....................................
<.*.3.A.* Triers for ">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ 1harin &nformation .ddition....................................
<.*.3.A.3 Triers for ">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ closure...........................................................................
<.*.: Boid..............................................................................................................................................................
<.*.< Ga record transfer flows...............................................................................................................................
<.*.? 0p 19/ file transfer....................................................................................................................................
<.3 P" domain online charin scenarios................................................................................................................
<.3.8 0asic principles............................................................................................................................................
<.3.8.8 &P>1.' bearer charin.........................................................................................................................
<.3.8.* 7low 0ased 0earer 1harin.................................................................................................................
<.3.8.3 P" 7urnish 1harin &nformation procedure.........................................................................................
<.3.8.: "upport of 7ailure "ituations..................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3 "elease #
<.3.* /o messae flows.........................................................................................................................................
<.3.*.8 Triers for &P>1.' bearer Online 1harin........................................................................................
<.3.*.8.8 Boid...................................................................................................................................................
<.3.*.8.* Boid...................................................................................................................................................
<.3.*.* Triers for 701 Online 1harin.........................................................................................................
<.3.*.*.8 Triers for startin and stoppin an 701 1redit 1ontrol session...................................................
<.3.*.*.* Triers for providin interim information for an 701 1redit 1ontrol session..............................
<.3.*.3 P" 7urnish 1harin &nformation procedure.........................................................................................
<.3.*.: "upport of 7ailure "ituations..................................................................................................................
? 9efinition of charin information.......................................................................................................
?.8. /f messae content.....................................................................................................................................
?.8..8 "ummary of Offline 1harin Messae 7ormats...................................................................................
?.8..* "tructure for the .ccountin Messae 7ormats.....................................................................................
?.8..*.8 .ccountin>/e=uest Messae..........................................................................................................
?.8..*.* .ccountin>.nswer Messae...........................................................................................................
?.80 19/ content description on 0p interface...................................................................................................
?.8.8 &P 1.' bearer charin data in "G"' (">19/)........................................................................................
?.8.* &P 1.' bearer charin data in ">G@ ("G@>19/)..................................................................................
?.8.3 701 &P 1.' bearer charin data in P>G@ (PG@>19/).........................................................................
?.8.: Mobile "tation mobility manaement data in "G"' (M>19/)..................................................................
?.8.< "M">MO data in "G"' (">"MO>19/).....................................................................................................
?.8.? "M">MT data in "G"' (">"MT>19/).......................................................................................................
?.8.A Mobile terminated location re=uest (51">MT>19/)..................................................................................
?.8.C Mobile oriinated 5ocation re=uest (51">MO>19/).................................................................................
?.8., 'etwor# induced 5ocation re=uest (51">'&>19/)....................................................................................
?.8.8+ M0M" bearer conte(t charin data in "G"' (">M0>19/).....................................................................
?.8.88 M0M" bearer conte(t charin data in GG"' (G>M0>19/)....................................................................
?.* 9ata description for P" Online 1harin..........................................................................................................
?.*.8 9iameter messae contents..........................................................................................................................
?.*.8.8 "ummary of Online 1harin Messae 7ormats...................................................................................
?.*.8.* "tructure for the 1redit 1ontrol Messae 7ormats................................................................................
?.*.8.*.8 1redit>1ontrol>/e=uest Messae.....................................................................................................
?.*.8.*.* 1redit>1ontrol>.nswer Messae......................................................................................................
?.*.* Boid..............................................................................................................................................................
?.3 P" 1harin "pecific Parameters......................................................................................................................
?.3.8 9efinition of P" charin information.........................................................................................................
?.3.8.8 P" charin information assinment for "ervice &nformation...............................................................
?.3.8.* 9efinition of the P" &nformation............................................................................................................
?.3.* 9etailed Messae 7ormat for offline charin............................................................................................
?.3.3 9etailed Messae 7ormat for online charin.............................................................................................
?.: Boid....................................................................................................................................................................
?.< 0indins for 2P1 Offline 1harin...................................................................................................................
Annex A (normative): Charging characteristics..............................................................................
Annex B (normative): Tx expiration; Failure Handling procedure and session failover
mechanism description.................................................................................
Annex C (informative): Biliograph!..................................................................................................
Annex " (informative): Change histor!..............................................................................................
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! - "elease #
This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re>released by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsD
Bersion (.y.!
( the first diitD
8 presented to T"G for informationE
* presented to T"G for approvalE
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- corrections-
updates- etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! & "elease #
1 Sco+e
The present document is part of a series of documents specifyin charin functionality and charin manaement in
Pac#et "witched networ#s (G"MF3MT"- 2P"). The 3GPP core networ# charin architecture and principles are
specified in 3GPP T" 3*.*:+ G8H- which provides an umbrella for other charin manaement documents that specifyD
the content of the 19/s per domain F subsystem F service (offline charin)E
the content of real>time charin messaes per domain F subsystem Fservice (online charin)E
the functionality of online and offline charin for those domains F subsystems F servicesE
the interfaces that are used in the charin framewor# to transfer the charin information (i.e. 19/s or charin
The complete document structure for these T"s is defined in 3GPP T" 3*.*:+ G8H.
The present document specifies the Offline and Online 1harin description for the Pac#et "witched (P") domain based
on the functional stae * description in 3GPP T" *3.+?+ G*+8H- 3GPP T" *3.:+8G*+CH and 3GPP T" *3.:+* G*+,H.
This charin description includes the offline and online charin architecture and scenarios specific to the P" domain-
as well as the mappin of the common 3GPP charin architecture specified in T" 3*.*:+ G8H onto the P" domain.
&t further specifies the structure and content of the 19/s for offline charin- and the charin events for online
charin. The present document is related to other 3GPP charin T"s as followsD
The common 3GPP charin architecture is specified in T" 3*.*:+ G8HE
The parameters- abstract synta( and encodin rules for the 19/s are specified in T" 3*.*,C G<8HE
. transaction based mechanism for the transfer of 19/s within the networ# is specified in T" 3*.*,< G<:HE
The file based mechanism used to transfer the 19/s from the networ# to the operatorIs billin domain (e..
the billin system or a mediation device) is specified in T" 3*.*,A G<*HE
The 3GPP 9iameter application that is used for P" domain offline and online charin is specified in
T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
'ote that a 1.M25 based prepaid function and protocol is also specified for the P" domain (3GPP T" *3.+AC G*+?H
and 3GPP T" *,.+AC G*+*H). 1.M25 entities and functions are outside the scope of the present document.
.ll terms- definitions and abbreviations used in the present document- which are common across 3GPP T"s- are defined
in 3GPP T/ *8.,+< G8++H. Those that are common across charin manaement in P" domains- services or subsystems
are provided in the umbrella document 3GPP T" 3*.*:+ G8H and are copied into clause 3 of the present document for
ease of readin. 7inally- those items that are specific to the present document are defined e(clusively in the present
7urthermore- re=uirements that overn the charin wor# are specified in 3GPP T" **.88< G8+*H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! . "elease #
2 #e5erence(
The followin documents contain provisions which- throuh reference in this te(t- constitute provisions of the present
/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or
7or a specific reference- subse=uent revisions do not apply.
7or a non>specific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document)- a non>specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
G8H 3GPP T" 3*.*:+D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 1harin
architecture and principlesJ.
G*H> G,H Boid.
G8+H 3GPP T" 3*.*<+D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 1ircuit "witched
(1") domain charinJ.
G88>8,H Boid.
G*+H 3GPP T" 3*.*?+D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE &P Multimedia
"ubsystem (&M") charinJ.
G*8H> G*,H Boid.
G3+H 3GPP T" 3*.*A+D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE Multimedia
Messain "ervice (MM") charinJ.
G38H 3GPP T" 3*.*A8D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 5ocation "ervices
(51") charinJ.
G3*H 3GPP T" 3*.*A3D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE Multimedia
0roadcast and Multicast "ervice (M0M") charinJ
G33H> G:,H Boid.
G<+H 3GPP T" 3*.*,,D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 9iameter charin
G<8H 3GPP T" 3*.*,CD JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 1harin 9ata
/ecord (19/) encodin rules descriptionJ.
G<*H 3GPP T" 3*.*,AD JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 1harin 9ata
/ecords (19/) file format and transferJ.
G<3H 3GPP T" 3*.*,?D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE Online 1harin
"ystem (O1") applications and interfacesJ.
G<:H 3GPP T" 3*.*,<D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 1harin 9ata
/ecord (19/) transferJ.
G<<H> G?,H Boid.
GA+H Boid.
GA8H 3GPP T" *,.*8*D JPolicy and 1harin 1ontrol over G( reference pointJ.
GA*H 3GPP T" *3.*+3D JPolicy and 1harin 1ontrol .rchitectureJ.
GA3H> G,,H Boid.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! ) "elease #
G8++H 3GPP T/ *8.,+<D JBocabulary for 3GPP "pecificationsJ.
G8+8H Boid.
G8+*H 3GPP T" **.88< J"ervice aspectsE 1harin and billinJ.
G8+3H> G8,,H Boid.
G*++H 3GPP T" **.+?+D JGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")E "ervice descriptionE "tae 8J.
G*+8H 3GPP T" *3.+?+D JGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")E "ervice descriptionE "tae *J.
G*+*H 3GPP T" *,.+ACD J1ustomi!ed .pplications for Mobile networ# 2nhanced 5oic (1.M25)E
1.M25 .pplication Part (1.P) specificationJ.
G*+3H 3GPP T" *,.+?+D JGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")E GP/" Tunnellin Protocol (GTP)
across the Gn and Gp interfaceJ.
G*+:H Boid.
G*+<H 3GPP T" *,.+?8D J&nterwor#in between the Public 5and Mobile 'etwor# (P5M') supportin
pac#et based services and Pac#et 9ata 'etwor#s (P9')J
G*+?H 3GPP T" *3.+ACD J1ustomi!ed .pplications for Mobile networ# 2nhanced 5oic (1.M25)E
"tae *J.
G*+AH 3GPP T" *3.*:?D JMultimedia 0roadcastFMulticast "ervice (M0M")E .rchitecture and functional
G*+CH 3GPP T" *3.:+8D JGP/" 2nhancements for 2>3T/.' .ccessJ.
G*+,H 3GPP T" *3.:+*D J.rchitecture enhancements for non>3GPP accessesJ.
G*8+H 3GPP T" *,.*A:D J2volved GP/" Tunnellin Protocol for 1ontrol Plane (GTPv*>1)E "tae 3J.
G*88H 3GPP T" *,.*A<D JPro(y Mobile &Pv? (PM&Pv?) based Mobility and Tunnellin protocolsE "tae
G*8*H 3GPP T" *,.*8*D JPolicy and 1harin 1ontrol over G( reference pointJ.
G*83H > G*,,H Boid
G3++H > G3,,H Boid.
G:++H Boid.
G:+8H &2T7 /71 3<CC (*++3)D J9iameter 0ase ProtocolJ.
G:+*H &2T7 /71 :++?D J9iameter 1redit 1ontrolJ .pplication
G:+3H Boid.
3 6e5inition(, (7m,o*( an' a,,re8iation(
3.1 6e5inition(
7or the purposes of the present document- the terms end definitions defined in 3GPP T/ *8.,+< G8++H-
3GPP T" 3*.*:+ G8H and 3GPP T" **.+?+ G*++H- and the followin applyD
#$%&'$%: prefi(es *G> and 3G> refer to functionality that supports only G"M or 3MT"- respectively- e.. *G>"G"'
refers only to the G"M functionality of an "G"'
@hen the termFprefi( is omitted- reference is made independently from the G"M or 3MT" functionality.
accounting: process of apportionin chares between the ;ome 2nvironment- "ervin 'etwor# and "ubscriber.
illing: function whereby 19/s enerated by the charin function(s) are transformed into bills re=uirin payment.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! # "elease #
Billing "omain: Part of the operator networ#- which is outside the core networ# that receives and processes 19/ files
from the core networ# charin functions. &t includes functions that can provide billin mediation and billin or other
(e.. statistical) end applications. &t is only applicable to offline charin (see JOnline 1harin "ystemJ for e=uivalent
functionality in online charin).
CA()*: networ# feature that provides the mechanisms to support operator specific services even when roamin
outside ;P5M'.
CA()* suscription information: identifies a subscriber as havin 1.M25 services.
C"+ field Categories: the 19/ fields are defined in the present document. They are divided into the followin
(andator! ((): field that shall always be present in the 19/.
Conditional (C): field that shall be present in a 19/ if certain conditions are met.
,perator -rovisionale: (andator! (,(): . field that operators have provisioned to always be included in the
,perator -rovisionale: Conditional (,C): . field that operators have provisioned to be included in the 19/
if certain conditions are met.
chargeale event: activity utili!in telecommunications networ# resources and related services forD
user to user communication (e.. a sinle call- a data communication session or a short messae)E or
user to networ# communication (e.. service profile administration)E or
inter>networ# communication (e.. transferrin calls- sinallin- or short messaes)E or
mobility (e.. roamin or inter>system handover)E and
that the networ# operator may want to chare for.
.s a minimum- a chareable event characterises the resource F service usae and indicates the identity of the involved
end user(s).
charged part!: user involved in a chareable event that has to pay parts or the whole chares of the chareable event-
or a third party payin the chares caused by one or all users involved in the chareable event- or a networ# operator.
charging: a function within the telecommunications networ# and the associated O1"F09 components whereby
information related to a chareable event is collected- formatted and transferred in order to ma#e it possible to
determine usae for which the chared party may be billed.
Charging "ata +ecord (C"+): . formatted collection of information about a chareable event (e.. time of call set>
up- duration of the call- amount of data transferred- etc) for use in billin and accountin. 7or each party to be chared
for parts of or all chares of a chareable event a separate 19/ shall be enerated- i.e. more than one 19/ may be
enerated for a sinle chareable event- e.. because of its lon duration- or because more than one chared party is to
be chared.
Charging event: a set of charin information forwarded by the 1T7 towards the 197 (offline charin) or towards
the O1" (online charin). 2ach charin event matches e(actly one chareable event.
charging function: entity inside the core networ# domain- subsystem or service that is involved in charin for that
domain- subsystem or service.
credit control: mechanism which directly interacts in real>time with an account and controls or monitors the chares-
related to the service usae. 1redit control is a process ofD chec#in if credit is available- credit reservation- deduction of
credit from the end user account when service is completed and refundin of reserved credit not used.
domain: part of a communication networ# that provides networ# resources usin a certain bearer technoloy.
Full! .ualified -artial C"+ (F/-C): partial 19/ that contains a complete set of the fields specified in the present
document. This includes all the mandatory and conditional fields as well as those fields that the P5M' operator has
provisioned to be included in the 19/. The first Partial 19/ shall be a 7ully =ualified Partial 19/.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! + "elease #
$-+0: pac#et switched bearer and radio services for G"M and 3MT" systems.
$0( onl!: =ualifier indicatin that this clause or pararaph applies only to a G"M system. 7or multi>system cases this
is determined by the current servin radio access networ#.
in $0(1...: =ualifier indicatin that this pararaph applies only to G"M "ystem.
in 2(T01...: =ualifier indicatin that this pararaph applies only to 3MT" "ystem.
inter%s!stem change: chane of radio access between different radio access technoloies such as G"M and 3MT".
3-%CA4 earer: .n &P transmission path of defined capacity- delay and bit error rate- etc. "ee T" *8.,+< GCH for the
definition of bearer.
3-%CA4 session: The association between a 32 represented by an &Pv: andFor an &Pv? address- and 32 identity
information- if available- and a P9' represented by a P9' &9 (e.. an .P'). .n &P>1.' session incorporates one or
more &P>1.' bearers. "upport for multiple &P>1.' bearers per &P>1.' session is &P>1.' specific. .n &P>1.'
session e(ists as lon as 32 &P addresses are established and announced to the &P networ#.middle tier (charging) T0:
used for the 3GPP charin T"s that specify the domain F subsystem F service specific- online and offline- charin
functionality. These are all the T"s in the numberin rane from 3GPP T" 3*.*<+ G8+H to 3GPP T" 3*.*A8 G38H-
e.. 3GPP T" 3*.*<+ G8+H for the 1" domain- or 3GPP T" 3*.*A+ G3+H for the MM" service. 1urrently- there is only one
Jtier 8J T" in 3GPP- which is T" 3*.*:+ G8H that specifies the charin architecture and principles. 7inally- there are a
number of top tier T"s in the 3*.*,( numberin rane (G<+H ff) that specify common charin aspects such as parameter
definitions- encodin rules- the common billin domain interface or common charin applications.
near real%time: near real>time charin and billin information is to be enerated- processed- and transported to a
desired conclusion in less than 8 minute.
offline charging: charin mechanism where charin information does not affect- in real>time- the service rendered.
online charging: charin mechanism where charin information can affect- in real>time- the service rendered and
therefore a direct interaction of the charin mechanism with bearerFsessionFservice control is re=uired.
,nline Charging 0!stem: the entity that performs real>time credit control. &ts functionality includes transaction
handlin- ratin- online correlation and manaement of subscriber account balances.
pac5et s6itched domain: domain in which data is transferred between core networ# elements in pac#et switched
partial C"+: 19/ that provides information on part of a subscriber session. . lon session may be covered by several
partial 19/s. Two formats are considered for Partial 19/s. One that contains all of the necessary fields (7KP1)E the
second has a reduced format (/P1).
+eal%time: real>time charin and billin information is to be enerated- processed- and transported to a desired
conclusion in less than 8 second.
+educed -artial C"+ (+-C): partial 19/s that only provide mandatory fields and information reardin chanes in
the session parameters relative to the previous partial 19/. 7or e(ample- location information is not repeated in these
19/s if the subscriber did not chane its location.
settlement: payment of amounts resultin from the accountin process.
suscrier: . subscriber is an entity (associated with one or more users) that is enaed in a "ubscription with a
service provider. The subscriber is allowed to subscribe and unsubscribe services- to reister a user or a list of users
authorised to enjoy these services- and also to set the limits relative to the use that associated users ma#e of these
tariff period: part of one (calendar) day durin which a particular tariff is applied. 9efined by the time at which the
period commences (the switch>over time) and the tariff to be applied after switch>over.
tariff: set of parameters definin the networ# utilisation chares for the use of a particular bearer F session F service.
2(T0 onl!: =ualifier indicatin that this clause or pararaph applies only to a 3MT" system. 7or multi>system cases
this is determined by the current servin radio access networ#.
user: .n entity- not part of the 3GPP "ystem that uses networ# resources by means of a subscription. The user may or
may not be identical to the subscriber holdin that subscription.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '* "elease #
2ser ).uipment (2)): . device allowin a user access to networ# services. 7or the purpose of 3GPP specifications
the interface between the 32 and the networ# is the radio interface. . 3ser 2=uipment can be subdivided into a number
of domains- the domains bein separated by reference points. 1urrently defined domains are the 3"&M and M2
9omains. The M2 9omain can further be subdivided into several components showin the connectivity between
multiple functional roups. These roups can be implemented in one or more hardware devices. .n e(ample of such
connectivity is the T2 L MT interface. 7urther- an occurrence of a 3ser 2=uipment is an M" for G"M as defined in
G"M T" +:.+*.
3.2 S7m,o*(
7or the purposes of the present document the followin symbols applyD
. &nterface between an M"1 and a 0"1.
0p /eference point for the 19/ file transfer from the Pac#et "witched 1G7 to the 09.
1 &nterface between a ;5/ and a "M"1.
9 &nterface between a M"1 and a ;5/.
2 &nterface between a M"1 and a "M"1.
Ga /eference point between a 197 and the 1G7 for 19/ transfer.
Gb &nterface between an "G"' and a 0"1.
Gc &nterface between an GG"' and an ;5/.
Gd &nterface between an "M">GM"1 and an "G"'- and between a "M">&@M"1 and an "G"'.
Ge &nterface between a "G"' and a 1.M25 G"M "17
Gf &nterface between an "G"' and an 2&/.
Gi &nterface between the Pac#et>"witched domain and an e(ternal pac#et data networ#.
Gn &nterface between two G"'s within the same P5M'.
Gp &nterface between two G"'s in different P5M's.
Gr &nterface between an "G"' and an ;5/.
Gs &nterface between an "G"' and an M"1FB5/.&u &nterface between the 3G "G"' and the 3T/.'
Gy Online charin reference point between a P127 and an O1".
G! Offline charin reference point between a P127 and a 1G7.
#bitFs %ilobits per second. 8 #bitFs M *
bits per second.
MbitFs Meabits per second. 8 MbitFs M *
bits per second.
/ /eference point between a non>&"9' compatible T2 and MT. Typically this reference point
supports a standard serial interface.
/f Offline 1harin /eference Point between a P1' networ# element and 197.
/o Online 1harin /eference Point between a P1' networ# element and the O1".
3m &nterface between the Mobile "tation (M") and the G"M fi(ed networ# part.
3u &nterface between the Mobile "tation (M") and the 3MT" fi(ed networ# part.
3.3 $,,re8iation(
7or the purposes of the present document- the abbreviations defined in 3GPP T/ *8.,+< G<+H and the followin applyD
3G 3
.o1 .dvice of 1hare
.P' .ccess Point 'ame
./P .llocation and /etention Priority
09 0illin 9omain
1.M25 1ustomi!ed .pplications for Mobile networ# 2nhanced 5oic
11. 1redit 1ontrol .nswer
11/ 1redit 1ontrol /e=uest
197 1harin 9ata 7unction
19/ 1harin 9ata /ecord
1G 1harin Gateway
1G7 1harin Gateway 7unction
1& 1ell &dentity
1" 1ircuit "witched
1"2 1.M25 "ervice 2nvironment
1T7 1harin Trier 7unction
911. 9iameter 1redit 1ontrol .pplication
2P1 2volved Pac#et 1ore
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '' "elease #
2P" 2volved Pac#et "ystem
213/ 2vent 1harin with 3nit /eservation
2>3T/.' 2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess 'etwor#
701 7low 0ased bearer 1harin
7KP1 7ully Kualified Partial 19/
G2/.' G"M 29G2 /adio .ccess 'etwor#
GG"' Gateway GP/" "upport 'ode
GP/" General Pac#et /adio "ervice
G"M Global "ystem for Mobile communication
GTP GP/" Tunnellin Protocol
GTP$ The GP/" protocol used for 19/ transport. &t is derived from GTP with enhancements to improve
transport reliability necessary for 19/s.
;5/ ;ome 5ocation /eister
;P5M' ;ome P5M'
&21 &mmediate 2vent 1harin
&2T7 &nternet 2nineerin Tas# 7orce
&;O""DO"P &nternet ;osted Octet "tream "erviceD Octet "tream Protocol
&M2& &nternational Mobile 2=uipment &dentity
&M"& &nternational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity
&P &nternet Protocol
&P>1.' &P 1onnectivity .ccess 'etwor#
&Pv: &nternet Protocol version :
&Pv? &nternet Protocol version ?
&"9' &nterated "ervices 9iital 'etwor#
&T3>T &nternational Telecommunication 3nion > Telecommunications standardi!ation sector
5.1 5ocation .rea 1ode
5/ 5ocation /e=uest
M>19/ Mobility manaement enerated > 1harin 9ata /ecord
M11 Mobile 1ountry 1ode (part of &M"&)
M2 Mobile 2=uipment
M51 Mobile 5ocation 1enter
MM" Multimedia Messain "ervice
M'1 Mobile 'etwor# 1ode (part of &M"&)
MO Mobile Oriinated
MO>5/ Mobile Oriinated > 5ocation /e=uest
M" Mobile "tation
M"&"9' Mobile "tation &"9' number
MT Mobile Terminated
MT>5/ Mobile Terminated > 5ocation /e=uest
'2 'etwor# 2lement
'& 'etwor# &dentifier (part of the .P')
'&>5/ 'etwor# &nduced > 5ocation /e=uest
O17 Online 1harin 7unction
O1" Online 1harin "ystem
O& Operator &dentifier (part of the .P')
P>G@ P9' Gateway
P127 Policy and 1harin 2nforcement 7unction
P1' Pac#et switched 1ore networ# 'ode ("G"'- "LG@- PLG@)
P9' Pac#et 9ata 'etwor#
P9P Pac#et 9ata Protocol (e.. &P)
P93 Pac#et 9ata 3nit
PG@>19/ P>G@ (enhanced by 701) enerated L 19/
P5M' Public 5and Mobile 'etwor#
PM&P Pro(y Mobile &P
PPP Point>to>Point Protocol
P" Pac#et "witched
K1& Ko" 1lass &dentifier
Ko" Kuality of "ervice
/.0 /adio .ccess 0earer
/.1 /outin .rea 1ode
/.'.P /adio .ccess 'etwor# .pplication Part
/'1 /adio 'etwor# 1ontroller
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '$ "elease #
/P1 /educed Partial 19/
".1 "ervice .rea 1ode
">19/ "G"' (&P>1.' bearer) enerated L 19/
">G@ "ervin Gateway
"13/ "ession 1harin with 3nit /eservation
"97 "ervice 9ata 7low
"G"' "ervin GP/" "upport 'ode
"G@>19/ ">G@ (&P>1.' bearer) enerated L 19/
"M" "hort Messae "ervice
">"MO>19/ "G"' delivered "hort messae Mobile Oriinated L 19/
">"MT>19/ "G"' delivered "hort messae Mobile Terminated L 19/
T/ Technical /eport
T" Technical "pecification
3MT" 3niversal Mobile Telecommunications "ystem
3"&M 3niversal "ubscriber &dentity Module
3T/.' 3MT" Terrestrial /adio .ccess 'etwor#
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '3 "elease #
1 $rchitecture con(i'eration(
This clause describes the functional entities involved in the P" domain charin architecture. &t also presents the
mappins of the ubi=uitous offline and online charin architecture specified in T" 3*.*:+ G8H onto physical
implementations that are standardised for the 3GPP P" domain.
1.1 9igh *e8e* "PS architecture
The 3GPP P" domain provides procedures for pac#et core networ#s described in T" *3.+?+ G*+8H- T" *3.:+8 G*+CH and
T" *3.:+* G*+,H.
7or offline charin the followin Pac#et switched 1ore networ# 'odes (P1') may enerate accountin metrics sets
for P" domain 19/sD
the "G"'- to record a user$s access to P5M' resources- mobility manaement activities- "M" and 51" usaeE
the ">G@- to record a user$s access to P5M' resources
the P>G@- to record a user$s access to e(ternal networ#s.
the GG"'- to record a user$s access to e(ternal networ#s.
The P1's send the 19/s to the 1G7 in near real>time. The responsibility of the 1G7 is to provide non>volatile 19/
storae and the 0p interface towards the 0illin 9omain. 7urther details on the 1G7 can be found in T" 3*.*:+ G8H and
T" 3*.*,A G<*H.
"tandalone GG"' utili!es /el>A GG"' 1harin. @hen P>G@ provides connectivity to G2/.'F3T/.' (P>G@ acts
as a GG"') it enerates P>G@ 1harin defined in this specification.
7or more information about online charin in P" domains see clause :.3.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '- "elease #
1.2 PS 'omain o55*ine charging architecture
.s described in T" 3*.*:+ G8H- the 1T7 (an interated component in each charin relevant '2) enerates charin
events and forwards them to the 197. The 197- in turn- enerates 19/s which are then transferred to the 1G7. 7inally-
the 1G7 creates 19/ files and forwards them to the 0illin 9omain.
&f P1' eneratin the charin information has an interated 197- hence a physical P1' can produce 19/s. The 1G7
may also be interated in the P1'- or it may e(ist as a physically separate entity. &f the 1G7 is e(ternal to the P1'-
then the 197 forwards the 19/s to the 1G7 across the Ga interface. &n this case- the relationship between P1'F197
and 1G7 is mD8. &f the 1G7 is interated in the P1'- then there is only an internal interface between the 197 and the
1G7. &n this case- the relationship between P1'F197 and 1G7 is 8D8. .n interated 1G7 may support the Ga interface
from other P1'F197s.
&f the 197 is e(ternal to the P1'- the charin events are transferred from the P1' to the 197 via the /f interface
specified in 3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H. &n this case- the relationship between P1' and 197 is mD8.
@hen an e(ternal 1G7 is used- this 1G7 may also be used by other- i.e. non>P"- networ# elements- accordin to
networ# desin and operator decision. &t should be noted that the 1G7 may also be an interated component of the 09
L in this case- the 0p interface does not e(ist and is replaced by a proprietary solution internal to the 09.
7iure :.*>8. depicts the architectural options described above.
/igure -%$,'0 PS domain offline charging architecture

-0 "omain




3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '& "elease #
The P>G@ does include a Policy and 1harin 2nforcement 7unction (P127) to support 7low 0ased 0earer 1harin
(701) functionalityE this is not depicted in fiure :.*>8. The /f- Ga and 0p interfaces include the re=uired functionality-
e.. defined for the G! reference point in T" *3.*+3 GA*H. /efer to clause <.*.8.3- T" 3*.*:+ G8H and T" *3.*+3 GA*H for
further details on 701.
The P1's may provide inter>operator charin functionality for Multimedia 0roadcastFMulticast "ervices (M0M")
defined in T" *3.*:? G*+AH and T" 3*.*A3 G3*H- not for subscriber charin.
&t is mandatory to support at least one of the options /f- Ga or 0p interfaces from the P1' as described in the
'OT2D The /f interface details are specified for ">G@ and P>G@ in this release.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '. "elease #
1.3 PS 'omain on*ine charging architecture
P" domain online charin based on "G"' functions is implemented by 1.M25 techni=ues as described in 3GPP T"
*3.+AC G*+?H and 3GPP T" *,.+AC G*+*H- i.e. outside the scope of the 3* series of charin T"s. 'ote- however- that the
19/s described in the present document do contain 1.M25 information. This is because some of that information is
relevant to offline charin in case of 1.M25 control of (part of) the session- and thus needs to be captured in the
offline charin information. ;owever- this is not related to the online charin functions for the P" domain.
P" domain online charin based on P>G@ functions with included P127 is specified in the present document- utilisin
the /o interface and application as specified in T" 3*.*,, G<+H. The reason for this alternative solution is that operators
may enforce the use of ;P5M' P>G@s in the case of roamin- hence P>G@ service control and charin can be
e(ecuted in the ;P5M' in all circumstances. The P>G@ based P" domain online charin architecture is depicted in
fiure :.3>8.
/igure -%3,'0 PS domain online charging architecture
The /o reference point includes the functionality defined for the Gy reference point (re=uired for the P127) in
T" *3.*+3 GA*H. /efer to clause <.*.8.3- T" 3*.*:+ G8H and T" *3.*+3 GA*H for further details on 701.
9etails on the interfaces and functions can be found in T" 3*.*:+ G8H for the eneral architecture components-
T" 3*.*,? G<3H for the O1"- and T" 3*.*,, G<+H for the /o application.
1nline Charging System
PC2/ #o
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! ') "elease #
5 PS 'omain charging +rinci+*e( an' (cenario(
5.1 PS charging +rinci+*e(
The charin functions specified for the P" domain relate to
mobility manaement- refer to T" *3.+?+ G*+8HE
"M" transmissions F receptions- refer to T" *3.+?+ G*+8HE
&P>1.' bearers- refer to T" *3.+?+ G*+8H- T" *3.:+8G*+CH and T" *3.:+*G*+,HE
51" events- refer to T" 3*.*A8 G38HE
individual service data flows within a &P>1.' bearer- refer to T" *3.*+3 GA*H.
M0M" bearer conte(ts- refer to T" *3.*:? G*+AH and T" 3*.*A3 G3*H.
5.1.1 #e;uirement(
The followin are hih>level charin re=uirements specific to the pac#et domain- derived from the re=uirements in
3GPP T" **.88< G8+*H- T" *3.+?+ G*+8H- T" *3.:+8 G*+CH- T" *3.:+* G*+,H and T" *3.*+3 GA*H.
8) 2very &P>1.' bearer shall be assined a uni=ue identity number for billin purposes. (i.e. the charin id).
*) 9ata volumes on both the uplin# and downlin# direction shall be counted separately. The data volumes shall
reflect the data as delivered to and from the user.
3) The charin mechanisms shall provide the duration of the &P>1.' bearer with date and time information.
:) The networ# operator may define a subset of the charin information specified by Pac#et>"witched domain
charin standards. This means that it shall be possible to confiure the P1' for the 19/ information
<) The P1's shall be capable of handlin the charin characteristics. 1harin characteristics can be specific for
a subscription or for subscribed &P>1.' bearer (i.e. per .P')- see anne( . for details.
?) The "G"' shall support charin of 1.M25 services.
A) The "G"' shall support charin for location re=uests.
C) The "G"' may support online charin usin 1.M25 techni=ues.
,) The P>G@ may support online charin usin &2T7 based techni=ues.
8+) The P>G@ may be capable of identifyin data volumes- elapsed time or events for individual service data
flows (flow based bearer charin). One P11 rule identifies one service data flow.
88) @hen online charin is used in the P>G@- the credit control shall be per ratin roup.
8*) P>G@ shall allow reportin of the service usae per ratin roup or per combination of the ratin roup and
service id. This reportin level can be activated per P11 rule.
83) The P>G@ shall collect charin information for &P >1.' session as it would for one &P>1.' bearer in case
of PM&P based "<F"C is used .
8:) 1harin support in the "G"' shall apply only for "G"' with GnFGp connectivity.
These re=uirements apply e=ually to P" domain online charin and offline charin.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '# "elease #
5.1.2 .harging in5ormation
1harin information in the P" domain networ# is collected for each M"F32 by the "G"'s- ">G@s and P>G@s- which
are servin that M"F32. The "G"' and ">G@ collects charin information for each M"F32 related with the radio
networ# usae- while the P>G@ collects charin information for each M" related with the e(ternal data networ# usae.
P1's also collect charin information on usae of the P" domain networ# resources. 7or M0M"- charin
information in the P" domain networ# is collected for each M0M" bearer conte(t. The followin pararaphs list the
charin information to be collected by the P1's for both online and offline charin.
7or &P>1.' bearers- the P1's shall collect the followin charin informationD
8. usae of the radio interfaceD the charin information shall describe the amount of data transmitted in MO and
MT directions cateori!ed with Ko" and user protocolsE
*. usae durationD duration of &P>1.' bearer is counted as the time interval from &P>1.' bearer activation to &P>
1.' bearer deactivationE
3. usae of the eneral P" domain resourcesD the charin information shall describe the usae of other P" domain>
related resources and the M"s P" domain networ# activity (e.. mobility manaement)E
:. destination and sourceD the charin information shall provide the actual source addresses used by the subscriber
for the &P>1.' bearer. The charin information shall describe the destination addresses with a level of
accuracy as determined by the .ccess Point 'ame (.P')E
<. usae of the e(ternal data networ#sD the charin information shall describe the amount of data sent and received
to and from the e(ternal data networ#. 2(ternal networ#s can be identified by the .ccess Point 'ame (.P').
?. location of M"F32D ;P5M'- BP5M'- plus optional hiher>accuracy location information.
7or service data flows defined for 701- the P>G@ shall collect the followin charin informationD
8. the information described above for &P>1.' bearer charinE
*. the amount of data transmitted in MO and MT directions cateori!ed by ratin roup or combination of the
ratin roup and service id when volume based charin appliesE
3. the duration of service data flows is counted and cateori!ed by ratin roup or combination of the ratin roup
and service id when time based charin appliesE
:. the amount of events and correspondin timestamps cateori!ed by ratin roup or combination of the ratin
roup and service id when event based charin applies.
7or non>&P>1.' bearer related activities- the "G"' shall collect the followin charin informationD
8. mobility manaement actions for GP/" attached 32sFM"sE
*. short messaes passin throuh the "G"' in MO and MT directionsE
3. location re=uests passin throuh the "G"'- triered by the 32FM"- by an e(ternal source- or by the networ#.
7or M0M" bearer conte(ts- the P1's shall collect the followin charin informationD
8. usae of the radio interfaceD the charin information shall describe the amount of data transmitted cateori!ed
with Ko" and M0M" specific information defined in T" 3*.*A3 GA*HE
*. usae durationD duration of M0M" bearer conte(t is counted as the time interval from the local creation of the
M0M" bearer conte(t to the local deletion of the M0M" bearer conte(tE
3. sourceD the charin information shall provide the source address used by the M0M" bearer service for the
M0M" bearer conte(t. The charin information may describe the destination addresses with a level of accuracy
as determined by the .ccess Point 'ame (.P')E
:. location informationD the charin information shall describe a list of the downstream nodes bein sent the
M0M" bearer service.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! '+ "elease #
5.2 PS 'omain o55*ine charging (cenario(
5.2.1 :a(ic +rinci+*e(
&n order to provide the data re=uired for the manaement activities outlined in T" 3*.*:+ G8H (billin- accountin-
statistics etc.)- the "G"' shall be able to produce 19/s- and the ">G@ and P>G@ shall be able to produce 19/s or
report charin events for 19/s eneration by 197- for each of the followinD
1harin 9ata related to &P>1.' bearers in the "G"' (">19/)- ">G@ ("G@>19/) and P>G@ (PG@>19/)E
1harin 9ata related to service data flows in the P>G@ (PG@>19/)E
1harin 9ata related to MM conte(ts (Mobile "tation Mobility Manaement 9ata) in "G"' (M>19/)E
"M" Mobile Oriinated 9ata (">"MO>19/) and "M" Mobile Terminated 9ata ("M">"MT>19/) in the "G"'E
1harin 9ata related to mobile oriinated location re=uests (51">MO>19/)- mobile terminated location
re=uest (51">MT>19/)- and networ# induced location re=uest (51">'&>19/) passin throuh the "G"'E
1harin 9ata related to M0M" bearer conte(ts (">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/).
The contents and purpose of each of these 19/s- as well as the chareable events that trier 19/ creation-
information addition- or closure are described in the followin clauses. . detailed formal description of the 19/
parameters defined in the present document is to be found in 3GPP T" 3*.*,C G<8H.
@hen the 197 is implemented as a separate entity (for the ">G@ and the P>G@)- the 1harin events trierin and
contents for 19/s handlin by the 197- are described in clause <.*.*. <P-.$% ,earer charging
"G"'- P>G@ and ">G@ collect charin information per user per &P>1.' bearer. &n case of P>G@ is not aware of &P>
1.' bearers- i.e. in case of PM&P based "<F"C- P>G@ collects charin information per &P>1.' session as it would be
one &P>1.' bearer. &P>1.' bearer charin allows the P1's to collect charin information related to data volumes
sent to and received by the 32FM"- cateorised by the K1& and ./P applied to the &P>1.' bearer. The user can be
identified by M"&"9' andFor &M"&- while the &P>1.' bearer can be determined by a uni=ue identifier enerated by the
P>G@ when creatin a &P>1.' bearer. This identifier is also forwarded to the ">G@F"G"' so as to allow correlation
of ">G@F"G"' &P>1.' bearer 19/s with the matchin P>G@ 19/s in the 09.
&P>1.' bearer specific offline charin in P>G@- is achieved by 701 offline charin- with specific ratin
roupFservice identifier- see clause <.*.8.3
The main collected information items are duration of the &P>1.' bearer and data volume transferred durin the lifetime
of the &P>1.' bearer. The followin chareable events are defined for "G"' and ">G@ &P>1.' bearer charinD
"tart of &P>1.' bearer. 3pon encounterin this event- a new 19/ for this &P>1.' bearer is created and the
data volume is captured for the &P>1.' bearer.
2nd of &P>1.' bearer in the "G"'F">G@. The 19/ is closed upon encounterin this trier.
Trac#in .rea 3pdate of
o &nter>"G"'Finter ">G@. The &P>1.' bearer 19/ is closed in "G"'F">G@ upon encounterin this
o &nter>MM2. &n ">G@ a new MM2 address is added to 19/ upon encounterin this trier.
o "G"' to MM2. The &P>1.' bearer 19/ is closed in "G"' upon encounterin this trier. &n ">G@
a new MM2 address is added to 19/ upon encounterin this trier.
&ntersystem chane (e.. chane of radio interface from G"M to 3MT" or vice versa). This event closes the
19/. . new one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $* "elease #
P5M' chane visible in the P>G@. This event closes the 19/. . new one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is
still active.
M" Time!one chane visible in the P>G@. This event closes the 19/. . new one is opened if the &P>1.'
bearer is still active.
2(piry of an operator confiured time limit per &P>1.' bearer. This event closes the 19/- and a new one is
opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
2(piry of an operator confiured data volume limit per &P>1.' bearer. This event closes the 19/- and a new
one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
1hane of charin condition in the "G"'D e.. Ko" chane- tariff time chane or direct tunnel
establishmentFremoval. @hen this event is encountered- the current volume count is captured and a new
volume count is started.
1hane of charin condition in the ">G@D e.. Ko" chane- tariff time chane- user location chane. @hen
this event is encountered- the current volume counts are captured and a new volume counts are started.
2(piry of an operator confiured chane of charin condition limit per &P>1.' bearer. This event closes the
19/- and a new one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
Manaement intervention may also force trier a chareable event.
@hen the 197 is implemented as a separate entity- all these chareable events defined for &P>1.' bearer- trier
charin events reportin- for 19/s (">G@ and P>G@ 19/s) to be constructed- enriched or closed by 197- accordin
to description in clause <.*.*. !! conte2t charging
The "G"' collects charin information for mobility manaement actions per attached 32FM"- i.e. per user. The user
can be identified by M"&"9' andFor &M"&. There can be only one MM conte(t per 32FM" at a time- and only the
"G"' is involved. Therefore there is no need for special MM conte(t identifiers. The main information items collected
are chanes of location pertainin to the 32FM". The followin chareable events are defined for MM conte(t
"tart of MM conte(t (32FM" attaches to a "G"'). . new M>19/ is created upon encounterin this event.
2nd of MM conte(tD e(plicit or implicit GP/" detach- includin "G"' chane (inter>"G"' routin area
update includin intersystem chane). This event triers the closure of the M>19/.
Mobility 1hane- i.e. a chane in the /outin .rea. The new location information is captured for the M>19/.
2(piry of an operator confiured time limit. This event triers the closure of the M>19/.
2(piry of an operator confiured mobility chane limit. This event triers the closure of the M>19/.
&ntra>"G"' intersystem chane (chane of radio interface from G"M to 3MT" or vice versa). This event
triers the closure of the M>19/.
Manaement intervention may also force trier a chareable event. -*o4 :a(e' ,earer .harging (-:.)
&P>1.' bearer charin allows the P>G@ to collect charin information related to data volumes sent to and received
by the 32FM"- cateorised by the Ko" applied to the &P>1.' bearer. 701 is supported by the P>G@ by the interation
of a P127. @ith P127- the normal &P>1.' bearer charin is enhanced by the capability to cateorise the service data
flows within &P>1.' bearer data traffic by ratin roup or combination of the ratin roup and service id. &.e.- while
there is only one uplin# an one downlin# data volume count per &P>1.' bearer in &P>1.' bearer charin- 701
provides one count per each ratin roup or combination of the ratin roup and service id. The level of the reportin is
defined per P11 rule. 9etails of this functionality are specified in T" *3.*+3 GA*H and T" 3*.*:+ G8H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $' "elease #
'OT2D The P>G@ can only include one Ko" &nformation occurrence per service data container. This implies if an
operator wishes to be able to separate usae accordin to K1& and ./P within their billin system they
will need to ensure that services havin different K1& and ./P do not have the sameD
> ratin roup in cases where ratin reportin is usedE
> ratin roupFservice id where ratin roupFservice id reportin is used.
&P>1.' bearer specific offline charin is achieved with &P>1.' bearer specific ratin roupFservice identifier defined
in clause <.3.8.8.
.ccordin to T" *3.*+3 GA*H- 701 shall support different charin models per P11 rule. These charin models may
be based on volume andFor time and on number of events matchin a specific service data flow template in P11 rule. &n
eneral the charin of a service data flow shall be lin#ed to the &P>1.' bearer under which the service data flow has
been activated. The followin chareable events are defined for 701D
"tart of &P>1.' bearer. 3pon encounterin this event- a new PG@>19/ for this conte(t is created.
"tart of service data flow. &f service identifier level reportin is re=uired by the P11 rule new counts and time
stamps for this combination of the ratin roup and service id are started. &f ratin roup level reportin is
re=uired by the P11 rule needed new counts and time stamps for this ratin roup are started. The type of
counters shall depend on the measurement method confiured for the P11 rule. @hen event based charin
applies- the first occurrence of an event matchin a service data flow template in P11 rule shall imply that a
new count is started. @hen new events occur- the counter shall be increased. 2ach event shall be time stamped.
Termination of service data flow. &f service identifier level reportin is re=uired by the P11 rule and this was
the last active service data flow for this combination of the ratin roup and service id or if ratin roup level
reportin is re=uired by the P11 rule and this was the last active service data flow for this ratin roup- the
counters and time stamps are closed and added to the PG@>19/. 7or information on how the termination of
service data flows is detected- refer to T" *3.*+3 GA*H.
2nd of &P>1.' bearer in the P>G@. The PG@>19/ is closed upon encounterin this trier.
"ervin node (e.. "G"'F">G@) chane in the P>G@. 'ew "G"'F">G@ address is added to PG@>19/.
2(piry of an operator confiured time limit per &P>1.' bearer. This event closes the PG@>19/- and a new
one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
2(piry of an operator confiured time limit per ratin roup. The counters and time stamps are closed and
added to the PG@>19/. . new service data flow container is opened if any matchin service data flow is still
2(piry of an operator confiured data volume limit per &P>1.' bearer. This event closes the PG@>19/- and a
new one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
2(piry of an operator confiured data volume limit per ratin roup. The counters and time stamps are closed
and added to the PG@>19/. . new service data flow container is opened if any matchin service data flow is
still active.
2(piry of an operator confiured data event limit per ratin roup. The counters and time stamps are closed
and added to the PG@>19/. . new service data flow container is opened if any matchin service data flow is
still active.
1hane of charin conditionD &P>1.' bearer modification (e.. Ko" chane- "G"' chane- ">G@ chane-
P5M' &d chane- /.T chane- user location chane)- tariff time chane or failure handlin procedure
trierin. @hen this event is encountered- all current confiured counts and time stamps are captured and new
counts and time stamps for all active service data flows are started.
&ntersystem chane (e.. chane of radio interface from G"M to 3MT") visible in the P>G@. This event closes
the PG@>19/- and a new one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
P5M' chane visible in the P>G@. This event closes the PG@>19/. . new one is opened if the &P>1.'
bearer is still active.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $$ "elease #
M" Time!one chane visible in the P>G@. This event closes the PG@>19/. . new one is opened if the &P>
1.' bearer is still active.
"G"' chane in the P>G@. 'ew "G"' address is added to PG@>19/.
2(piry of an operator confiured report of service flow data limit per &P>1.' bearer. This event closes the
PG@>19/- and a new one is opened if the &P>1.' bearer is still active.
1ompletion of a time envelope as defined in 3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H. This event closes a service data flow
container. 7urther details are described in NTriers for PG@>19/ 1harin &nformation .dditionI (clause
<.*.3.:.8). The need for reportin time envelopes may be statically confiured for each ratin roup or
dynamically controlled by online charin.
Manaement intervention may also force trier a chareable event.
/elevant service data flows for a certain &P>1.' bearer are determined when 701 is applied. P11 rules are used for
this determination. One P11 rule identifies service data flow to be measured but it can also include certain
characteristics related to that service data flow.
P11 rules can be activated- deactivated and modified any time durin the &P>1.' bearer lifetime. P11 rule activation-
deactivation and modification are not chareable events. ;owever these P11 rule chanes may lead to Nstart of service
data flowI and Ntermination of service data flowI chareable events.
Policy and 1harin 1ontrol rule can contain e..D
> service data flow template (filters) to identify pac#ets belonin to certain service data flow-
> charin method to identify whether onlineFofflineFbothFneither charin interface is used-
> measurement method for offline charin to identify whether timeFvolumeFevents are measured for this service
data flow-
> ratin roup for that service data flow-
> service id for that service data flow-
> application function record information to correlate the measurement with application level reports-
> reportin level for the service data flow (ratin roup or combination of the ratin roup and service id)-
> precedence to the situations where two or more P11 rules are overlappin.
Policy and 1harin 1ontrol rules can beD
> pre>defined in P>G@ (can be activated either by the P1/7 or P127 itself) or-
> dynamically provisioned and activated by the P1/7 over the G( interface.
This is specified in T" *3.*+3 GA*H and T" *,.*8* GA8H.
@hen the 197 is implemented as a separate entity- all these 701 related chareable events- trier charin events
reportin- for P>G@ 19/s to be constructed- enriched or closed by 197- accordin to description in clause <.*.*.
2(tended pac#et inspection can be done in the P127 with pre>defined P11 rules. The P127 also have the possibility to
output service specific information related to the pac#et inspection in the 19/. S!S charging
The "G"' collects charin information for each "hort Messae sent to- or received by- a M"F32. There are two
chareable events for "M" charin in the "G"'D
the transfer of a "M throuh the "G"' in MO directionE
the transfer of a "M throuh the "G"' in MT direction.
Manaement intervention may also force trier a chareable event.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $3 "elease # ).S charging
The "G"' collects charin information for each 5ocation /e=uest for a M"F32. The followin chareable events are
specified for 51".
. location re=uest for a M"F32 triered by that M"F32 (51">MO)E
. location re=uest for a M"F32 triered by an e(ternal entity (51">MT)E
. location re=uest for a M"F32 triered by the networ# (51">'&).
Manaement intervention may also force trier a chareable event.
5.2.1.& !:!S conte2t charging
The "G"' and GG"' collects charin information for each M0M" bearer service activated. The followin
chareable events are specified for M0M".
"tart of M0M" bearer conte(t. 3pon encounterin this event- a new 19/ for this M0M" bearer conte(t is
created and the data volume is captured for the M0M" bearer conte(t.
2nd of M0M" bearer conte(t in the "G"'FGG"'. 7or the "G"' only- this trier includes inter>"G"'
routin area update (e.. the last 32 usin the M0M" bearer conte(t leaves the routein area). The M0M"
bearer conte(t 19/ is closed upon encounterin this trier.
2(piry of an operator confiured time limit per M0M" bearer conte(t. This event closes the M0M" bearer
conte(t 19/- and a new one is opened if the M0M" bearer conte(t is still active.
2(piry of an operator confiured data volume limit per M0M" bearer conte(t. This event closes the M0M"
bearer conte(t 19/- and a new one is opened if the M0M" bearer conte(t is still active.
1hane of charin conditionD tariff time chane. @hen this event is encountered- the current volume count is
captured and a new volume count is started.
2(piry of an operator confiured chane of charin condition limit per M0M" bearer conte(t. This event
closes the M0M" bearer conte(t 19/- and a new one is opened if the M0M" bearer conte(t is still active.
Manaement intervention may also force trier a chareable event.
2ditorIs noteD The impact on M0M" 1harin is ffs how M0M" functions are allocated to functional
entityFentities of the 2volved Pac#et "ystem in T" *3.*:?.
5.2.2 #5 me((age 5*o4(
@hen the 197 is implemented as a separate entity- the offline charin functionality is based on the P1' nodes (">
G@ and P>G@) reportin charin information for chareable events. This reportin is achieved by sendin 9iameter
Accounting Requests (.1/) G"tart- &nterim- "top and 2ventH from the P1' networ# elements to the 197.
The P1's shall use the 1harin 1haracteristics profiles to determine whether 1harin events (9iameter Accounting
Requests (.1/) G"tart- &nterim- "top and 2ventH) reportin has to be activated or not.
2ditorIs 'ote D /e>use of e(istin charin>characteristics could be considered
The trier conditions for the chareable events described in <.*.3.3 for the ">G@ and in <.*.3.: for the P>G@ are also
applicable- and charin events are reported to the e(ternal 197 when these trier conditions are met.
The followin clauses provide the charin events reportin description for ">G@ and P>G@. Trigger( 5or charging e8ent( 5rom S-G=
@hen a 1harin 2vent is reported to the 197- it includes details such as "ubscription>id (e. &M"&..)- 1harin>id-
"G@ address etc. and also a container identifyin- for the &P>1.' bearer- the volume count (separated for uplin# and
downlin# traffic)- with charin condition chane information.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $- "elease #
.s stated above- the same trier conditions described in <.*.3.3 are applicable for charin information addition and
.1/ closure.
.ccountin re=uest ("tart) is sent at &P>1.' bearer activation.
7or an .ccountin re=uest (interim) to be sent with only one container reported- the Partial /ecord /eason OMa(imum
number of charin condition chanesP should be set to value 8. Trigger( 5or charging e8ent( 5rom P-G=
@hen a 1harin 2vent is reported to the 197- it includes details such as "ubscription>id (e. &M"&..)- 1harin>id-
"G@ address- 701 specific charin data etc.-and also a container identifyin per ratin roup or combination of the
ratin roup and service id within the same &P>1.' bearer E the volume counts (separated for uplin# and downlin#
traffic)- elapsed time andFor number of events- with associated charin condition chane information.
.s stated above- the same trier conditions described in <.*.3.: are applicable for charin information addition and
.1/ closure.
.ccountin re=uest ("tart) is sent at &P>1.' bearer activation.
7or an .ccountin re=uest (interim) to be sent with only one container reported- the Partial /ecord /eason OMa(imum
number of charin condition chanesP should be set to value 8.
2ditorIs 'ote D tiht interwor#in with online charin and 911. failure handlin is ffs.
5.2.3 .6# generation
The ">19/- M>19/- ">"MO>19/- ">"MT>19/- 51">MO>19/- 51">MT>19/- 51">'&>19/ and ">M0>19/ are
enerated by the "G"'- the "G@>19/ by the ">G@ and the PG@>19/ and G>M0>19/ by the P>G@ to collect
charin information that they subse=uently transfer to the 1harin Gateway 7unction (1G7).
The P1's shall use the 1harin 1haracteristics to determine whether to activate or deactivate 19/ eneration. The
1harin 1haracteristics are also used to set the coherent chareable event conditions (e.. timeFvolume limits that
trier 19/ eneration or information addition). Multiple 1harin 1haracteristics JprofilesJ may be confiured on the
P1's to allow different sets of trier values. 7urther details of this functionality- includin the mechanism of
conveyin the charin characteristics data item (;5/ >Q "G"' >Q P>G@)- are specified in anne( .. 1harin
1haracteristics are not applicable to M0M" 19/ eneration.
&f 19/ eneration is activated- it shall be possible to define separate trier conditions values per 1harin
1haracteristics profile for the followin triersD
data volume limitE
time (duration limit)E
ma(imum number of charin conditions chanes (Ko" chane- Tariff Time chane).
The followin clauses describe the trier conditions for the chareable events described in clause <.*.8.8 L <.*.8.<. &n
2P1 offline charin- these chareable events correspond to the triers for collection of charin information and
19/ eneration by the "G"'F">G@FP>G@.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $& "elease # Trigger( 5or S-.6# charging in5ormation co**ection
.n ">19/ is used to collect charin information related to the &P>1.' bearer data information for a M"F32 in the
&f accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics- 19/ eneration is activated an ">19/ shall be opened at &P>1.' bearer
activation- and the volume for the conte(t is counted separately in uplin# and downlin# direction. @hen a chane of
charin condition occurs- the volume count is added to the ">19/ and a new count is started. The ">19/ includes
details such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc. 'ot all of the charin information to be collected is
static- and other charin information is directly dependin on dynamic Pac#et>"witched service usae.
The subse=uent clauses identify in detail the conditions for addin information to- and closin the ">19/ for eneration
towards the 1G7. Trigger( 5or S-.6# .harging <n5ormation $''ition
The J5ist of Traffic BolumesJ attribute of the ">19/ consists of a set of containers- which are added when specific
trier conditions are met- and identify the volume count per &P>1.' bearer- separated for uplin# and downlin# traffic-
on encounterin that trier condition. Table <.8 identifies which conditions are supported to trier ">19/ charin
information addition.
Ta3le &%'0 Triggers for S,C4" charging information addition
Trigger Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
>oS .hange $ change in the >oS (ha** re(u*t in a ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container ,eing a''e' to the
Tari55 Time .hange @n reaching the Tari55 Time .hange a ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container (ha** ,e a''e' to
the .6#.
6irect Tunne*
=hen the SGS% e(ta,*i(he( or remo8e( a 6irect Tunne* a ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume( ?
container (ha** ,e a''e' to the .6#. See %@T".
.6# .*o(ure $ *i(t o5 ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container (ha** ,e a''e' to the S-.6#.
%@T"/ =hen a 'irect tunne* i( e(ta,*i(he', the SGS% 4i** no *onger ,e a,*e to count 'ata 8o*ume( a((ociate' 4ith
the <P-.$% ,earer 5or 4hich the 'irect tunne* i( e(ta,*i(he'
The first volume container of a &P>1.' bearer identifies the uplin#Fdownlin# volume since the &P>1.' bearer was
opened. "ubse=uent volume containers store the volume count accrued since the closure of the last container.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $. "elease # Trigger( 5or S-.6# c*o(ure
The ">19/ shall be closed on encounterin some trier conditions. Table <.* identifies which conditions are
supported to permit closure of the ">19/.
Ta3le &%$0 Triggers for S,C4" closure
Closure Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
"n' o5 <P-.$% ,earer
4ithin the SGS%
6eacti8ation o5 the <P-.$% ,earer in the SGS% (ha** re(u*t in the .6# ,eing c*o(e'. The
trigger con'ition co8er(/
- termination o5 <P-.$% ,earerA
- SGS% change (inter-SGS% routing area u+'ate inc*u'ing inter(7(tem change)A
- an7 a,norma* re*ea(e.
Partia* #ecor' #ea(on @B! rea(on( +ermit the c*o(ure o5 the .6# 5or interna* rea(on(. The trigger con'ition co8er(/
- 'ata 8o*ume *imitA
- time ('uration) *imitA
- ma2imum num,er o5 charging con'ition change( (>oS3tari55 time change)A
- management inter8entionA
- <ntra-SGS% inter(7(tem change (change o5 ra'io inter5ace 5rom GS! to !TS or 8ice
The Partial /ecord eneration trier thresholds are those associated with the 1harin 1haracteristics. The Partial
/ecord eneration trier thresholds are G"' confiuration parameters defined per charin characteristics profile by
the operator throuh ORM means- as specified in anne( ..
&n the event that the ">19/ is closed and the &P>1.' bearer remains active- a further ">19/ shall be opened with an
incremented "e=uence 'umber in the "G"'. Trigger( 5or !-.6# charging in5ormation co**ection
.n M>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the mobility manaement of a mobile in the "G"'.
.n M>19/ shall be opened for each mobile upon GP/" .ttach- indicatin the current location information for that
M"F32. @hen a location chane occurs for the attached M"F32- the new location information is added to the M>19/.
The M>19/ records details such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc. 'ot all of the charin
information to be collected is static- and other charin information is directly dependent on the mobility of the M" as
provided by the /adio .ccess 'etwor# (/.'). "ubse=uent partial records may be opened if the M>19/ is closed and
the M" is still attached to the networ#.
The subse=uent clauses identify in detail the conditions for addin information to- and closin of the M>19/ for
eneration towards the 1G7.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $) "elease # Trigger( 5or !-.6# charging in5ormation a''ition
The J1hane of 5ocationJ attribute of the M>19/ consists of a set of containers- which are added when specific trier
conditions are met- and identify the time stamped routin area on encounterin that trier condition. Table <.3
identifies which conditions are supported to trier M>19/ charin information addition.
Ta3le &%30 Triggers for 7,C4" charging information addition
Trigger Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
!o,i*it7 .hange The 5ir(t ?.hange o5 )ocation? container (ha** ,e ca+ture' 4hen the !! conte2t i( create'.
Su,(e;uent change( in the #outing $rea (ha** re(u*t in a ?.hange o5 )ocation? container ,eing
a''e' to the !-.6#. Trigger( 5or !-.6# c*o(ure
The M>19/ shall be closed on encounterin some trier conditions. Table <.: identifies which conditions are
supported to permit closures of the M>19/.
Ta3le &%-0 Triggers for 7,C4" closure
Closure Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
"n' o5 !! .onte2t
4ithin SGS%
6eacti8ation o5 the !! conte2t in the SGS% (ha** re(u*t in the .6# ,eing c*o(e'. The trigger
con'ition co8er(/
- SGS% change (inter-SGS% routing area u+'ate inc*u'ing inter(7(tem change)A
- GP#S 'etachA
- an7 a,norma* re*ea(e.
Partia* #ecor' #ea(on @B! rea(on( +ermit the c*o(ure o5 the .6# 5or interna* rea(on(. The trigger con'ition co8er(/
- time ('uration) *imitA
- ma2imum num,er o5 mo,i*it7 change(A an'
- !anagement inter8entionA
- <ntra-SGS% inter(7(tem change (change o5 ra'io inter5ace 5rom GS! to !TS or 8ice
The Partial /ecord eneration trier thresholds are those associated with the 1harin 1haracteristics. The Partial
/ecord eneration trier thresholds are "G"' confiuration parameters defined per charin characteristics profile by
the operator throuh ORM means- as specified in anne( ..
&n the event that the M>19/ is closed and the mobile is still #nown to the "G"'- a further M>19/ shall be opened
with an incremented "e=uence 'umber in the "G"'. Trigger( 5or SG=-.6# charging in5ormation co**ection
. "G@>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the &P>1.' bearer data information for a 32FM" in the
"G@>19/ separates collected charin information per K1&F./P pair. "G@>19/ can include
&P>1.' bearer specific container reportin the usae and authori!ed K1&F./P for &P>1.' bearer
2ach "G@>19/ includes at least &P>1.' bearer specific container(s).
&f- accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics- 19/ eneration is activated a "G@>19/ shall be opened at &P>1.'
bearer activation and &P>1.' bearer specific container is opened..
@hen a chane of charin condition occurs- the volume counts are added to the "G@>19/ and new counts are
started. The "G@>19/ includes details such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc. 'ot all of the
charin information to be collected is static- and other charin information is directly dependent on dynamic Pac#et>
"witched service usae.
The subse=uent clauses identify in detail the conditions for addin information to- and closin the "G@>19/ for
eneration towards the 1G7.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $# "elease # Trigger( 5or SG=-.6# .harging <n5ormation $''ition
The J5ist of Traffic BolumesJ attribute of the "G@>19/ consists of a set of containers- which are added when specific
trier conditions are met- and identify the volume count per K1&F./P pair- separated for uplin# and downlin# traffic-
on encounterin that trier condition. Table <.< identifies which conditions are supported to trier "G@>19/
charin information addition.
Ta3le &%&0 Triggers for SG8,C4" charging information addition
Trigger Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
>oS .hange $ change in the >oS (ha** re(u*t that o+en ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container( ,eing
c*o(e' an' a''e' to the .6# an' ne4 <P-.$% ,earer (+eci5ic container i( o+ene'.
Tari55 Time .hange @n reaching the Tari55 Time .hange o+en ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container( (ha** ,e
c*o(e' an' a''e' to the .6#.
(er )ocation .hange $ change in the (er )ocation <n5o (e.g. ".G<, T$<, #$<, S$< or .G<) (ha** re(u*t that o+en ?)i(t
o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container( ,eing c*o(e' an' a''e' to the .6#, i5 *ocation re+orting i(
re;uire', an' a re+ort o5 (er )ocation .hange i( recei8e'.
.6# .*o(ure @+en ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container( (ha** ,e c*o(e' an' a''e' to the SG=-.6#.
Bolume container identifies the uplin#Fdownlin# volume since the closure of the last container.The J"ervin 'ode
.ddressJ attribute of the "G@>19/ consists of a list of servin node (e.. "G"'FMM2) addresses. 'ew servin node
address is added to the list when e.. "G"'FMM2 chanes. Trigger( 5or SG=-.6# c*o(ure
The "G@>19/ shall be closed on encounterin some trier conditions. Table <.? identifies which conditions are
supported to permit closure of the "G@>19/.
Ta3le &%.0 Triggers for SG8,C4" closure
Closure Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
"n' o5 <P-.$% ,earer
4ithin the S-G=
6eacti8ation o5 the <P-.$% ,earer in the S-G= (ha** re(u*t in the .6# ,eing c*o(e'. The trigger
con'ition co8er(/
- termination o5 <P-.$% ,earerA
- S-G= changeA
- an7 a,norma* re*ea(e.
Partia* #ecor' #ea(on @B! rea(on( +ermit the c*o(ure o5 the .6# 5or interna* rea(on(. The trigger con'ition co8er(/
- 'ata 8o*ume *imitA
- time ('uration) *imitA
- ma2imum num,er o5 charging con'ition change( (>oS3tari55 time change)A
- management inter8entionA
- !S time Cone changeA
- P)!% changeA
- ra'io acce(( techno*og7 change (#$T T7+e).
The Partial /ecord eneration trier thresholds are those associated with the 1harin 1haracteristics. The Partial
/ecord eneration trier thresholds are ">G@ confiuration parameters defined per charin characteristics profile by
the operator throuh ORM means- as specified in anne( ..
&n the event that the "G@>19/ is closed and the &P>1.' bearer remains active- a further "G@>19/ is opened with an
incremented "e=uence 'umber in the ">G@. Trigger( 5or PG=-.6# charging in5ormation co**ection
.n PG@>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the &P>1.' bearer data information for a 32FM" in
the P>G@- where the data volumes- elapsed time or number of events within each PG@>19/ are separately counted per
ratin roup or per combination of the ratin roup and service id. &n case of P>G@ is not aware of &P>1.' bearers- i.e.
in case of PM&P based "<F"C- P>G@ collects charin information per &P>1.' session as it would be one &P>1.'
Many service data flow containers per &P>1.' bearer can be active simultaneously in PG@>19/. . service data flow
container is activated when traffic is detected and no matchin active service data flow container e(istE a service data
flow container is closed when the termination of the last service data flow matchin to the service data flow container is
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! $+ "elease #
detected by the P>G@. @hen event based charin applies- the first occurrence of an event matchin a service data flow
template shall imply service data flow start. 9etails on 701 can be found in T" *3.*+3 GA*H and T" 3*.*:+ G8H.
&f- accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics profile- 19/ eneration is activated an PG@>19/ shall be opened at &P>
1.' bearer activation- and the volume (separately in uplin# and downlin# direction)- elapsed time andFor number of
events are counted. @hen a chane of charin condition occurs- all containers are added to the PG@>19/. The PG@>
19/ includes details such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc. and the 701 specific charin data.
'ot all of the charin information to be collected is static- and other charin information is directly dependent on
dynamic Pac#et>"witched service usae.
&t shall be possible to activate both online and offline charin interfaces for same &P>1.' bearer. The default online
and offline charin shall wor# independently of each other. Optionally it may be possible to operate in a tiht
interwor#in between online and offline charin mechanism i.e. only the specified =uota re>authorisation triers
armed by O1" (includin e.. tariff time chane- returned =uotas- etc.) are used to close the service data flow containers
for the PG@>19/ charin information addition.
The subse=uent clauses identify in detail the conditions for addin information to- and closin the PG@>19/ for
eneration towards the 1G7. Trigger( 5or PG=-.6# .harging <n5ormation $''ition
&P>1.' bearer specific offline charin is achieved with &P>1.' bearer specific ratin roupFservice identifier defined
in clause <.3.8.8.
The J5ist of "ervice 9ataJ attribute of the PG@>19/ consists of a set of containers- which are added when specific
trier conditions are met. 2ach container identifies the confiured counts (volume separated for uplin# and downlin#-
elapsed time or number of events) per ratin roup or combination of the ratin roup and service id within the same
&P>1.' bearer- on encounterin that trier condition. 7or envelope reportin- the containers represent complete and
closed time envelopes determined by mechanisms defined in 3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H. Table <.C identifies conditions that
may be supported as recordin triers under consideration of additional 911. triers.
"ome of the triers are non>e(clusive (e.. &P>1.' bearer modification with a couple of reasons- &P>1.' bearer
modification reasons that cause PG@>19/ closure).
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3* "elease #
Ta3le &%#0 Triggers for PG8,C4" charging information addition 9:ist of Service 4ata9
Trigger Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
<P-.$% ,earer
$ change o5 <P-.$% ,earer con'ition( (e.g. >oS change, SGS%3S-G= change, P)!% <'
change, #$T change, u(er *ocation change) (ha** re(u*t in a (et o5 ?)i(t o5 Ser8ice 6ata?
container(, i.e. a** acti8e (er8ice 'ata 5*o4 container(, ,eing a''e' to the .6# a( 'e(cri,e' in
<n a tight inter4orDing ,et4een on*ine an' o55*ine charging the (+eci5ie' ;uota re-authori(ation
trigger( arme' ,7 @.S are (u++orte'.
Tari55 Time .hange @n reaching the Tari55 Time .hange a (et o5 ?)i(t o5 Ser8ice 6ata? container(, i.e. a** acti8e
(er8ice 'ata 5*o4 container(, (ha** ,e a''e' to the .6#.
<n a tight inter4orDing ,et4een on*ine an' o55*ine charging the 6..$ tari55 time change 5rom
@.S i( (u++orte'.
6..$ -ai*ure-9an'*ing
+roce'ure triggering
=hen the 6iameter .re'it-.ontro*--ai*ure-9an'*ing mechani(m i( triggere' a E)i(t o5 Ser8ice
6ataF, i.e. a** acti8e (er8ice 'ata 5*o4 container( (ha** ,e a''e' to the .6#.
The cau(e( are on*7 re*e8ant in ca(e o5 (imu*taneou(*7 u(age o5 an acti8e 6..$ (e((ion.
Ser8ice 'ata 5*o4 re+ort <n ca(e o5 in'e+en'ent on*ine an' o55*ine charging a ?)i(t o5 Ser8ice 6ata? container 5or the
(er8ice 'ata 5*o4 (ha** ,e a''e' 4hen/
- e2+ir7 o5 time *imitA
- e2+ir7 o5 8o*ume *imitA
- e2+ir7 o5 unit *imitA
- termination o5 (er8ice 'ata 5*o4.
<n ca(e o5 tight inter4orDing on*ine an' o55*ine charging a ?)i(t o5 Ser8ice 6ata? container 5or the
(er8ice 'ata 5*o4 (ha** ,e a''e' 4hen/
- time thre(ho*' reache'A
- 8o*ume thre(ho*' reache'A
- unit thre(ho*' reache'A
- time ;uota e2hau(te'A
- 8o*ume ;uota e2hau(te'A
- unit ;uota e2hau(te'A
- e2+ir7 o5 ;uota 8a*i'it7 timeA
- termination o5 (er8ice 'ata 5*o4/
- re-authoriCation re;ue(t ,7 @.S.
.6# .*o(ure $** acti8e ?)i(t o5 Ser8ice 6ata? container( (ha** ,e a''e' to the PG=-.6#
%ote/ The trigger con'ition i( a common 8a*ue that ha( to ,e u(e' 5or .6# c*o(ure together
4ith 'etai*e' rea(on.
The first traffic container identifies the data traffic since the &P>1.' bearer was opened. "ubse=uent data traffic
containers store the confiured counts accrued since the closure of the last container.
7or envelope reportin- each envelope contains information about the data volume transferred in both uplin# and
downlin# and F or the number of events that occurred for the duration that envelope is open. Only completed time
envelopes shall be added to the PG@>19/. The determination of completed envelopes are defined in 3GPP T" 3*.*,,
G<+H. The triers listed in the previous table shall not apply to envelope reportin. 2nvelopes that are not complete
when a partial PG@>19/ is closed shall be added to the ne(t PG@>19/.
The J"ervin node .ddressJ attribute of the PG@>19/ consists of a list of "G"'F">G@ addresses. 'ew "G"'F">G@
address is added to the list when "G"'F">G@ chanes. Trigger( 5or PG=-.6# c*o(ure
The PG@>19/ shall be closed on encounterin trier conditions.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3' "elease #
Table <.*.3.:.*.8 identifies which conditions are supported to permit closure of the PG@>19/.
Ta3le &%$%3%-%$%'0 Triggers for PG8,C4" closure
Closure Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
"n' o5 <P-.$% ,earer
4ithin the P-G=
6eacti8ation o5 the <P-.$% ,earer in the P-G= (ha** re(u*t in the .6# ,eing c*o(e'. The trigger
con'ition co8er(/
- termination o5 <P-.$% ,earerA
- an7 a,norma* re*ea(e.
Partia* #ecor' #ea(on @B! rea(on( +ermit the c*o(ure o5 the .6# 5or interna* rea(on(. The trigger con'ition co8er(/
- 'ata 8o*ume *imitA
- time ('uration) *imitA
- ma2imum num,er o5 charging con'ition change( (i.e. num,er o5 (er8ice container()A
- management inter8entionA
- !S time Cone changeA
- P)!% changeA
- ra'io acce(( techno*og7 change (#$T T7+e).
The Partial /ecord eneration trier thresholds are those associated with the 1harin 1haracteristics. The Partial
/ecord eneration trier thresholds are P>G@ confiuration parameters defined per charin characteristics profile by
the operator throuh ORM means- as specified in anne( ..
&n the event that the PG@>19/ is closed and the &P>1.' bearer remains active- a further PG@>19/ is opened with an
incremented "e=uence 'umber in the P>G@. Trigger( 5or S!S-.6# charging in5ormation co**ection
The eneration of the "M" related 19/s is based on the observation and capture of simple events- i.e. the transfer of
"hort Messaes throuh the "G"' in MO or MT direction.
. ">"MO>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the transmission of a "M in MO direction via the
"G"'. &f- accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics- 19/ eneration is activated a ">"MO>19/ shall be created when
the "G"' has successfully forwarded a "M to the "M"1 on behalf of the 32FM". The ">"MO>19/ includes details
such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc.
. ">"MT>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the transmission of a "M in MT direction via the
"G"'. &f- accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics- 19/ eneration is activated a ">"MT>19/ shall be created when
the "G"' has successfully forwarded a "M to the 32FM". The ">"MT>19/ includes details such as /ecord Type-
"erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc.
'ote that the above 19/ types only capture the "M" events when transferred throuh the "G"'. 2=uivalent charin
functionality for the 1" domain is specified in T" 3*.*<+ G8+H. 3GPP standards do not define service specific charin
functionality for "M".
5.2.3.& Trigger( 5or ).S-.6# charging in5ormation co**ection
The eneration of the 51" related 19/s is based on the observation and capture of simple events- i.e. the invocation of
location re=uests from the 32FM" (51">MO>19/)- an e(ternal entity (51">MT>19/) or the networ# (51">'&>19/).
. 51">MO>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the transmission of a location re=uest- oriinatin
from the 32FM" to be located- via the "G"'. &f- accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics- 19/ eneration is activated
a 51">MO>19/ shall be created when the "G"' has received the /.'.P J5ocation reportJ messae from the /'1.
The 51">MO>19/ includes details such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc.
. 51">MT>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the transmission of a location re=uest for a 32 via
the "G"' where the location re=uest oriinates from an e(ternal entity. &f- accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics-
19/ eneration is activated a 51">MT>19/ shall be created when the "G"' has received the /.'.P J5ocation
reportJ messae from the /'1. The 51">MT>19/ includes details such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence
'umber etc.
. 51">'&>19/ is used to collect charin information related to the transmission of a networ# induced location
re=uest via the "G"'. &f- accordin to the 1harin 1haracteristics- 19/ eneration is activated a 51">'&>19/ shall
be created when the "G"' has received the /.'.P J5ocation reportJ messae from the /'1. The 51">MO>19/
includes details such as /ecord Type- "erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3$ "elease #
'ote that the above 19/ types only capture the 51" events when transferred throuh the "G"'. 2=uivalent charin
functionality for the 1" domain is specified in T" 3*.*<+ G8+H. "ervice specific charin functionality for 51" is
specified in T" 3*.*A8 G38H. Trigger( 5or S-!:-.6# an' G-!:-.6# charging in5ormation co**ection
2ditorIs noteD The impact on M0M" 1harin is ffs how M0M" functions are allocated to functional entityFentities
of the 2volved Pac#et "ystem in T" *3.*:?. Trigger( 5or S-!:-.6# an' G-!:-.6# .harging <n5ormation .reation
">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ are used to collect charin information related to the M0M" bearer conte(t data
information for a M0M" bearer service in the G"'. The triers for both ">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ to start
collectin charin information are the same.
">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ shall be opened at M0M" bearer conte(t creation. 'ot all of the charin information to
be collected is static- and other charin information is directly dependent on dynamic Pac#et>"witched service usae.
The subse=uent clauses identify in detail the conditions for addin information to- and closin the ">M0>19/ and G>
M0>19/ for eneration towards the 1G7. Trigger( 5or S-!:-.6# an' G-!:-.6# .harging <n5ormation $''ition
The J5ist of Traffic BolumesJ attribute consists of a set of containers- which are added when specific trier conditions
are met- and identify the volume count per M0M" bearer conte(t- for downlin# traffic- on encounterin that trier
condition. Table <., identifies which conditions are supported to trier ">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ charin
information addition.
Ta3le &%+0 Triggers for S,76,C4" and G,76,C4" charging information addition
Trigger Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
Tari55 Time .hange @n reaching the Tari55 Time .hange a ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume( ? container (ha** ,e a''e' to
the .6#.
.6# .*o(ure $ *i(t o5 ?)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(? container (ha** ,e a''e' to the re*e8ant .6#.
The first volume container of a M0M" bearer conte(t identifies the volume since the record was opened. "ubse=uent
volume containers store the volume count accrued since the closure of the last container. Trigger( 5or S-!:-.6# an' G-!:-.6# c*o(ure
The ">M0>19/ and G>M0>19/ shall be closed on encounterin the trier conditions identified in Table <.8+.
Ta3le &%'*0 Triggers for S,76,C4" and G,76,C4" closure
Closure Conditions 4escription56ehaviour
"n' o5 !:!S :earer
.onte2t 4ithin the GS%
6eacti8ation o5 the !:!S ,earer conte2t in the GS% (ha** re(u*t in the .6# ,eing c*o(e'. The
trigger con'ition co8er(/
- termination o5 !:!S ,earer conte2tA
- an7 a,norma* re*ea(e.
Partia* #ecor' #ea(on @B! rea(on( +ermit the c*o(ure o5 the .6# 5or interna* rea(on(. The trigger con'ition co8er(/
- 'ata 8o*ume *imitA
- time ('uration) *imitA
- change in *i(t o5 'o4n(tream no'e(A
- management inter8ention.
The Partial /ecord eneration trier thresholds are those associated with G"' confiured information. &n the event
that the 19/ is closed and the M0M" bearer conte(t remains active- a further 19/ is opened with an incremented
"e=uence 'umber in the G"'.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 33 "elease #
5.2.1 Voi'
5.2.5 Ga recor' tran(5er 5*o4(
&n 2P1- both fully =ualified partial 19/s (7KP1) and reduced partial 19/s (/P1)- as specified in T" 3*.*:+ G8H may
be supported on the Ga interface. &n line with T" 3*.*:+ G83H- the support of 7KP1s is mandatory- the support of /P1s
is optional. 7or further details on the Ga protocol application refer to T" 3*.*,< G<:H.
5.2.& :+ .6# 5i*e tran(5er
&n 2P1- both fully =ualified partial 19/s (7KP1) and reduced partial 19/s (/P1)- as specified in T" 3*.*:+ G8H may
be supported on the 0p interface. &n line with T" 3*.*:+ G83H- the support of 7KP1s is mandatory- the support of /P1s
is optional. 7or further details on the 0p protocol application refer to T" 3*.*,A G<*H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3- "elease #
5.3 PS 'omain on*ine charging (cenario(
5.3.1 :a(ic +rinci+*e(
P" domain online charin may be performed in the "G"' usin 1.M25 techni=ues. This functionality is specified in
T" *3.+AC G*+?H and T" *,.+AC G*+*H and is outside the scope of the present document.
P" domain online charin may be performed by the P127 in the P>G@ usin the common /o based credit control
application specified in T" 3*.*,, G<+H. &n order to provide the data re=uired for the manaement activities outlined in
T" 3*.*:+ G8H (credit control- accountin- statistics etc.)- the P127 shall be able to perform online charin for each of
the followinD
1harin 9ata related to &P>1.' bearersE
1harin 9ata related to service data flows.
The above items both pertain to sessions (&P>1.' bearers)- hence session based online charin ("13/) with
centrali!ed ratin and centrali!ed unit determination is re=uired in the P127. The 1redit 1ontrol /e=uests (11/) and
1redit 1ontrol .nswers (11.) specified for "13/ in T" 3*.*,, G<+H (initialFupdateFtermination) are issued towards the
O1" F received from the O1" when certain conditions (chareable events) are met. The P" domain specific contents
and purpose of each of these messaes- as well as the chareable events that trier them- are described in the followin
subclauses. . detailed formal description of the online charin parameters defined in the present document is to be
found in 3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H. 7urther information on the eneral principles of the common 3GPP online charin
application can also be found in T" 3*.*,, G<+H and T" 3*.*:+ G8H.
The credit control is always per ratin roup but the reportin level can be either per ratin roup or per combination of
the ratin roup and service id. /eportin level is defined per P11 rule. <P-.$% ,earer charging
&P>1.' bearer online charin is achieved by 701 online charin- see clause <.3.8.*. @hen the &P>1.' bearer is
online chared by means of 701- the =uota handlin shall also be based on the use of a /atin GroupF"ervice &dentifier.
The value of this &P>1.' bearer specific /atin GroupF"ervice &dentifier shall be vendor specific.
The amount of data counted with &P>1.' bearer specific /atin GroupF"ervice &dentifier shall be the user plane
payload at the GnF"<F"C interface. Time meterin is started when &P>1.' bearer is activated.
'OT2D P>G@ is aware of bearers in case of GTP based "<F"C. &n case of PM&P based "<F"C- P>G@ is aware of
&P>1.' sessions only. &f P>G@ is not aware of &P>1.' bearers- P>G@ collects charin information per
&P>1.' session as it would be just one &P>1.' bearer. -*o4 :a(e' :earer .harging
&P>1.' bearer charin allows the P>G@ to collect charin information related to data volumes sent to and received
by the 32FM"- cateorised by the Ko" applied to the &P>1.' bearer. 701 is supported by the P>G@ by the interated
P127. @hen the P127 is present- the normal &P>1.' bearer charin is enhanced by the capability to cateorise the
service data flows within &P>1.' bearer data traffic by ratin roup or combination of the ratin roup and service id.
&.e.- while there is only one uplin# an one downlin# data volume count per &P>1.' bearer in &P>1.' bearer charin-
701 may provide one count per each ratin roup or combination of the ratin roup and service id. The level of the
reportin is defined per P11 rule. 9etails of this functionality are specified in T" *3.*+3 GA*H and T" 3*.*:+ G8H.
'OT2D The P>G@ can only include one Ko" &nformation occurrence per service data container. This implies if an
operator wishes to be able to separate usae accordin to K1& and ./P within their billin system they
will need to ensure that services havin different K1& and ./P do not have the sameD
> ratin roup in cases where ratin reportin is usedE
> ratin roupFservice id where ratin roupFservice id reportin is used.
2(tended pac#et inspection can be done in the P127 with pre>defined P11 rules. The P127 also have the possibility to
output service specific information related to the pac#et inspection in the online charin information.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3& "elease #
.ccordin to T" *3.*+3 GA*H- 701 shall support different charin models per P11 rule. These charin models may
be based on volume andFor time and on number of events matchin a specific service data flow template in P11 rule. &n
eneral the charin of a service data flow shall be lin#ed to the &P>1.' bearer under which the service data flow has
been activated. &n online charin the P127 shall re=uest the reservation of units prior to service delivery.
The followin chareable events are defined for 701 when online charin is activatedD
'etwor# re=uest for &P>1.' bearer activation before the &nitiate &P>1.' bearer .ctivation messae is sent.
.ssociated with the networ# re=uested dedicated &P>1.' bearer activation procedure- as defined in T" *3.*+3
GA*H and *3.+?+ G*+8H- upon encounterin this event- a 11/ initial- indicatin the re=uest for activation of
dedicated &P>1.' bearer is sent toward the O1".
"tart of &P>1.' bearer. 3pon encounterin this event- a 11/ initial- indicatin the start of the &P>1.' bearer-
is sent towards the O1" to authori!e the &P>1.' bearer. 7or networ# re=uested dedicated &P>1.' bearer
activation- this event triers a 11/ update- when the P127 receives an 3pdate P9P 1onte(t /e=uest
messae with the /.' Procedures /eady fla. P127 may re=uest =uota later when service usae is started.
"tart of service data flow. &n case valid =uota does not e(ist a 11/ update is enerated to re=uest =uota. @hen
event based charin applies- the first occurrence of an event matchin a service data flow template in P11
rule shall be considered as the start of a service.
Termination of service data flow. &f reportin is per ratin roup and this is the last service data flow utili!in
that specific ratin roup or if reportin is per combination of the ratin roup and service id and this is the last
service data flow utili!in that specific ratin roup and service id- the re=uired counters are updated.
Termination of the service data flow itself does not trier 11/ update.
2nd of &P>1.' bearer. 3pon encounterin this event- a 11/ termination- indicatin the end of the &P>1.'
bearer- is sent towards the O1" toether with the final counts.
/o specific chareable events (e.. threshold reached- K;T e(pires- =uota e(haustion- validity time reached-
forced re>authori!ation). 1orrespondin counts for the ratin roup(s) are closed and 11/ update is triered
accordin the rules defined in T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
1hane of charin conditionD 2.. Ko" chane- user location chane. @hen this event is encountered and the
correspondin re>authori!ation trier is armed- all current counts are captured and sent towards the O1" with
a 11/ update.
Tariff time chane. @hen this event is encountered- all current counts are captured and a new counts are
started. The counts are sent to the O1" in ne(t 11/.
Manaement intervention may also force trier a chareable event.
P11 rules can be activated- deactivated and modified any time durin the &P>1.' bearer lifetime. P11 rule
activation- deactivation and modification are not chareable events. ;owever these P11 rule chanes may lead to
Nstart of service data flowI and Ntermination of service data flowI chareable events. PS -urni(h .harging <n5ormation +roce'ure
The O1" online charin function may use this procedure to add online charin session specific information to the
PG@>19/. The information can be sent per online session and in case 701 is enabled for a specific .P'- the O1"
online charin faction may also sent specific information per each online chared service by means this procedure. Su++ort o5 -ai*ure Situation(
&n case the O1" fails- the P>G@ shall support the 7ailure ;andlin procedure and 7ailover mechanism described in
G<+H. These mechanisms ive fle(ibility to have different failure handlin scenarios when the O1" fails.
Three different actions are described in G:+*H. P>G@ shall support the followin actions when the failure handlin
mechanism is e(ecutedD
TerminateD The online session is finished. The associated &P>1.' bearer is released (onoin sessions) or not
established (new sessions). 7ailover for onoin sessions is not supported. 7ailover for new sessions is always
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3. "elease #
/etryRTerminateD The online session is finished. The associated &P>1.' bearer is released (onoin sessions) or
not established (new sessions). 7ailover for onoin sessions is supported. 7ailover for new sessions is always
1ontinueD The online session is finished. The associated &P>1.' bearer is established (new sessions) or not
released (onoin sessions). 7ailover for onoin sessions is supported. 7ailover for new sessions is always
&n both cases- if the user is simultaneously online and offline chared- the failure situation shall be reistered in the
PG@>19/. @hen the user is only online chared- the e(ecution of the 7ailure ;andlin mechanism with value e=ual to
1ontinue shall imply that a new PG@>19/ is opened.
5.3.2 #o me((age 5*o4(
11/ initial- update and termination- as defined in T" 3*.*,, G<+H- are used by the P>G@ to transfer the collected
charin information towards the O1". 11. is used by the O1" to assin =uotas for the ratin roups- and to instruct
the P>G@ whether to continue or terminate a service data flow(s) or &P>1.' bearer.
11. is also used to communicate to the P127 the Termination .ction- i.e. the P>G@ behaviour when the user has
consumed the final ranted units. The Termination .ction is specified in T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
The P>G@ uses charin characteristics profile to determine whether to activate or deactivate online charin. 7urther
details of this functionality- includin the mechanism of conveyin the charin characteristics data item (;5/ >Q
"G"'F">G@ >Q P>G@- or ;"">QMM2>Q">G@>QP>G@)- are specified in anne( ..
2ditorIs note D Onon>3GPP charin characteristicsP conveyance from .G@ to P>G@ is ffs
The followin clauses describe the trier conditions for the chareable events described in clause <.3.8.8 and <.3.8.*.
&n 701 online charin- these chareable events correspond to the triers for collection of charin information and
11/ emission towards the O1". The responses from the O1" and the detailed behaviour of the P127 upon receivin
those responses are also specified in the subclauses below. Trigger( 5or <P-.$% ,earer @n*ine .harging
&P>1.' bearer online charin is achieved by 701 online charin- see clause <.3.*.* below. Voi' Voi' Trigger( 5or -:. @n*ine .harging
11/ initial F update F termination is used to convey charin information related to the &P>1.' bearer and service data
flows collected in the P127. 11. is used by the O1" to return =uotas for ratin roups or to instruct the P127 on the
further handlin of the &P>1.' bearer (terminate- continue- reroute- etc.). The 11/ includes details such as 11/ Type-
"erved &M"&- "e=uence 'umber etc. The 11. includes details such as credit control =uotas and session manaement
instructions (continue- terminate- interim interval- etc). 'ot all of the charin information to be collected is static- and
other charin information is directly dependent on dynamic Pac#et>"witched service usae.
701 online charin is employed if it is activated for the &P>1.' bearer. The charin method in the P11 rule defines
whether service data flow re=uires the online charin. The P127 shall re=uest the =uota prior to service delivery. &f
only certain =uotas are authorised by the O1" (e.. due to insufficient credit)- the ratin roups for which no =uota was
authorised are handled accordin the received /esult>1ode .BP value. The =uota supervision mechanism is further
described in T" 3*.*,, G<+H. 9etails on 701 can be found in T" *3.*+3 GA*H and T" *,.*8* GA8H.
11/ initial is sent to the O1" durin the &P>1.' bearer activation. The O1" supplies a &P>1.' bearer authorisation
and may supply volume- time or events =uotas for the ratin roups- based on the information provided by the P127-
e.. Ko"- .P'.
@hen start of the service data flow is detected and no valid =uota e(ist- a 11/ update is sent to re=uest =uota for the
ratin roup unless the ratin roup is e.. blac#listed. "ee T" 3*.*,, G<+H for further information.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3) "elease #
@hen a chane of charin condition occurs and correspondin re>authori!ation trier is armed- all M"11 instances
are reported to the O1" with a 11/ update with /eportin>/eason .BP value set to
/.T&'GS1O'9&T&O'S1;.'G2 toether with Trier>Type .BP indicatin the accurate reason for the chane.
@hen /o specific chareable event (e.. threshold reached- K;T e(pires- =uota e(haustion- validity time reached-
forced re>authori!ation) occurs re=uired M"11 instances are reported to O1" with a 11/ update with correspondin
/eportin>/eason .BP value. "ee T" 3*.*,, G<+H for further information.
@hen tariff time chane is encountered- the Tariff>1hane>3sae .BP is used within the 3sed>"ervice>3nits .BP to
distinuish usae before and after the tariff time chane. The M"11 instances are sent to the O1" in ne(t 11/.
The O1" may specify the behaviour on consumption of the final ranted units #nown as termination action. The
re=uired termination action is indicated with 7inal>3nit>.ction .BP and possible values are T2/M&'.T2 and
/29&/21T. "ee T" 3*.*,, G<+H for further information.
T" *3.*+3 GA*H specifies that it shall be possible to re=uest online charin =uotas for each charin #ey. 2ach =uota
allocated to a 9iameter 11 session has a uni=ue /atin>Group .BP value. T" *3.*+3 GA*H also specifies that P127
shall report charin information for each combination of the charin #ey and service identifier when service identifier
level reportin is present. .s defined in T" *3.*+3 GA*H the service identifier is a piece of information which provides
the most detailed identification- specified for flow based charin- of a service data flow. The charin #ey is a piece of
information used for ratin purposes as defined in T" *3.*+3 GA*H. The charin #ey and "ervice &dentifier are mapped
into the /atin>Group .BP and the "ervice>&dentifier .BP respectively as defined in 911. G:+*H.
The subse=uent clauses identify in detail the conditions for reportin online charin information- manaement of user
and credit control sessions and P" domain =uota supervision. Trigger( 5or (tarting an' (to++ing an -:. .re'it .ontro* (e((ion
11/ initial is sent to O1" when &P>1.' bearer is activated. 7or networ# re=uested dedicated &P>1.' bearer
activation- the 11/ initial is sent to the O1" when the P127 determines a need for the &P>1.' bearer and before any
sinallin towards a mobile is initiated.
11/ terminate is sent to O1" whenD
&P>1.' bearer is deactivated
"ession termination is indicated by the O1" (e.. 1redit 5imit /eached)
.bort>"ession>/e=uest is received from the O1"- this also results in networ# initiated &P>1.' bearer
deactivation. Trigger( 5or +ro8i'ing interim in5ormation 5or an -:. .re'it .ontro* (e((ion
11/ update is sent to O1" whenD
3ser starts to use certain service
.ctive service is removed from the allowed services (e.. charin rule is removed)
Granted =uota runs out
Balidity time for ranted =uota e(pires
3pdate is re=uested by the O1"
1hane of charin conditions occur and accordin re>authorisation trier re>authorisation is needed
Manaement intervention
Kuota ;oldin Timer is e(pired
7or networ# re=uested dedicated &P>1.' bearer activation- reception of an 3pdate P9P 1onte(t /e=uest
messae with the /.' Procedures /eady fla.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3# "elease # PS -urni(h .harging <n5ormation +roce'ure
The O1" online charin function may use this procedure to add online charin session specific information to the
PG@>19/ by means of the 9iameter 1redit 1ontrol .pplication in the /o interface. The data can be sent either in one
9iameter 1redit 1ontrol Credit-Control-Answer messae or several 9iameter 1redit 1ontrol Credit-Control-Answer
messaes with append indicator.
The O1" online charin function can send multiple concatenated P" 7urnish 1harin &nformation elements per
online charin session in the /o interface. The O1" online charin function can also send multiple concatenated P"
7urnish &nformation 2lement per each =uota (i.e. per ratin roup).
The total ma(imum of free format data is 8?+ octets per service so the total ma(imum of free format data per online
session is nT8?+ octets- where n indicates the number of ratin roups activated per online session.
&n the O1" online charin function a P" online charin session shall be identified by the P>G@ control plane address
and the 1harin&d. &n the P>G@- the P" online charin session and the P" offline charin session shall be identified
by the same 1harin&d. Therefore the 1harin&d shall allow the P>G@ to correlate an online charin session with an
offline charin session.
This procedure can only apply when online and offline charin is performed simultaneously for the same session (&P>
1.' bearer) or ratin roup. &n any other case- the P>G@ shall discard the additional charin information sent by the
O1" in the 9iameter 1redit 1ontrol Credit-Control-Answer messaes.
@hen the O1" sends session specific charin information- it must send the JP">7urnish>1harin>&nformationJ .BP
at command level in the Credit-Control-Answer messae. &n this case- the information is added to the main body of the
PG@>19/. @hen the O1" sends service specific charin information - it must send the JP">7urnish>1harin>
&nformationJ .BP at M"11 level in the Credit-Control-Answer messae. &n this case- the information is added to the
specific service container in the PG@>19/.
The P" 7urnish 1harin &nformation .BP is described in T" 3*.*,, G<+H. Su++ort o5 -ai*ure Situation(
&n case the O1" fails the P>G@ must support the 7ailure ;andlin procedure and 7ailover mechanism described in
3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
The 7ailure ;andlin Procedure affects the whole online session so in case 701 is enabled- the procedure shall affect
all services activated durin the &P>1.' bearer trierin the online charin session.
.ccordin to 3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H- timer T( determines the ma(imum interval the P>G@ shall wait for an answer to
each credit control re=uest sent to the O1". &n case 701 is enabled- it is possible that several concurrent 1redit 1ontrol
/e=uest messaes are triered for the same online charin session. &n this case- each 1redit 1ontrol /e=uest messae
shall reset the T( timer. @hen T( e(pires- P>G@ shall e(ecute the 7ailover and 7ailure ;andlin mechanisms accordin
to the behaviour described in .nne( 0.
Three different actions are described in G:+*H. P>G@ shall support the followin actions when the failure handlin
mechanism is e(ecutedD
TerminateD The online session is finished. The associated &P>1.' bearer is released (onoin sessions) or not
established (new sessions). 7ailover for onoin sessions is not supported. 7ailover for new sessions is always
/etryRTerminateD The online session is finished. The associated &P>1.' bearer is released (onoin sessions) or
not established (new sessions). 7ailover for onoin sessions is supported. 7ailover for new sessions is always
1ontinueD The online session is finished. The associated &P>1.' bearer is established (new sessions) or not
released (onoin sessions). 7ailover for onoin sessions is supported. 7ailover for new sessions is always
supported. &t shall be operator confiurable to limit the ma(imum duration of the &P>1.' bearer in this situation.
&n case the user is simultaneously online and offline chared- the failure situation must be reistered in the PG@>19/.
@hen the user is only online chared- the e(ecution of the 7ailure ;andlin mechanism with value e=ual to 1ontinue
shall imply that a new PG@>19/ is opened.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! 3+ "elease #
& 6e5inition o5 charging in5ormation
&.1$ #5 me((age content
This chapter is applicable to the ">G@ and P>G@- when the 197 is provided as an e(ternal entity.
&.1$.1 Summar7 o5 @55*ine .harging !e((age -ormat(
The P" Offline 1harin uses the 9iameter 0ase Protocol G:+8H messaes Accounting-Request (.1/) and Accounting-
Answer (.1.) defined in T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
The .1/ can be of type start- stop- interim and event and includes all charin information. The .1. is an
ac#nowledement of the .1/.
The followin table describes the use of these messaes for offline charin.
Ta3le .%'A%' 0 1ffline Charging 7essages "eference Ta3le
Command,;ame Source 4estination A33reviation
$ccounting-#e;ue(t S-G=,P-G= .6- $.#
$ccounting-$n(4er .6- S-G=, P-G= $.$
&.1$.2 Structure 5or the $ccounting !e((age -ormat(
This clause describes the .BPs used in the accountin messaes.
1ateory in table ?.8..*.8 and table ?.8..*.8 shall use the cateories accordin to clause ?.80.
&.1$.2.1 $ccounting-#e;ue(t !e((age
Table ?.8..*.8 illustrates the basic structure of a 9iameter .1/ messae from the ">G@ and P>G@ as used for P"
offline charin.
Ta3le .%'A%$%' 0 Accounting,"e<uest AC"! 7essage Contents
A(P Category 4escription
Se((ion-<' ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-9o(t ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-#ea*m ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
6e(tination-#ea*m ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$ccounting-#ecor'-T7+e ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$ccounting-#ecor'-%um,er ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$cct-$++*ication-<' @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
(er-%ame @. The content o5 the 5ie*' corre(+on'( to the Protoco* .on5iguration
@+tion( (P.@) 5ie*' o5 the .reate <P .$% ,earer #e;ue(t me((age. (55()
$cct-<nterim-<nter8a* @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-State-<' @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
"8ent-Time(tam+ @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
Pro27-<n5o @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
#oute-#ecor' @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
Ser8ice-.onte2t-<' @! Thi( 5ie*' i'enti5ie( the PS 'omain.
Ser8ice-<n5ormation @! Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the 3GPP (+eci5ic PS in5ormation
Su,(cri+tion-<' @! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
PS-<n5ormation @! 6e(cri,e' in c*au(e &.3.1.2
%o'e-5unctiona*it7 @! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$VP @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
%@T"/ The PS-<n5ormation i( in(i'e the Ser8ice-<n5ormation $VP an' not 'irect*7 at $.# comman' *e8e*.
'OT2D 9etailed descriptions of the fields are provided in 3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -* "elease #
&.1$.2.2 $ccounting-$n(4er !e((age
The followin table illustrates the basic structure of a 9iameter .1. messae as used for the ">G@ and P>G@.
Ta3le .%'A%$%$ 0 Accounting,Answer ACA! 7essage Contents
A(P Category 4escription
Se((ion-<' ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-9o(t ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-#ea*m ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
6e(tination-#ea*m ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$ccounting-#ecor'-T7+e ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$ccounting-#ecor'-%um,er ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$cct-$++*ication-<' @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
(er-%ame @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
"rror-#e+orting-9o(t @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$cct-<nterim-<nter8a* @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-State-<' @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
"8ent-Time(tam+ @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
Pro27-<n5o @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$VP @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
'OT2D 9etailed descriptions of the fields are provided in 3GPP T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
&.1: .6# content 'e(cri+tion on :+ inter5ace
The tables in the subse=uent parts of clause ( specify the Mandatory (M)- 1onditional (1) and Operator optional (O
) desinations. The cateory of a 19/ parameter can have one of two primary valuesD
( This parameter is (andatory and shall always be present in the 19/.
C This parameter shall be present in the 19/ only when certain 1onditions are met. These 1onditions are
specified as part of the parameter definition.
.ll other parameters are desinated as Operator (,) provisionable- which replaced the JOptionalJ cateory- specified in
earlier releases. 3sin networ# manaement functions or specific tools provided by an e=uipment vendor- operators
may choose if they wish to include or omit the parameter from the 19/. Once omitted- this parameter is not enerated
in a 19/. To avoid any potential ambiuity- a 19/ eneratin element M3"T be able to provide all these parameters.
Only an operator can choose whether or not these parameters should be enerated in their system.
Those parameters that the operator wishes to be present are further divided into a mandatory and conditional cateoriesD
This is a parameter that- if provisioned by the operator to be present- shall always be included in the 19/s. &n
other words- an O
parameter that is provisioned to be present is a mandatory parameter.
This is a parameter that- if provisioned by the operator to be present- shall be included in the 19/s when the
re=uired conditions are met. &n other words- an O
parameter that is confiured to be present is a conditional
The followin tables provide a brief description of each 19/ parameter. 7ull definitions of the parameters- sorted by
the parameter name in alphabetical order- are provided in 3GPP T" 3*.*,C G<8H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -' "elease #
&.1.1 <P .$% ,earer charging 'ata in SGS% (S-.6#)
&f the collection of 19/ data is enabled then the "G"' data specified in the followin table shall be available for each
&P 1.' bearer.
Ta3le .%'%' 0 SGS; =P CA; 3earer data S,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% <P .$% ,earer recor'.
%et4orD <nitiate' P6P .onte2t @
$ 5*ag that i( +re(ent i5 thi( i( a net4orD initiate' <P .$% ,earer.
Ser8e' <!S< ! <!S< o5 the (er8e' +art7.
Ser8e' <!"< @
The <!"< o5 the !", i5 a8ai*a,*e.
SGS% $''re(( @
The <P a''re(( o5 the current SGS%.
!S %et4orD .a+a,i*it7 @
The mo,i*e (tation %et4orD .a+a,i*it7.
#outing $rea .o'e (#$.) @
#$. at the time o5 ?#ecor' @+ening Time?.
)ocation $rea .o'e ()$.) @
)$. at the time o5 ?#ecor' @+ening Time?.
.e** <'enti5ier @
.e** i'entit7 5or GS! or Ser8ice $rea .o'e (S$.) 5or !TS at the time o5
?#ecor' @+ening Time?.
.harging <6 ! <P .$% ,earer i'enti5ier u(e' to i'enti57 thi( <P .$% ,earer in 'i55erent recor'(
create' ,7 P.%(.
GGS% $''re(( (e' ! The contro* +*ane <P a''re(( o5 the P-G= current*7 u(e'. The P-G= a''re((
i( a*4a7( the (ame 5or an acti8ate' <P .$% ,earer.
$cce(( Point %ame %et4orD
The *ogica* name o5 the connecte' acce(( +oint to the e2terna* +acDet 'ata
net4orD (net4orD i'enti5ier +art o5 $P%).
P6P T7+e @
P6P t7+e, i.e. <P, PPP, <9@SS/@SP.
Ser8e' P6P $''re(( @
P6P a''re(( o5 the (er8e' <!S<, i.e. <P81 or <P8&. Thi( +arameter (ha** ,e
+re(ent e2ce+t 4hen ,oth the P6P t7+e i( PPP an' '7namic P6P a''re((
a((ignment i( u(e'.
)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume( @
$ *i(t o5 change( in charging con'ition( 5or thi( <P .$% ,earer, each change i(
time (tam+e'. .harging con'ition( are u(e' to categoriCe tra55ic 8o*ume(,
(uch a( +er tari55 +erio'. <nitia* an' (u,(e;uent*7 change' >oS an'
corre(+on'ing 'ata 8o*ume( are a*(o *i(te'.
#ecor' @+ening Time ! Time (tam+ 4hen <P .$% ,earer i( acti8ate' in thi( SGS% or recor' o+ening
time on (u,(e;uent +artia* recor'(.
6uration ! 6uration o5 thi( recor' in the SGS%.
SGS% .hange . Pre(ent i5 thi( i( 5ir(t recor' a5ter SGS% change.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or c*o(ure o5 the recor' 5rom thi( SGS%.
6iagno(tic( @
$ more 'etai*e' rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 the connection.
#ecor' Se;uence %um,er . Partia* recor' (e;uence num,er in thi( SGS%. @n*7 +re(ent in ca(e o5 +artia*
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
$P% Se*ection !o'e @
$n in'e2 in'icating ho4 the $P% 4a( (e*ecte'.
$cce(( Point %ame @+erator
The @+erator <'enti5ier +art o5 the $P%.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( a++*ie' to the <P .$% ,earer.
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e, e.g. T#$% or
G"#$%, current*7 u(e' ,7 the !o,i*e Station a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H.
.$!") <n5ormation @
Set o5 .$!") in5ormation re*ate' to <P .$% ,earer. -or more in5ormation (ee
6e(cri+tion o5 #ecor' -ie*'(. Thi( 5ie*' i( +re(ent i5 .$!") (er8ice i(
#%. n(ent 6o4n*inD Vo*ume @
The 'o4n*inD 'ata 8o*ume, 4hich the #%. ha( not (ent to !S. Thi( 5ie*' i(
+re(ent 4hen the #%. ha( +ro8i'e' un(ent 'o4n*inD 8o*ume count at #$:
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
67namic $''re(( -*ag @
<n'icate( 4hether (er8e' P6P a''re(( i( '7namic, 4hich i( a**ocate' 'uring
<P .$% ,earer acti8ation. Thi( 5ie*' i( mi((ing i5 a''re(( i( (tatic.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -$ "elease #
&.1.2 <P .$% ,earer charging 'ata in S-G= (SG=-.6#)
&f 701 is disabled and the collection of 19/ data is enabled then the ">G@ data specified in the followin table shall
be available for each &P 1.' bearer.
Ta3le .%'%$0 S,G8 =P CA; 3earer data SG8,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! S-G= <P .$% ,earer recor'.
Ser8e' <!S< ! <!S< o5 the (er8e' +art7.
Ser8e' <!"<SV @
<!"<SV o5 the !", i5 a8ai*a,*e.
S-G= $''re(( u(e' ! The contro* +*ane <P a''re(( o5 the S-G= u(e'.
.harging <6 ! <P .$% ,earer i'enti5ier u(e' to i'enti57 thi( <P .$% ,earer in 'i55erent recor'(
create' ,7 P.%(
P6% .onnection <' @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the P6% connection (<P-.$% (e((ion) i'enti5ier to i'enti57
'i55erent recor'( ,e*onging to (ame P6% connection.
Ser8ing %o'e $''re(( ! )i(t o5 (er8ing no'e contro* +*ane <P a''re((e( (e.g. SGS%, !!", I) u(e'
'uring thi( recor'.
Ser8ing no'e T7+e ! )i(t o5 (er8ing no'e t7+e( in contro* +*ane. The (er8ing no'e t7+e( *i(te' here
ma+ to the (er8ing no'e a''re((e( *i(te' in the 5ie*' JSer8ing no'e $''re((K in
S-G= .hange O
Pre(ent i5 thi( i( 5ir(t recor' a5ter S-G= change.
PG= P)!% <'enti5ier Oc P)!% i'enti5ier (!.. !%.) o5 the PG= u(e'.
$cce(( Point %ame %et4orD
The *ogica* name o5 the connecte' acce(( +oint to the e2terna* +acDet 'ata
net4orD (net4orD i'enti5ier +art o5 $P%).
P6P3P6% T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( P6% t7+e (i.e <P81, <P8& or <P818&).
Ser8e' P6P3P6% $''re(( @
<P a''re(( a**ocate' 5or the P6P conte2t 3 P6% connection, i.e. <P81 or <P8&, i5
67namic $''re(( -*ag @
<n'icate( 4hether (er8e' P6P3P6% a''re(( i( '7namic, 4hich i( a**ocate'
'uring <P .$% ,earer acti8ation, initia* attach ("-T#$% or o8er S22) an' "
re;ue(te' P6% connecti8it7. Thi( 5ie*' i( mi((ing i5 a''re(( i( (tatic.
)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume( @
$ *i(t o5 change( in charging con'ition( 5or thi( >.<3$#P +air, each change i(
time (tam+e'. .harging con'ition( are u(e' to categoriCe tra55ic 8o*ume(,
(uch a( +er tari55 +erio'. <nitia* an' (u,(e;uent*7 change' >oS an'
corre(+on'ing 'ata 8a*ue( are a*(o *i(te'.
#ecor' @+ening Time ! Time (tam+ 4hen <P .$% ,earer i( acti8ate' in thi( S-G= or recor' o+ening
time on (u,(e;uent +artia* recor'(.
!S Time Lone @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the !S Time Lone the !S i( current*7 *ocate' a( 'e5ine' in
TS 29.0&0 G203H, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
6uration ! 6uration o5 thi( recor' in the S-G=.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 recor' 5rom thi( S-G=.
6iagno(tic( @
$ more 'etai*e' rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 the connection.
#ecor' Se;uence %um,er . Partia* recor' (e;uence num,er, on*7 +re(ent in ca(e o5 +artia* recor'(.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
$P% Se*ection !o'e @
$n in'e2 in'icating ho4 the $P% 4a( (e*ecte'.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
(er )ocation <n5ormation @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the (er )ocation <n5ormation o5 the !S a( 'e5ine' in
TS 29.0&0 G203H 5or GP#S ca(e, an' in TS 29.271 G210H 5or "P. ca(e, i5
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( a++*ie' to the <P .$% ,earer.
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
<!S Signa**ing .onte2t @
<nc*u'e' i5 the <!-.% Su,(7(tem Signa**ing -*ag i( (et, (ee G201H <P .$%
,earer i( u(e' 5or <!S (igna**ing.
P-G= $''re(( u(e'. @
Thi( 5ie*' i( the P-G= <P $''re(( 5or the .ontro* P*ane
Ser8ing %o'e P)!% <'enti5ier @
Ser8ing no'e P)!% <'enti5ier (!.. an' !%.) u(e' 'uring thi( recor', i5
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -3 "elease #
/ield Category 4escription
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e current*7 u(e' ,7
the !o,i*e Station, 4hen a8ai*a,*e. Thi( #$T t7+e i( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0
G201H 5or GTP ca(e, in TS 29.271 G210H 5or eGTP ca(e an' in TS 29.275 G211H
5or P!<P ca(e.
Start Time O
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the time 4hen (er <P-.$% (e((ion (tart(, a8ai*a,*e in the
.6# 5or the 5ir(t ,earer in an <P-.$% (e((ion.
Sto+ Time O
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the time 4hen (er <P-.$% (e((ion i( terminate', a8ai*a,*e in
the .6# 5or the *a(t ,earer in an <P-.$% (e((ion.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -- "elease #
&.1.3 -:. <P .$% ,earer charging 'ata in P-G= (PG=-.6#)
&f 701 is enabled and the collection of 19/ data is enabled then the P>G@ data specified in the followin table shall be
available for each &P 1.' bearer.
Ta3le .%'%30 P,G8 =P CA; 3earer data PG8,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! P-G= <P .$% ,earer recor'.
Ser8e' <!S< ! <!S< o5 the (er8e' +art7.
Ser8e' <!"<SV @
<!"<SV o5 the !", i5 a8ai*a,*e.
Ser8e' 3GPP2 !"<6 @. !"<6 o5 the (er8e' +art7F( termina* e;ui+ment 5or 3GPP2 acce((.
Ser8e' !% %$< @. !o,i*e %o'e <'enti5ier in %$< 5ormat (,a(e' on <!S<), i5 a8ai*a,*e.
P-G= $''re(( u(e' ! The contro* +*ane <P a''re(( o5 the P-G= u(e'.
.harging <6 ! <P .$% ,earer i'enti5ier u(e' to i'enti57 thi( <P .$% ,earer in 'i55erent recor'(
create' ,7 P.%(
P6% .onnection <' @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the P6% connection (<P-.$% (e((ion) i'enti5ier to i'enti57
'i55erent recor'( ,e*onging to (ame P6% connection.
Ser8ing no'e $''re(( ! )i(t o5 SGS%3S-G= contro* +*ane <P a''re((e( u(e' 'uring thi( recor'.
Ser8ing no'e T7+e ! )i(t o5 (er8ing no'e t7+e( in contro* +*ane. The (er8ing no'e t7+e( *i(te' here
ma+ to the (er8ing no'e a''re((e( *i(te' in the 5ie*' JSer8ing no'e $''re((K in
PG= P)!% <'enti5ier Oc P)!% i'enti5ier (!.. !%.) o5 the PG=.
$cce(( Point %ame %et4orD
The *ogica* name o5 the connecte' acce(( +oint to the e2terna* +acDet 'ata
net4orD (net4orD i'enti5ier +art o5 $P%).
P6P3P6% T7+e @
P6P t7+e, i.e. <P, PPP, or <9@SS/@SP, or P6% t7+e (i.e <P81, <P8& or <P818&).
Ser8e' P6P3P6% $''re(( @
<P a''re(( a**ocate' 5or the P6P conte2t 3 P6% connection, i.e. <P81 or <P8&.
Thi( +arameter (ha** ,e +re(ent e2ce+t 4hen ,oth the P6P t7+e i( PPP an'
'7namic <P .$% ,earer a''re(( a((ignment i( u(e'.
67namic $''re(( -*ag @
<n'icate( 4hether (er8e' P6P3P6% a''re(( i( '7namic, 4hich i( a**ocate'
'uring <P .$% ,earer acti8ation, initia* attach ("-T#$% or o8er S22) an' "
re;ue(te' P6% connecti8it7. Thi( 5ie*' i( mi((ing i5 a''re(( i( (tatic.
)i(t o5 Ser8ice 6ata @
$ *i(t o5 change( in charging con'ition( 5or a** (er8ice 'ata 5*o4( 4ithin thi( <P
.$% ,earer categoriCe' +er rating grou+ or +er com,ination o5 the rating
grou+ an' (er8ice i'. "ach change i( time (tam+e'. .harging con'ition( are
u(e' to categoriCe tra55ic 8o*ume(, e*a+(e' time an' num,er o5 e8ent(, (uch
a( +er tari55 +erio'. <nitia* an' (u,(e;uent*7 change' >oS an' corre(+on'ing
'ata 8a*ue( are a*(o *i(te'.
@n*ine charging in5ormation (PS -urni(h .harging <n5ormation) ma7 ,e a''e'
+er each (er8ice 'ata 5*o4 container in ca(e it i( (ent ,7 the @.S.
-ai*ure-9an'*ing/ Thi( 5ie*' (ha** ,e +re(ent in ca(e P-G= trigger( the -ai*ure-
9an'*ing +roce'ure. <t (ha** in'icate the -ai*ure 9an'*ing (cenario an' the
in(tant the -ai*ure $ction i( triggere' ((ee anne2 :). Scenario(/ .ontinue3%e4
Se((ionA .ontinue3@ngoing Se((ionA #etr7BTerminate3@ngoing Se((ionA
Terminate3@ngoing Se((ion.
#ecor' @+ening Time ! Time (tam+ 4hen <P .$% ,earer i( acti8ate' in thi( P-G= or recor' o+ening
time on (u,(e;uent +artia* recor'(.
!S Time Lone @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the !S Time Lone the !S i( current*7 *ocate' a( 'e5ine' in
TS 29.0&0 G203H, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
6uration ! 6uration o5 thi( recor' in the P-G=.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 recor' 5rom thi( P-G=.
6iagno(tic( @
$ more 'etai*e' rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 the connection.
#ecor' Se;uence %um,er . Partia* recor' (e;uence num,er, on*7 +re(ent in ca(e o5 +artia* recor'(.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
$P% Se*ection !o'e @
$n in'e2 in'icating ho4 the $P% 4a( (e*ecte'.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -& "elease #
/ield Category 4escription
(er )ocation <n5ormation @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the (er )ocation <n5ormation o5 the !S a( 'e5ine' in
TS 29.0&0 G203H 5or GP#S ca(e, an' in TS 29.271 G210H 5or "P. ca(e, i5
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( a++*ie' to the <P .$% ,earer.
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
<!S Signa**ing .onte2t @
<nc*u'e' i5 the <P .$% ,earer <!-.% Su,(7(tem Signa**ing -*ag i( (et, (ee
G201Hi( u(e' 5or <!S (igna**ing.
"2terna* .harging <'enti5ier @
$ .harging <'enti5ier recei8e' 5rom a non-"P., e2terna* net4orD entit7 e.g
Ser8ing no'e P)!% <'enti5ier @
Ser8ing no'e P)!% <'enti5ier (!.. an' !%.) u(e' 'uring thi( recor'.
PS -urni(h .harging
@n*ine charging (e((ion (+eci5ic in5ormation
.$!") <n5ormation @
Set o5 .$!") in5ormation re*ate' to <P .$% ,earer, i5 a8ai*a,*e. Thi( 5ie*'
a++*ie( on*7 5or GP#S.
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e current*7 u(e' ,7
the !o,i*e Station, 4hen a8ai*a,*e. Thi( #$T t7+e i( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H
5or GTP ca(e, in TS 29.271 G210H 5or eGTP ca(e an' in TS 29.275 G211H 5or
P!<P ca(e.
Start Time @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the time 4hen (er <P-.$% (e((ion (tart(, a8ai*a,*e in
the .6# 5or the 5ir(t ,earer in an <P-.$% (e((ion.
Sto+ Time @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the time 4hen (er <P-.$% (e((ion i( terminate',
a8ai*a,*e in the .6# 5or the *a(t ,earer in an <P-.$% (e((ion.
2ditorIs 'odeD 'on>3GPP access is ffs.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -. "elease #
&.1.1 !o,i*e Station mo,i*it7 management 'ata in SGS% (!-.6#)
&f the collection of M" mobility manaement data is enabled then the "G"' shall start collectin the information
specified in the followin table each time the mobile is attached to the "G"'.
Ta3le .%'%-0 SGS; 7o3ile Station mo3ility management data 7,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% mo,i*it7 management recor'.
Ser8e' <!S< ! <!S< o5 the !S.
Ser8e' <!"< @
The <!"< o5 the !", i5 a8ai*a,*e.
SGS% $''re(( @
The <P a''re(( o5 the current SGS%.
!S %et4orD .a+a,i*it7 @
The mo,i*e (tation net4orD ca+a,i*it7.
#outing $rea .o'e @
#outing $rea at the time o5 the #ecor' @+ening Time.
)oca* $rea .o'e @
)ocation $rea .o'e at the time o5 #ecor' @+ening Time.
.e** <'enti5ier @
The .e** <'entit7 5or GS! or Ser8ice $rea .o'e (S$.) 5or !TS at the time o5
the #ecor' @+ening Time.
.e** P)!% <' @
The !.. an' !%. o5 the .e** at the time o5 #ecor' @+ening Time.
.hange o5 )ocation @
$ *i(t o5 change( in #outing $rea .o'e inc*u'ing !.. an' !%., each 4ith a
time (tam+. Thi( 5ie*' i( not re;uire' i5 +artia* recor'( are generate' 4hen the
*ocation change(.
#ecor' @+ening Time ! Time(tam+ 4hen !S i( attache' to thi( SGS% or recor' o+ening time on
5o**o4ing +artia* recor'.
6uration @
6uration o5 thi( recor'.
SGS% .hange . Pre(ent i5 thi( i( 5ir(t recor' a5ter SGS% change.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or the c*o(ure o5 the recor' in thi( SGS%.
6iagno(tic( @
$ more 'etai*e' rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 the connection.
#ecor' Se;uence %um,er . Partia* recor' (e;uence num,er in thi( SGS%A on*7 +re(ent in ca(e o5 +artia*
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( u(e' ,7 the SGS%.
.$!") <n5ormation @
Set o5 .$!") in5ormation re*ate' to $ttach36etach (e((ion. -or more
in5ormation (ee 6e(cri+tion o5 #ecor' -ie*'(. Thi( 5ie*' i( +re(ent i5 .$!")
(er8ice i( acti8ate'.
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e, e.g. T#$% or
G"#$%, current*7 u(e' ,7 the !o,i*e Station a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H.
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -) "elease #
&.1.5 S!S-!@ 'ata in SGS% (S-S!@-.6#)
&f enabled- an ">"MO>19/ "G"' Mobile oriinated "M" record shall be produced for each short messae sent by a
mobile subscriber via the "G"'. The fields in the record are specified in the followin table.
Ta3le .%'%&0 SGS; 7o3ile originated S7S record S,S71,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% !o,i*e @riginate' S!S.
Ser8e' <!S< ! The <!S< o5 the (u,(cri,er.
Ser8e' <!"< @
The <!"< o5 the !", i5 a8ai*a,*e.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
!S %et4orD .a+a,i*it7 @
The mo,i*e (tation net4orD ca+a,i*it7.
Ser8ice .entre @
The a''re(( (".1&1) o5 the S!S-(er8ice centre.
#ecor'ing "ntit7 @
The ".1&1 num,er o5 the SGS%.
)ocation $rea .o'e @
The )ocation $rea .o'e 5rom 4hich the me((age originate'.
#outing $rea .o'e @
The #outing $rea .o'e 5rom 4hich the me((age originate'.
.e** <'enti5ier @
The .e** <'entit7 5or GS! or Ser8ice $rea .o'e (S$.) 5or !TS 5rom 4hich
the me((age originate'.
!e((age #e5erence ! $ re5erence +ro8i'e' ,7 the !S uni;ue*7 i'enti57ing thi( me((age.
"8ent Time Stam+ ! The time at 4hich the me((age 4a( recei8e' ,7 the SGS% 5rom the
S!S #e(u*t . The re(u*t o5 the attem+te' 'e*i8er7 i5 un(ucce((5u*.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3 manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( 5*ag (et u(e' ,7 the SGS%.
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e, e.g. T#$% or
G"#$%, current*7 u(e' ,7 the !o,i*e Station a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H.
6e(tination %um,er @
The 'e(tination (hort me((age (u,(cri,er num,er.
.$!") <n5ormation @
Set o5 .$!") in5ormation re*ate' to S!S (e((ion. -or more in5ormation (ee
6e(cri+tion o5 #ecor' -ie*'(. Thi( 5ie*' i( +re(ent i5 .$!") (er8ice i(
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -# "elease #
&.1.& S!S-!T 'ata in SGS% (S-S!T-.6#)
&f enabled- an "G"' Mobile terminated "M" record shall be produced for each short messae received by a mobile
subscriber via the "G"'. The fields in the record are specified in the followin table.
Ta3le .%'%.0 SGS; 7o3ile terminated S7S record S,S7T,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% !o,i*e Terminate' S!S.
Ser8e' <!S< ! The <!S< o5 the (u,(cri,er.
Ser8e' <!"< @
The <!"< o5 the !", i5 a8ai*a,*e.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
!S %et4orD .a+a,i*it7 @
The mo,i*e (tation net4orD ca+a,i*it7.
Ser8ice .entre @
The a''re(( (".1&1) o5 the S!S-(er8ice centre.
#ecor'ing "ntit7 @
The ".1&1 num,er o5 the SGS%.
)ocation $rea .o'e @
The )ocation $rea .o'e to 4hich the me((age 4a( 'e*i8ere'.
#outing $rea .o'e @
The #outing $rea .o'e to 4hich the me((age 4a( 'e*i8ere'.
.e** <'enti5ier @
The .e** <'entit7 5or GS! or Ser8ice $rea .o'e (S$.) 5or !TS to 4hich the
me((age 4a( 'e*i8ere'.
"8ent Time Stam+ ! 6e*i8er7 time (tam+, time at 4hich me((age 4a( (ent to the !S ,7 the SGS%.
S!S #e(u*t . The re(u*t o5 the attem+te' 'e*i8er7 i5 un(ucce((5u*.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( 5*ag (et u(e' ,7 the SGS%.
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e, e.g. T#$% or
G"#$%, current*7 u(e' ,7 the !o,i*e Station a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H.
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
.$!") <n5ormation @
Set o5 .$!") in5ormation re*ate' to S!S (e((ion. -or more in5ormation (ee
6e(cri+tion o5 #ecor' -ie*'(. Thi( 5ie*' i( +re(ent i5 .$!") (er8ice i( acti8ate'.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! -+ "elease #
&.1.7 !o,i*e terminate' *ocation re;ue(t ().S-!T-.6#)
&f enabled- an "G"' Mobile terminated 51" record shall be produced for each mobile terminated location re=uest that
is performed via the "G"'. The fields in the record are specified in the followin table.
Ta3le .%'%)0 SGS; 7o3ile terminated :CS record SGS;,:CS,7T!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% !o,i*e Terminate' ).S.
#ecor'ing "ntit7 ! The ".1&1 num,er o5 the SGS%.
).S .*ient T7+e ! The t7+e o5 the ).S c*ient that in8oDe' the )#.
).S .*ient <'entit7 ! -urther i'enti5ication o5 the ).S c*ient.
Ser8e' <!S< ! The <!S< o5 the (u,(cri,er.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
SGS% $''re(( @
The <P a''re(( o5 the current SGS%.
)ocation T7+e ! The t7+e o5 the e(timate' *ocation.
).S >oS . >oS o5 the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S Priorit7 . Priorit7 o5 the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
!). %um,er ! The ".1&1 a''re(( o5 the re;ue(ting G!)..
"8ent Time (tam+ ! The time at 4hich the Per5ormM)ocationM#e;ue(t i( (ent ,7 the SGS%.
!ea(urement 6uration @
The 'uration o5 +rocee'ing the *ocation re;ue(t.
%oti5ication To !S (er . The +ri8ac7 noti5ication to !S u(er that 4a( a++*ica,*e 4hen the )# 4a(
in8oDe', i5 a8ai*a,*e.
Pri8ac7 @8erri'e . Thi( +arameter in'icate( the o8erri'e !S +ri8ac7 ,7 the ).S c*ient, i5
)ocation @
The )$. an' .< 4hen the )# i( recei8e'.
#outing $rea .o'e @
The #outing $rea .o'e to 4hich the ).S terminate'.
)ocation "(timate @
The *ocation e(timate 5or the (u,(cri,er i5 containe' in geogra+hic +o(ition an'
the )# 4a( (ucce((5u*.
Po(itioning 6ata . The +o(itioning metho' u(e' or attem+te', i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S .au(e @
The re(u*t o5 the )# i5 an7 5ai*ure or +artia* (ucce(( ha++ene' a( Dno4n at
ra'io inter5ace.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or c*o(ure o5 the recor' 5rom thi( SGS%.
6iagno(tic( . $ more 'etai*e' in5ormation a,out the .au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing i5 an7 5ai*ure
or +artia* (ucce(( ha++ene'.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( u(e' ,7 the SGS%. (a*4a7( u(e the (u,(cri,e'
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
(on*7 (u,(cri,e'3home 'e5au*t38i(ite' 'e5au*t).
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e, e.g. T#$% or
G"#$%, current*7 u(e' ,7 the !o,i*e Station a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &* "elease #
&.1.8 !o,i*e originate' )ocation re;ue(t ().S-!@-.6#)
&f enabled- an "G"' Mobile oriinated 51" record shall be produced for each mobile oriinated location re=uest that is
performed via the "G"'. The fields in the record are specified in the followin table.
Ta3le .%'%#0 SGS; 7o3ile originated :CS record SGS;,:CS,71!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% !o,i*e @riginate' ).S.
#ecor'ing "ntit7 ! The ".1&1 num,er o5 the SGS%.
).S .*ient T7+e . The t7+e o5 the ).S c*ient that in8oDe' the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S .*ient <'entit7 . -urther i'enti5ication o5 the ).S c*ient, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
Ser8e' <!S< ! The <!S< o5 the (u,(cri,er.
Ser8e' !S<S6% @
The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er.
SGS% $''re(( @
The <P a''re(( o5 the current SGS%.
)ocation !etho' ! The t7+e o5 the *ocation re;ue(t.
).S >oS . >oS o5 the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S Priorit7 @
Priorit7 o5 the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
!). %um,er . The ".1&1 a''re(( o5 the in8o*8e' G!)., i5 a++*ica,*e.
"8ent Time (tam+ ! The time at 4hich the Per5ormM)ocationM#e;ue(t i( (ent ,7 the SGS%.
!ea(urement 6uration @
The 'uration o5 +rocee'ing the *ocation re;ue(t.
)ocation @
The )$. an' .< 4hen the )# i( recei8e'.
#outing $rea .o'e @
The #outing $rea .o'e 5rom 4hich the ).S originate'.
)ocation "(timate @
The *ocation e(timate 5or the (u,(cri,er i5 containe' in geogra+hic +o(ition an'
the )# 4a( (ucce((5u*.
Po(itioning 6ata . The +o(itioning metho' u(e' or attem+te', i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S .au(e @
The re(u*t o5 the )# i5 an7 5ai*ure or +artia* (ucce(( ha++ene' a( Dno4n at
ra'io inter5ace.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or c*o(ure o5 the recor' 5rom thi( SGS%.
6iagno(tic( . $ more 'etai*e' in5ormation a,out the .au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing i5 an7 5ai*ure
or +artia* (ucce(( ha++ene'.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( 5*ag (et u(e' ,7 the SGS%.
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e, e.g. T#$% or
G"#$%, current*7 u(e' ,7 the !o,i*e Station a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &' "elease #
&.1.9 %et4orD in'uce' )ocation re;ue(t ().S-%<-.6#)
&f enabled- an "G"' 'etwor# induced 51" record shall be produced for each networ# induced location re=uest that is
performed via the "G"'. The fields in the record are specified in the followin table.
Ta3le .%'%+0 SGS; ;etwork induced :CS record SGS;,:CS,;=!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% %et4orD <n'uce' ).S.
#ecor'ing "ntit7 ! The ".1&1 num,er o5 the SGS%.
).S .*ient T7+e . The t7+e o5 the ).S c*ient that in8oDe' the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S .*ient <'entit7 . -urther i'enti5ication o5 the ).S c*ient, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
Ser8e' <!S< . The <!S< o5 the (u,(cri,er i5 (u++*ie'.
Ser8e' !S<S6% . The +rimar7 !S<S6% o5 the (u,(cri,er i5 (u++*ie'.
SGS% $''re(( @
The <P a''re(( o5 the current SGS%.
Ser8e' <!"< @
The <!"< o5 the !", i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S >oS . >oS o5 the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S Priorit7 . Priorit7 o5 the )#, i5 a8ai*a,*e.
!). %um,er . The ".1&1 a''re(( o5 the in8o*8e' G!)., i5 a++*ica,*e.
"8ent Time (tam+ ! The time at 4hich the Per5ormM)ocationM#e;ue(t i( (ent ,7 the SGS%.
!ea(urement 6uration @
The 'uration o5 +rocee'ing the *ocation re;ue(t.
)ocation @
The )$. an' .< 4hen the )# i( recei8e'.
#outing $rea .o'e @
The #outing $rea .o'e 5rom 4hich the ).S originate'.
)ocation "(timate @
The *ocation e(timate 5or the (u,(cri,er i5 containe' in geogra+hic +o(ition an'
the )# 4a( (ucce((5u*.
Po(itioning 6ata . The +o(itioning metho' u(e' or attem+te', i5 a8ai*a,*e.
).S .au(e @
The re(u*t o5 the )# i5 an7 5ai*ure or +artia* (ucce(( ha++ene' a( Dno4n at
ra'io inter5ace.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or c*o(ure o5 the recor' 5rom thi( SGS%.
6iagno(tic( . $ more 'etai*e' in5ormation a,out the .au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing i5 an7 5ai*ure
or +artia* (ucce(( ha++ene'.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
.harging .haracteri(tic( ! The .harging .haracteri(tic( 5*ag (et u(e' ,7 the SGS%.
.harging .haracteri(tic(
Se*ection !o'e
9o*'( in5ormation a,out ho4 .harging .haracteri(tic( 4ere (e*ecte'.
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 (#$T) t7+e, e.g. T#$% or
G"#$%, current*7 u(e' ,7 the !o,i*e Station a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.0&0 G201H.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &$ "elease #
&.1.10 !:!S ,earer conte2t charging 'ata in SGS% (S-!:-.6#)
&f the collection of 19/ data is enabled then the "G"' data specified in the followin table shall be available for each
M0M" bearer conte(t.
Ta3le .%'%'*0 SGS; 767S 3earer conte>t data S,76,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! SGS% !:!S ,earer conte2t recor'.
GGS% $''re(( u(e' ! The contro* +*ane <P a''re(( o5 the GGS% u(e'.
.harging <6 ! :earer conte2t i'enti5ier u(e' to i'enti57 thi( !:!S ,earer conte2t in 'i55erent
recor'( create' ,7 GS%(
)i(t o5 #$( @. )i(t o5 routeing area( recei8ing 'ata u(e' 'uring thi( recor'. e;ui8a*ent to the
*i(t o5 #$( 'e5ine' in TS 23.21& G207H.
$cce(( Point %ame %et4orD
The *ogica* name o5 the connecte' acce(( +oint to the :!-S. (net4orD
i'enti5ier +art o5 $P%).
Ser8e' P6P $''re(( @
<n'icate( the <P !u*tica(t a''re(( u(e' 5or the !:!S ,earer conte2t..
)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume( @
$ *i(t o5 change( in charging con'ition( 5or thi( !:!S ,earer conte2t, each
change i( time (tam+e'. .harging con'ition( are u(e' to categoriCe tra55ic
8o*ume(, (uch a( +er tari55 +erio'. <t (ha** inc*u'e the re;uire' ,earer
ca+a,i*itie( (>oS %egotiate')
#ecor' @+ening Time ! Time (tam+ 4hen !:!S ,earer conte2t i( acti8ate' in thi( SGS% or recor'
o+ening time on (u,(e;uent +artia* recor'(.
6uration ! 6uration o5 thi( recor' in the SGS%.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 recor' 5rom thi( SGS%.
6iagno(tic( @
$ more 'etai*e' rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 the connection.
#ecor' Se;uence %um,er . Partia* recor' (e;uence num,er, on*7 +re(ent in ca(e o5 +artia* recor'(.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
%um,er o5 recei8ing "( @. <n'icate( the num,er o5 "( recei8ing the !:!S ,earer (er8ice
!:!S <n5ormation @! !:!S re*ate' in5ormation re*ate' to !:!S ,earer conte2t ,eing charge',
'e5ine' in TS 32.273 G32H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &3 "elease #
&.1.11 !:!S ,earer conte2t charging 'ata in GGS% (G-!:-.6#)
&f the collection of 19/ data is enabled then the GG"' data specified in the followin table shall be available for each
M0M" bearer conte(t.
Ta3le .%'%''0 GGS; 767S 3earer conte>t data G,76,C4"!
/ield Category 4escription
#ecor' T7+e ! GGS% !:!S ,earer conte2t recor'.
GGS% $''re(( u(e' ! The contro* +*ane <P a''re(( o5 the GGS% u(e'.
.harging <6 ! :earer conte2t i'enti5ier u(e' to i'enti57 thi( !:!S ,earer conte2t in 'i55erent
recor'( create' ,7 GS%(
)i(t o5 6o4n(tream %o'e( ! )i(t o5 SGS% a''re((e( u(e' 'uring thi( recor'. e;ui8a*ent to the *i(t o5
'o4n(tream no'e( 'e5ine' in TS 23.21& G207H.
$cce(( Point %ame %et4orD
The *ogica* name o5 the connecte' acce(( +oint to the :!-S. (net4orD
i'enti5ier +art o5 $P%).
Ser8e' P6P $''re(( @
<n'icate( the <P !u*tica(t a''re(( u(e' 5or the !:!S ,earer conte2t.
)i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume( @
$ *i(t o5 change( in charging con'ition( 5or thi( !:!S ,earer conte2t, each
change i( time (tam+e'. .harging con'ition( are u(e' to categoriCe tra55ic
8o*ume(, (uch a( +er tari55 +erio'. <t (ha** inc*u'e the re;uire' ,earer
ca+a,i*itie( (>oS %egotiate').
#ecor' @+ening Time ! Time (tam+ 4hen !:!S ,earer conte2t i( acti8ate' in thi( GGS% or recor'
o+ening time on (u,(e;uent +artia* recor'(.
6uration ! 6uration o5 thi( recor' in the GGS%.
.au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing ! The rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 recor' 5rom thi( GGS%.
6iagno(tic( @
$ more 'etai*e' rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 the connection.
#ecor' Se;uence %um,er . Partia* recor' (e;uence num,er, on*7 +re(ent in ca(e o5 +artia* recor'(.
%o'e <6 @
%ame o5 the recor'ing entit7.
#ecor' "2ten(ion( @
$ (et o5 net4orD o+erator3manu5acturer (+eci5ic e2ten(ion( to the recor'.
.on'itione' u+on the e2i(tence o5 an e2ten(ion.
)oca* #ecor' Se;uence
.on(ecuti8e recor' num,er create' ,7 thi( no'e. The num,er i( a**ocate'
(e;uentia**7 inc*u'ing a** .6# t7+e(.
!:!S <n5ormation @! !:!S re*ate' in5ormation re*ate' to !:!S ,earer conte2t ,eing charge',
'e5ine' in TS 32.273 G32H.
&.2 6ata 'e(cri+tion 5or PS @n*ine .harging
&.2.1 6iameter me((age content(
&.2.1.1 Summar7 o5 @n*ine .harging !e((age -ormat(
The P" Online 1harin uses the 1redit>1ontrol>/e=uest (11/) and 1redit>1ontrol>.nswer (11.) messaes defined
in T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
The followin table describes the use of these messaes for online charin.
Ta3le .%$%'%'%' 0 1nline Charging 7essages "eference Ta3le
Command,;ame Source 4estination A33reviation
P."- @.S ..#
.re'it-.ontro*-$n(4er @.S P."- ..$
&.2.1.2 Structure 5or the .re'it .ontro* !e((age -ormat(
This clause describes the .BPs used in the credit control messaes.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &- "elease #
&. .re'it-.ontro*-#e;ue(t !e((age
Table ?.*.8.*.8 illustrates the basic structure of a 9iameter 11/ messae from the P127 as used for P" online
Ta3le .%$%'%$%' 0 Credit,Control,"e<uest CC"! 7essage Contents
A(P Category 4escription
Se((ion-<' ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-9o(t ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@rigin-#ea*m ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
6e(tination-#ea*m ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$uth-$++*ication-<' ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
Ser8ice-.onte2t-<' ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
..-#e;ue(t-T7+e ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
..-#e;ue(t-%um,er ! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
6e(tination-9o(t @! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
(er-%ame @! The content o5 the 5ie*' corre(+on'( to the Protoco* .on5iguration @+tion(
(P.@) 5ie*' o5 the .reate <P .$% ,earer #e;ue(t me((age.
@rigin-State-<' @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
"8ent-Time(tam+ @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
Su,(cri+tion-<' @! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H.
$( a minimum the <!S< an' the !S<S6% ha8e to ,e inc*u'e'.
(er-";ui+ment-<n5o @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H.
.ontain( the i'enti5ication o5 the termina* (<!"<SV etc.) @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
#oute-#ecor' @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
$VP @. 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
Ser8ice-<n5ormation @! 6e(cri,e' in TS 32.299 G50H
PS-<n5ormation @. 6e(cri,e' in c*au(e &.3.1.2
<!S-<n5ormation @c 6e(cri,e' in c*au(e &.3.1.1
%@T"/ The PS-<n5ormation an' <!S-<n5ormation $VP( are in(i'e the Ser8ice-<n5ormation $VP an' not 'irect*7 at
..# comman' *e8e*.
2ditorIs 'oteD Terminal capabilities should be ta#en into account
The full description of the .BPs is specified in T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! && "elease #
&. .re'it-.ontro*-$n(4er !e((age
The followin table illustrates the basic structure of a 911. messae as used for the P127. This messae is always
used by the O1" as specified below- independent of the receivin P127 and the 11/ re=uest type that is bein replied
Ta3le .%$%'%$%$ 0 Credit,Control,Answer CCA! 7essage Contents
A(P Category 4escription
Se((ion-<' ! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
#e(u*t-.o'e ! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@rigin-9o(t ! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@rigin-#ea*m ! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
$uth-$++*ication-<' ! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
..-#e;ue(t-T7+e ! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
..-#e;ue(t-%um,er ! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@! 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
@. 6e(cri,e' in 32.299 G50H
&.2.2 Voi'
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &. "elease #
&.3 PS .harging S+eci5ic Parameter(
&.3.1 6e5inition o5 PS charging in5ormation
The P" &nformation parameter used for P" charin is provided in the "ervice &nformation parameter.
&.3.1.1 PS charging in5ormation a((ignment 5or Ser8ice <n5ormation
The components in the "ervice &nformation that are use for P" charin can be found in Table ?.3.8.8.
Ta3le .%3%'%' 0 Service =nformation used for PS Charging
/ield Category 4escription
Ser8ice <n5ormation @! Thi( i( a (tructure' 5ie*' an' ho*'( the 3GPP (+eci5ic +arameter a(
'e5ine' in TS 32.299 G50H.
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the i'enti5ication o5 the u(er (e.g <!S<, !S<S6%,
PS <n5ormation @! Thi( i( a (tructure' 5ie*' an' ho*'( the PS (+eci5ic +arameter(. The
'etai*( are 'e5ine' in (u,c*au(e &.3.1.2.
<!S <n5ormation @! Thi( i( a (tructure' 5ie*' an' ho*'( <!S (+eci5ic +arameter(. The
com+*ete (tructure i( 'e5ine' in TS 32.2&0 G20H.
<!S .harging <'enti5ier
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the <!S .harging <'enti5ier (<.<6) a( generate' ,7 an
<!S no'e 5or a S<P (e((ion.
%o'e -unctiona*it7
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the 5unction o5 the "P. no'e (SG=, PG=)
%@T" / =hen %o'e -unctiona*it7 i( (et to J9SG=K the 9SG= $cce(( (+eci5ic charging in5ormation are +ro8i'e'
a( +art o5 the PS <n5ormation
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &) "elease #
&.3.1.2 6e5inition o5 the PS <n5ormation
P" specific charin information is provided within the P" &nformation. The fields of the P" information are indicated
with the node (">G@- P>G@) from which the information is sent.
The detailed structure of the P" &nformation can be found in the table ?.3.8.*.
Ta3le .%3%'%$ 0 Structure of the PS =nformation
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &# "elease #
/ield Category 4escription
.harging <' @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the .harging <' 5or thi( <P .$% ,earer (thi( together 4ith
the P-G= $''re(( con(titute( a uni;ue i'enti5ier 5or the <P .$% ,earer).
%o'e <' @
Thi( 5ie*'( ho*'( the name o5 the %o'e
P6% .onnection <' @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the P6% connection (<P-.$% (e((ion) i'enti5ier to i'enti57
'i55erent recor'( ,e*onging to (ame P6% connection.
P6P3P6% T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the t7+e o5 <P .$% ,earer, e.g. <P or PPP, or P6% t7+e (i.e
<P81, <P8& or <P818&).
P6P3P6% $''re(( @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the <P a''re(( o5 the (er8e' <!S< a**ocate' 5or the P6P
conte2t 3 P6% connection, i.e. <P81 or <P8&. Thi( +arameter (ha** ,e
+re(ent e2ce+t 4hen ,oth the P6P t7+e i( PPP an' '7namic P6P a''re((
a((ignment i( u(e'.
67namic $''re(( -*ag O
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( 4hether (er8e' P6P3P6% a''re(( i( '7namica**7
a**ocate'. Thi( 5ie*' i( mi((ing i5 a''re(( i( (tatic.
%egotiate' >oS Pro5i*e @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the authoriCe' >oS a++*ie' to <P .$% ,earer. See %@T".
Ser8ing %o'e $''re(( @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the SGS%3S-G= <P a''re(( that i( u(e' ,7 the contro*
+*ane 5or the han'*ing o5 contro* me((age(, or the $G= <P a''re((, or the
eP6G a''re((. <t ma7 ,e u(e' to i'enti57 the P)!% to 4hich the u(er i(
Ser8ing %o'e T7+e
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the t7+e o5 the (er8ing no'e.
SG= .hange O
Thi( 5ie*' i( +re(ent i5 thi( i( 5ir(t $.# a5ter S-G= change.
PG= $''re(( @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the <P-a''re(( o5 the P-G= that generate' the .harging
.G $''re(( @
This field holds the 1harin Gateway &P address if available. Only
used in 2P1 Online 1harin.
<!S< !.. !%. @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the !.. an' !%. e2tracte' 5rom the u(erN( <!S< (5ir(t 5 or
& 'igit(, a( a++*ica,*e 5rom the +re(ente' <!S<).
PG= !.. !%. @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the !..-!%. o5 the net4orD the P-G= ,e*ong( to.
%S$P< @
Thi( 5ie*' <'enti5ie( a +articu*ar <P .$% ,earer 5or the a((ociate' P6% an'
!S<S6%3<!S< 5rom creation to 'e*etion. See %@T".
.a**e' Station <' @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the i'enti5ier o5 the acce(( +oint ($P%) the u(er i(
connecte' to.
Se((ion Sto+ <n'icator @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( to the @.S that the *a(t <P .$% ,earer o5 a (e((ion i(
re*ea(e' an' that the <P .$% (e((ion ha( ,een terminate'.
Se*ection !o'e @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the Se*ection mo'e 5or thi( $P% recei8e' in the .reate
P6P conte2t re;ue(t, on "-T#$% initia* attach an' " re;ue(te' P6%
.harging .haracteri(tic( @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the charging characteri(tic( 5or thi( <P .$% ,earer
recei8e' in the .reate <P .$% ,earer #e;ue(t !e((age (on*7 a8ai*a,*e in
#99 an' *ater re*ea(e().
Ser8ing %o'e !.. !%. @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the !.. an' !%. e2tracte' 5rom the #$< 4ithin the <P
.$% ,eareracti8ation or +'ate me((age(, or +ro8i'e' ,7 SG=3$G=.
!S Time Lone @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the o55(et ,et4een uni8er(a* time an' *oca* time in
(te+( o5 15 minute( o5 4here the !S current*7 re(i'e(.
.harging #u*e :a(e %ame @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( the name o5 a +re-'e5ine' grou+ o5 P.. ru*e( re(i'ing
at the P."-. <t ma7 occur (e8era* time( 4ithin the PS <n5ormation 5ie*'.
(er )ocation <n5o @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( 'etai*( o5 4here the " i( current*7 *ocate' (e.g. S$<,
T$<, #$<, .G<, ".G< or acce((-(+eci5ic u(er *ocation in5ormation).
3GPP2 :S<6 @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the 3GPP2 :S<6 o5 4here the " i( current*7 *ocate' (e.g.
.e**-<', S<6, %<6), a( 'e5ine' in TS 29.212 G212H
#$T T7+e @
Thi( 5ie*' in'icate( 4hich #a'io $cce(( Techno*og7 i( current*7 (er8ing the
-urni(h .harging <n5ormation @
This field contains the P" 7urnish &nformation 2lements.
@55*ine .harging @
Thi( 5ie*' contain( the @55*ine .harging +arameter( to contro* o55*ine
Tra55ic 'ata 8o*ume( @

Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the container( a((ociate' to a charging con'ition change
on an <P-.$% ,earer . Thi( i( inc*u'e' 4hen trigger( con'ition( are met
(>o( change, tari55 time change ..).
<t ma7 occur (e8era* time( 4ithin the PS <n5ormation 5ie*'.
Ser8ice 'ata container @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the container a((ociate' to a (er8ice con'ition change on a
(er8ice 'ata 5*o4 (categoriCe' +er rating grou+ or +er com,ination o5 the
rating grou+ an' (er8ice i') 4ithin thi( <P .$% ,earer.
<t ma7 occur (e8era* time( 4ithin the PS <n5ormation 5ie*'.
(er-";ui+ment-<n5o @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the i'enti5ication o5 the termina* (<!"<SVI)
2ditorIs 'oteD .linement with online charin is needed.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! &+ "elease #
Termina* <n5ormation @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the i'enti5ication o5 the termina* (<!"<SV, 3GPP2-!"<6..).
2ditorIs 'ote D this parameter is only for offline charin and use for
online charin instead of 3ser>2=uipment>info is ffs
(tart time @
Time(tam+ 4hen (er <P-.$% (e((ion (tart(
(to+ time @
Time(tam+ 4hen (er <P-.$% (e((ion terminate(.
.hange .on'ition @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( the rea(on 5or (en'ing $.# 5rom the P.% %o'e(.
6iagno(tic( @
Thi( 5ie*' ho*'( a more 'etai*e' rea(on 5or the re*ea(e o5 the
connection, an' com+*ement( the J.hange .on'itionK in5ormation
%@T"/ -or %et4orD #e;ue(te' Secon'ar7 <P .$% ,earer $cti8ation, the ..# <nitia* 'oe( not contain a 8a*ue o5
%S$P<, 4hi*(t the %egotiate' >oS +ro5i*e re5*ect( the re;ue(te' >oS +ro5i*e u(e' in the acti8ation re;ue(t.
2ditorIs 'ote D whether other non>3GPP parameters need to be considered in P">information is ffs
&.3.2 6etai*e' !e((age -ormat 5or o55*ine charging
The followin chapter specifies per Operation Type the charin data that are sent by ">G@ and P>G@.
The Operation Types are listed in the followin orderD " (start)F& (interim)F" (stop)F2 (event). Therefore- when all
Operation Types are possible it is mar#ed as "&"2. &f only some Operation Types are allowed for a node- only the
appropriate letters are used (i.e. "&" or 2) as indicated in the table headin. The omission of an Operation Type for a
particular field is mar#ed with J>J (i.e. "&>2). .lso- when an entire field is not allowed in a node the entire cell is mar#ed
as J>J.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .* "elease #
Table ?.3.*.8 illustrates the basic structure of the supported fields in the .ccountin /e=uest messae for P" offline
Ta3le .%3%$%' 0 Supported fields in Accounting Request Message
/ield ;ode Type S,G8 P,G8
Supported 1peration Types S5=5S52 S5=5S52
Se((ion-<' S<S- S<S-
@rigin-9o(t S<S- S<S-
@rigin-#ea*m S<S- S<S-
6e(tination-#ea*m S<S- S<S-
$ccounting-#ecor'-T7+e S<S- S<S-
$ccounting-#ecor'-%um,er S<S- S<S-
$cct-$++*ication-<' S<S- S<S-
(er -%ame S<S- S<S-
$cct-<nterim-<nter8a* S<S- S<S-
@rigin-State-<' S<S- S<S-
"8ent-Time(tam+ S<S- S<S-
Pro27-<n5o S<S- S<S-
#oute-#ecor' S<S- S<S-
Ser8ice-.onte2t-<' S<S- S<S-
Service =nformation with PS and =7S =nformation
Su,(cri+tion-<' S<S- S<S-
%o'e -unctiona*it7 S<S- S<S-
.harging <' S<S- S<S-
%o'e <' S<S- S<S-
P6% .onnection <' S<S- S<S-
P6P3P6% T7+e S<S- S<S-
P6P3P6% $''re(( S<S- S<S-
67namic $''re(( -*ag S<S- S<S-
%egotiate' >oS Pro5i*e - -
S-G= $''re(( - S<S-
Ser8ing %o'e T7+e S<S- S<S-
SG= .hange S--- -
P-G= $''re(( S<S- -
.G $''re(( - -
<!S< !.. !%. S<S- S<S-
PG= !.. !%. S<S- S<S-
%S$P< - S<S-
.a**e' Station <' S<S- S<S-
Se((ion Sto+ <n'icator - --S-
Se*ection !o'e S<S- S<S-
.harging .haracteri(tic( S<S- S<S-
Ser8ing %o'e !.. !%. S<S- S<S-
!S Time Lone S<S- S<S-
.harging #u*e :a(e %ame - S<S-
(er )ocation <n5o S<S- S<S-
3GPP2 :S<6
S<S- -
#$T T7+e S<S- S<S-
-urni(h .harging <n5ormation - S<S-
@55*ine .harging - -
>oS <n5ormation S<S- S<S-
Tra55ic 'ata 8o*ume( -<S- -
Ser8ice 'ata container - -<S-
(er-";ui+ment-<n5o - -
Termina*-<n5ormation S--- S---
Start time S--- S---
Sto+ time --S- --S-
.hange .on'ition -<S- -<S-
6iagno(tic( --S- --S-
<!S .harging <'enti5ier S<S- S<S-
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .' "elease #
Table ?.3.*.* illustrates the basic structure of the supported fields in the .ccountin /esponse messae for P" offline
Ta3le .%3%$%$ 0 Supported fields in Accounting Response 7essage
;ode Type S,G8 P,G8
Supported 1peration Types S5=5S52 S5=5S52
Se((ion-<' S<S- S<S-
@rigin-9o(t S<S- S<S-
@rigin-#ea*m S<S- S<S-
6e(tination-#ea*m S<S- S<S-
$ccounting-#ecor'-T7+e S<S- S<S-
$ccounting-#ecor'-%um,er S<S- S<S-
$cct-$++*ication-<' S<S- S<S-
(er -%ame S<S- S<S-
$cct-<nterim-<nter8a* S<S- S<S-
@rigin-State-<' S<S- S<S-
"8ent-Time(tam+ S<S- S<S-
Pro27-<n5o S<S- S<S-
#oute-#ecor' S<S- S<S-
&.3.3 6etai*e' !e((age -ormat 5or on*ine charging
The followin table specifies per Operation type the charin data that are sent P>G@ networ# element forD
The Operation types are listed in the followin orderD & (initial)F3 (update)FT (terminate)F2 (event). Therefore- when all
Operation types are possible it is mar#ed as &3T2. &f only some Operation types are allowed for a node- only the
appropriate letters are used (i.e. &3T or 2) as indicated in the table headin. The omission of an Operation type for a
particular field is mar#ed with J>J (i.e. &3>2). .lso- when an entire filed is not allowed in a node the entire cell is
mar#ed as J>J.
'ote that not for all structured fields the individual field members are listed in the table. 9etailed descriptions of the
fields are provided in T" 3*.*,, G<+H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .$ "elease #
Table ?.3.3.8 illustrates the basic structure of the supported fields in the 9ebit and /eserve 3nits /e=uest for P" online
Ta3le .%3%3%'0 Supported fields in Debit and Reserve Units Request 7essage
/ield ;ode Type P,G8
Supported 1peration Types =5?5T52
Se((ion <'enti5ier <T-
@riginator 9o(t <T-
@riginator 6omain <T-
6e(tination 6omain <T-
@+eration <'enti5ier <T-
@+eration ToDen <T-
@+eration T7+e <T-
@+eration %um,er <T-
6e(tination 9o(t <T-
(er %ame <T-
@rigination State <T-
@rigination Time(tam+ <T-
Su,(cri,er <'enti5ier <T-
Termination .au(e --T-
#e;ue(te' $ction <T-
!u*ti+*e @+eration <--
!u*ti+*e nit @+eration <--
Su,(cri,er ";ui+ment %um,er <T-
#oute <n5ormation <T-
Ser8ice <n5ormation <T-
Service =nformation with PS =nformation
.harging <' <T-
%o'e <' -
P6% .onnection <'
P6P3P6% T7+e <T-
P6P3P6% $''re(( <T-
67namic $''re(( -*ag -
>o( <n5ormation <T-
S-G= $''re(( <T-
Ser8ing %o'e T7+e
SG= .hange
P-G= $''re(( <T-
.G $''re(( <T-
<!S< !.. !%. <T-
PG= !.. !%. <T-
%S$P< <T-
.a**e' Station <' <T-
Se((ion Sto+ <n'icator --T-
Se*ection !o'e <T-
.harging .haracteri(tic( <T-
Ser8ing %o'e !.. !%. <T-
!S Time Lone <T-
.harging #u*e :a(e %ame <T-
(er )ocation <n5o <T-
3GPP2 :S<6 <T-
#$T T7+e <T-
-urni(h .harging <n5ormation -
@55*ine .harging <T-
Tra55ic 'ata 8o*ume( -
Ser8ice 'ata container -
(er-";ui+ment-<n5o -
Termina*-<n5ormation -
Start time -
Sto+ time -
.hange .on'ition -
6iagno(tic( -
<!S .harging <'enti5ier <T-
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .3 "elease #
Table ?.3.3.* illustrates the basic structure of the supported fields in the 9ebit and /eserve 3nits /esponse for P"
online charin.
Ta3le .%3%3%$0 Supported fields in Debit and Reserve Units Response 7essage
;ode Type P,G8
Supported 1peration Types =5?5T52
Se((ion <'enti5ier <T-
@+eration #e(u*t <T-
@riginator 9o(t <T-
@riginator 6omain <T-
@+eration <'enti5ier <T-
@+eration T7+e <T-
@+eration %um,er <T-
@+eration -ai*o8er <T-
!u*ti+*e nit @+eration <T-
@+eration -ai*ure $ction <T-
#e'irection 9o(t <T-
#e'irection 9o(t (age <T-
#e'irection .ache Time <T-
#oute <n5ormation <T-
-ai*e' +arameter <T-
Ser8ice <n5ormation <T-
Service =nformation with PS
-urni(h .harging <n5ormation <T-
@55*ine .harging <----
&.1 Voi'
&.5 :in'ing( 5or "P. @55*ine .harging
This clause aims to describe the mappin between the 9iameter messaes .BP and 19/ parameter for 2P1 Offline
Table ?.<.8 describes the mappin of the 9iameter .ccountin .BP to the 19/ paramter of ">G@>19/ and P>G@>
19/ in 2P1 Offline 1harin.
Ta3le .%&%'0 6indings of Accounting A(P to S,5P,G8,C4" parameter
4iameter AC" A(P S,5P,G8,C4" field
Called-Station-Id $cce(( Point %ame %et4orD <'enti5ier
AF-Correlation-Information $--recor'-in5ormation
3GPP-Selection-Mode $P% Se*ection !o'e
Change-Condition .hange .on'ition
Change-Time .hange Time
3GPP-Charging-Characteristics .harging .haracteri(tic(
3GPP-Charging-Id .harging <'
Charging-Rule-Base-ame .harging #u*e :a(e %ame
Change-Condition .au(e 5or #ecor' .*o(ing
Accounting-Input-!ctets 6ata Vo*ume +*inD
Accounting-!utput-!ctets 6ata Vo*ume 6o4n*inD
"iagnostics 6iagno(tic(
"#namic-Address-Flag 67namic $''re(( -*ag
Traffic-"ata-$olumes )i(t o5 Tra55ic 6ata Vo*ume(
Ser%ice-"ata-Container )i(t o5 Ser8ice 6ata
3GPP-MS-Time-&one !S Time Lone
ode I" %o'e <6
P"-Connection-I" P6% .onnection <'
3GPP-P"P-T#pe P6P3P6% T7+e
3GPP-GGS-MCC-MC PG= P)!% <'enti5ier
GGS-Address PG= $''re(( (e'
'os-Information "P. >oS <n5ormation3>o( <n5ormation
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .- "elease #
4iameter AC" A(P S,5P,G8,C4" field
3GPP-RAT-T#pe #$T T7+e
Rating-Group #ating Grou+
ode-Functionalit# #ecor' T7+e
Change-Time #e+ort Time
Result-Code #e(u*t .o'e
Change-Condition Ser8ice .on'ition .hange
Ser%ice-Identifier Ser8ice <'enti5ier
Su(scription-Id Ser8e' <!S<
Terminal-Information Ser8e' <!"<SV
Su(scription-Id Ser8e' !% %$<
Su(scription-Id Ser8e' !S<S6%
Terminal-Information Ser8e' 3GPP2 !"<6
3GPP-SGS-MCC-MC Ser8ing no'e P)!% <'enti5ier
P"P-Address Ser8e' P6P3P6% $''re((
Ser%ice-Specific-Info Ser8ice S+eci5ic <n5o
SGS-Address Ser8ing %o'e $''re((
SGS-Address S-G= $''re(( u(e'
SG) Change S-G= .hange
Start time Start Time
Stop time Sto+ Time
Time-First-*sage Time o5 -ir(t (age
Time+,ast-*sage Time o5 )a(t (age
Time-*sage Time (age
3GPP-*ser-,ocation-Info (er )ocation <n5ormation
'OT2D The whole set of "FPG@>19/ parameters is described in the T" 3*.*,C G<8H.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .& "elease #
$nne2 $ (normati8e)/
.harging characteri(tic(
1harin 1haracteristics can be supplied by the ;5/F;"" to the "G"'FMM2 as part of the subscription information. .
subscriber may have charin characteristics assined to his subscription andFor his subscribed .P's. The "G"'
applies a pre>confiured default if no charin characteristics are supplied by the ;5/F;"". The "G"' shall support
three different charin characteristics default confiurationsD
Charging characteristics in 0$04
the home default behaviour for subscribers of the "G"'$s P5M'E
the visitin default behaviour for visitors usin a P>G@ belonin to the same P5M' as the "G"'E
the roamin default behaviour for visitors usin a P>G@ belonin to their home P5M'.
The "G"' can determine the P>G@ P5M' from the operator identifier part of the .P'. Optionally the "G"' may
support several visitin and roamin default behaviours based on the M'1FM11 combination of the subscriber.
&n the case of a home subscriber- the charin characteristics are selected by the "G"' accordin to the followin
procedures. 7or &P 1.' bearer specific charin characteristics (i.e. those used for the ">19/s that are enerated for
this &P 1.' bearer)D
&f the M" re=uests a particular .P' thenD
T &f the "G"' accepts this re=uest (i.e. it has been verified aainst the subscription) thenD
&f it has been matched aainst the wildcard .P' thenD
> &f charin characteristics for the wildcard .P' are present in the subscription information then they
shall be usedE
> &f no charin characteristics are present for the wildcard .P' but subscription related charin
characteristics are present- then they shall be chosenE
> &f neither of the two are present then the "G"' home default shall be applied.
&f it has been matched aainst a specific subscribed .P' thenD
> &f charin characteristics for this .P' are present in the subscription information then they shall be
> &f no charin characteristics are present for the .P' but subscription related charin characteristics
are present- then they shall be chosenE
> &f neither of the two are present then the "G"' home default shall be applied.
T &f the "G"' rejects the re=uest then charin characteristics selection does not apply.
&f the M" does not re=uest an .P' thenD
T &f the "G"' chooses a subscribed .P' thenD
&f charin characteristics for this .P' are present in the subscription information then they shall be
&f no charin characteristics are present for the .P' but subscription related charin characteristics are
present- then they shall be chosenE
&f neither of the two are present then the "G"' home default shall be applied.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .. "elease #
T &f only the wildcard .P' is present in the subscription- i.e. the "G"' applies its confiured default .P'
&f charin characteristics for the wildcard .P' are present in the subscription information then they shall
be usedE
&f no charin characteristics are present for the wildcard .P' but subscription related charin
characteristics are present- then they shall be chosenE
&f neither of the two are present then the "G"' home default shall be applied.
7or the non>&P 1.' bearer specific 19/ types- i.e. the M>19/s and the "M" 19/s- the "G"' applies the
subscription specific charin characteristics- or- if not supplied- it shall choose the home default behaviour as defined
&n case of subscribers from other P5M's- the "G"' may be confiured to either apply the Jhome subscriber caseJ
charin characteristics selection procedure defined above- or to inore charin characteristics provided by the
subscriber$s ;5/- and apply a default confiuration instead. &f default charin characteristics are selected for the
forein subscriber- then the "G"' shall choose either the visitin or roamin default behaviour for the &P 1.' bearer
specific charin characteristics- accordin to the roamin or visitin scenario- as described above. 7or M>19/s and
"M" 19/s- the operator can confiure if the roamin or the visitin behaviour shall be applied- since no P>G@ is
3pon activation of a &P 1.' bearer- the "G"' forwards the charin characteristics to the ">G@ accordin to the
followin rulesD
if charin characteristics were received from the ;5/F;""- then shall be sent as provided by the ;5/F;""-
reardless of the home- visitin- or roamin case- and reardless of whether the "G"' applies the ;5/F;""
supplied charin characteristics or chooses to inore them. 3pon receivin the charin characteristics
accordin to the followin rulesD
o if charin characteristics for .P' are present in the subscription information they shall be forwardedE
o if no charin characteristics are present for the .P' but subscription related charin characteristics is
present- they shall be forwarded.
if no charin characteristics were received from the ;5/F;""- then the "G"' does not forward any charin
characteristics to the ">G@.
Charging characteristics in (()
The MM2 does not utili!e charin characteristics as it does not enerate charin information.
3pon activation of a &P 1.' session- the MM2 forwards the charin characteristics to the ">G@ accordin to the
followin rulesD
if charin characteristics were received from the ;5/F;""- then they shall be sent as provided by the
;5/F;""- reardless of the home- visitin- or roamin case - accordin to the followin rulesD
if charin characteristics for the P9' connection (e. .P') is present in the subscription information it shall
be forwardedE
if no charin characteristics is present for the P9' connection (e. .P') but subscription related charin
characteristics is present- it shall be forwarded.
if no charin characteristics were received from the ;5/F;""- then the MM2 does not forward any charin
characteristics to the ">G@.
Charging characteristics in 0%$7
The ">G@ shall apply charin characteristics to its &P 1.' bearers. &t shall either apply the "G"'FMM2 supplied
parameters- or it may be confiured to inore the "G"'FMM2 supplied charin characteristics in any combination of
the followin casesD
visitin case- i.e. the P>G@ belons to same P5M' the subscriber belons to a different P5M'E
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .) "elease #
roamin case- i.e. the P>G@ belons to a different P5M'E
home case- i.e. the subscriber belons to the same P5M' as the ">G@ and P>G@E or
unconditionally- i.e. it always inores the "G"'FMM2 supplied parameters.
&f the ">G@ inores the parameters supplied by the "G"'FMM2- it shall nevertheless accept the &P 1.' session
re=uest. &t shall then apply its own pre>confiured charin characteristics as appropriate- i.e. the home- visitin or
roamin behaviour. The ">G@ shall support the confiuration of one set of default charin characteristics (i.e. home-
visitin- roamin).
3pon activation of a &P 1.' session- the ">G@ forwards the charin characteristics to the P>G@ accordin to the
followin rulesD
if charin characteristics were received from the "G"'FMM2- then they shall be sent as provided by the
"G"'FMM2- reardless of the home or visitin caseE
if no charin characteristics were received from the "G"'FMM2- then the ">G@ does not forward any
charin characteristics to the P>G@.
Charging characteristics in -%$7
The P>G@ shall apply charin characteristics to its &P 1.' bearers. &t shall either apply the ">G@ supplied
parameters- or it may be confiured to inore the ">G@ supplied charin characteristics in any combination of the
followin casesD
visitin case- i.e. the subscriber belons to a different P5M'E
roamin case- i.e. the subscriber belons to same P5M' and the ">G@ belons to a different P5M'E
home case- i.e. the subscriber belons to the same P5M' as the ">G@ and P>G@E or
unconditionally- i.e. it always inores the ">G@ supplied parameters.
&f the P>G@ inores the parameters supplied by the ">G@- it shall nevertheless accept the &P 1.'session re=uest. &t
shall then apply its own pre>confiured charin characteristics as appropriate- i.e. the home- visitin or roamin
behaviour. The P>G@ shall support the confiuration of one set of default charin characteristics (i.e. home- visitin-
roamin) for each of its supported .P's.
Charging characteristics generall!
1harin 1haracteristics consists of a strin of 8? bits desinated as 0ehaviours (0)- freely defined by Operators- as
shown in 3GPP T" 3*.*,C G:8H.
7or e(ample- one way to define a behaviour- could be to associate it to a specific usae desined accordin to followin
One usae may consist of a set of trier profiles associated to 19/ types- with followin trier sets- e..D
0%C"+: activateFdeactivate 19/s- time limit- volume limit- ma(imum number of charin conditions- tariff
0$7%C"+: same as ">19/- plus ma(imum number of "G"'FMM2 chanesE
-$7%C"+: same as ">19/- plus ma(imum number of ">G@ chanesE
(%C"+: activateFdeactivate 19/s- time limit- and ma(imum number of mobility chanesE
0(0%(,%C"+: activateFdeactivate 19/sE
0(0%(T%C"+: activeFdeactivate 19/s.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .# "elease #
&n addition to these trier sets- an optional charin ateway address may also be specifiedD
> &f the 1G7 address is confiured in the P>G@Is selected charin characteristics behaviour- the P>G@ shall
apply it for the PG@>19/s. P>G@ applied 1G7 address is sent to ">G@ durin &P 1.' bearer activation.
> &n the home or visitin case- the ">G@ shall apply from P>G@ received 1G7 address to the "G@>19/s
pertainin to this &P 1.' bearer. &n the roamin case- or if no 1G7 address is received from the P>G@- the ">
G@ shall use the 1G7 address from its own applied charin characteristics behaviour- or- if it does not e(ist-
it uses the default 1G7 address. The ">G@ shall forward the applied 1G7 address to "G"' durin &P 1.'
bearer activation. There is no need to send 1G7 address to MM2 as it does not enerate charin data.
> &n the home or visitin case- the "G"' shall apply the received 1G7 address to the ">19/s pertainin to this &P>
1.' bearer. &n the roamin case- or if no 1G7 address is received from the ">G@- then the "G"' shall use the
1G7 address from its own selected charin characteristics behaviour- or- if it does not e(ist- use the default
1G7 address. 7or M>19/s and "M" 19/s- the "G"' shall use the 1G7 address confiured in the charin
characteristics behaviour that it applies to the respective 19/s- or if no such address is confiured then the
default 1G7 shall be used.
Table ..8- ..* and ..3 are informative e(amples intended for clarification.
Ta3le A%'0 2>ample of charging characteristics 3ehaviours for SGS;
S,C4" 7,C4"
6ehaviour =nde>
* , 3
CG/ Address Active Time
Active @
0 - Oe( 30 min 100 P 2 0-7, 7-12,
Oe( ..
1 %o - - - - %o ..
2 - Oe( 10 min 50 P 1 0-21 Oe( ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
1harin characteristics behaviour in ">G@ is used for "G@>19/ eneration
Ta3le A%$0 2>ample of charging characteristics 3ehaviours for S,G8
Primary and Secondary CG/
Active Time
Tariff times @
Oe( 30 min 100P 2 0-7,
%o - - - - I
Oe( 10 min 50P 1 0-21 ..
1harin characteristics behaviour in P>G@ is used for PG@>19/ eneration F and for online charin.
701 is always active in P>G@. P1/7 may provide default charin method to P127 (P>G@) per &P 1.' bearer
session. &f received by the P127- it supersedes the N9efault charin methodI in charin characteristics behaviour- see
T" *3.*+3 GA*H for more information about default charin method. P1/7 may also provide 1G7FO1" addresses to P>
G@ per &P 1.' bearer session. &f received by the P>G@ it supersedes the NPrimary 1G7FO1" addressI and N"econdary
1G7FO1" addressI in charin characteristics behaviour- see T" *3.*+3 GA*H for more information.
Ta3le A%$0 2>ample of charging characteristics 3ehaviours for P,G8
1ffline charging PG8,C4"! 1nline charging
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! .+ "elease #
Primary and
Secondary CG/
Active Time
@ Primary and
Secondary 1CS
Active @
0 @n*ine
Oe( 30 min 100P 2 0-7,
Oe( I
1 @55*ine
%o - - - - I - %o I
2 @n*ine
Oe( 10 min 50P 1 0-21 ...
Oe( I
Other e(amples for behaviours areD
"election of the applicable idle conte(t pure timer- i.e. use lobal value or use special value. This feature could
be used to distinuish between customers andFor .P's whose &P 1.' bearers should be pured after short
(e.. 3+ minutes) or lon (e.. 8* hours) periods of inactivity.
3se specific charin ateway address (override all other confiuredFselected 1G addresses).
9eactivate "M">MO>19/s for customers of the own P5M' usin pre>confiured "M"1 addresses.
9isable PG@>19/s for roamers that use the ;P5M' P>G@.
.llow or inhibit the use of own P>G@s by visitors.
.llow or inhibit networ# triered Ko" chane (uprade andFor downrade).
The "G"' selects the charin characteristics behaviour for M>19/ eneration upon the creation of a MM conte(t.
0oth "G"'- ">G@ and P>G@ select the charin characteristics behaviour upon creation of a &P 1.' bearer. Once
selected- the charin characteristics behaviour shall be maintained throuhout the lifetime of the MM or &P 1.'
bearer. &f the "G"' receives modified subscriber information from the ;5/F;"" (e.. e(ecution of a stand>alone &nsert
"ubscriber 9ata procedure) which includes chanes the charin characteristics- the new charin characteristics shall
be applied only to new &P 1.' bearers. This implies that the "G"'FMM2 shall not send &P 1.' bearer modifications
for the e(istin &P 1.' bearer to the ">G@ because of charin characteristics chane.
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! )* "elease #
$nne2 : (normati8e)/
T2 e2+irationA -ai*ure 9an'*ing +roce'ure an' (e((ion
5ai*o8er mechani(m 'e(cri+tion
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! )' "elease #
=nitial CC"B T>
=nitial CC"B
?pdate CC"B
T> e>piration
?pdate CC"B
T> e>piration
=nitial CC"B
for second
?pdate CC"B
T> e>piration
for second
1CS Session
/ailure Action
C T2"7=;AT2
&P 1.' bearer is
not established.
&P 1.' bearer
is not
&P 1.' bearer is
The PG@>19/ is
&P 1.' bearer is
The PG@>19/ is
'F. 'F.
"2T"D E
.fter T(
e(piration- the P>
G@ sends the
&nitial 11/ to the
secondary O1".
The ne(t
considerations also
> T( is restarted.
> "ervice is not
ranted yet- i.e.
P9P conte(t is
not accepted
> &f an answer
from the first
O1" is
received after
the first T(
e(piration- it is
&n case the
secondary O1" is
not available- the
behaviour is
described in the
columnD N&nitial
11/- T(
e(piration for
second O1"I.
&P 1.' bearer
is not
.fter T( e(piration-
the P>G@ will
move all pendin
update 11/s for
the online session
to the secondary
O1". The ne(t
considerations also
> T( is restarted
> "ervice is only
ranted until
the =uota is
> &f an answer
from the first
O1" is
received after
first T(
e(piration- it is
&n case the
secondary O1" is
not available- the
behaviour is
described in the
columnD N3pdate
11/- T( e(piration
for second O1"I.
&P 1.' bearer is
The PG@>19/ is
&P 1.' bearer is
not established.
&P 1.' bearer is
The PG@>19/ is
.fter T(
e(piration- the P>
G@ sends the
&nitial 11/ to the
secondary O1".
The ne(t
considerations also
> T( is restarted
> "ervice is only
ranted until
the =uota is
> &f an answer
from the first
O1" is
received after
the first T(
e(piration- it is
&n case the
secondary O1" is
not available- the
behaviour is
described in the
columnD N&nitial
11/- T(
e(piration for
second O1"I.
The &P 1.'
bearer is
accepted and the
session is
closed for the P>
The operator can
limit the
duration of the
&P 1.' bearer.
The PG@>19/
is mar#ed.
.fter T( e(piration-
the P>G@ will
move all pendin
update 11/s for
the online session
to the secondary
O1". The ne(t
considerations also
> T( is restarted
> "ervice is only
ranted until
the =uota is
> &f an answer
from the first
O1" is
received after
the first T(
e(piration- it is
&n case the
secondary O1" is
not available- the
behaviour is
described in the
columnD N3pdate
11/- T( e(piration
for second O1"I.
.fter the T(
e(piration- the
failure handlin
mechanism is
The credit>control
session is
considered closed
for the P>G@ and
access to all
services is ranted
for an operator
period of time.
The PG@>19/ is
mar#ed. .ll active
service data flow
containers shall be
added to the 19/.
.fter the T(
e(piration for the
secondary O1"-
the failure
mechanism is
The &P 1.'
bearer is
accepted and the
session is
closed for the P>
The operator can
limit the
duration of the
&P 1.' bearer.
The PG@>19/
is mar#ed.
.fter T(
e(piration for the
secondary O1"-
the failure
mechanism is
The credit>control
session is
considered closed
for the P>G@ and
access to all
services is ranted
for an operator
period of time.
The PG@>19/ is
mar#ed. .ll active
service data flow
containers shall be
added to the 19/
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! )$ "elease #
$nne2 . (in5ormati8e)/
a) The '$-- charging specifications
> 3GPP T" 3*.*<*D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE @ireless 5ocal .rea
'etwor# (@5.') charinJ.
) Common '$-- specifications
> 3GPP T" **.8+8D J"ervice aspectsE "ervice principlesJ.
> 3GPP T" *3.++*D J'etwor# .rchitectureJ.
> 3GPP T" *3.++3D J'umberin- addressin and identificationJ.
> 3GPP T" *A.++8D JGeneral on Terminal .daptation 7unctions (T.7) for Mobile "tations (M")J.
c) other "omain and 0ervice specific '$-- & )T03 specifications
> 3GPP T" :,.+38D J5ocation "ervices (51")E 0ase "tation "ystem .pplication Part 51" e(tension
> 3GPP T" *:.++CD JMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationE 1ore networ# protocolsE "tae 3J.
> 3GPP T" *3.+:+D JTechnical reali!ation of the "hort Messae "ervice ("M")J.
> 3GPP T" 3*.*8<D JTelecommunication manaementE 1harin manaementE 1harin data
description for the Pac#et "witched (P") domain (/elease <)J. 'ot propaated beyond /elease <.
d) +elevant 3T2 +ecommendations
> &T3>T /ecommendation 9.,3D J1harin and accountin in the international land mobile
telephone service (provided via cellular radio systems)J.
> &T3>T /ecommendation 2.8?:D JThe international public telecommunication numberin planJ.
> &T3>T /ecommendation K.A?AD J.pplication of the &"9' user part of 11&TT sinallin "ystem
'o.A for international &"9' interconnectionsJ.
> &T3>T /ecommendation U.*<D J&nterface between 9ata Terminal 2=uipment (9T2) and 9ata
1ircuit>terminatin 2=uipment (912) for terminals operatin in the pac#et mode and connected to
public data networ#s by dedicated circuitJ.
> &T3>T /ecommendation U.8*8D J&nternational numberin plan for public data networ#sJ.
e) +elevant 3)TF +FCs
> &2T7 /71 ,<, (8,C<)D J7ile Transfer ProtocolJ.
> &2T7 /71 83<+D JThe T7T Protocol (/evision *)J
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! )3 "elease #
$nne2 6 (in5ormati8e)/
.hange hi(tor7
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! )- "elease #
Change history
4ate TSG F TSG
C" "ev Su3ject5Comment Cat 1ld ;ew 8ork
SP-37 SP-
00&1 -- $'' (er8ice (+eci5ic charging in5ormation 5or e2ten'e' +acDet
in(+ection - $*ign 4ith 23.203
. 7.5.0 8.0.0
-- -- -- -- .orrection o5 t7+o on +re8iou( *ine o5 hi(tor7 ta,*e -- 8.0.0 8.0.1
SP-39 SP-
00&2 -- $*ign 4ith the #e*-8 "P. architecture - $*ign 4ith (tage 2 in
: 8.0.1 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-39 SP-
00&3 -- "nhance the PS architecture to corre(+on' 4ith the #e*-8 "P.
architecture - $*ign 4ith (tage 2 in 23.101323.102
: 8.0.1 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-10 SP-
00&1 -- <m+act on .harging trigger 5or "P. .harging : 8.1.0 8.2.0 "P.-.9
SP-11 SP-
00&5 -- $*ignment on :2 inter5ace 6 8.2.0 8.3.0 "P.-.9
SP-11 SP-
00&& -- <m+act on .harging trigger 5or "P. .harging : 8.2.0 8.3.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
00&9 - .orrection on .6# generation 5or "P. .harging - 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0070 - "P. @55*ine .harging architecture - $*ignment 4ith TS 23.0&0 : 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0071 - .*ari5ication on .harging .haraterictic( 5or "P. .harging : 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0071 - TS 32.251 (ma** re5inement( on PS @n*ine .harging +arameter( 5or
non-3GPP acce(( con(i'eration.
: 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
007& - TS 32.251 PS o55*ine charging - ,a(ic +rinci+*e( 'e(cri+tion enhance'
5or #5 con(i'eration
: 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0077 - TS 32.251 PS o55*ine charging- #5 me((age 5*o4( 'e(cri+tion 5or S-
G= an' P-G=
: 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0078 - "nhancement o5 @55*ine .harging $rchitecture 5or "P. .harging : 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0079 - .orrection on .6# 'ata ta,*e( 5or "P. .harging . 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0081 - TS 32.251 PS o55*ine charging - 'ata 'e(cri+tion 5or #5 me((age(
: 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0082 - TS 32.251 PS o55*ine charging - PS in5ormation 'e(cri+tion e2ten(ion
5or "P. o55*ine charging
: 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0083 - $''ition o5 #5 inter5ace on S-G= an' P-G= : 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0081 - $''ition o5 non-3GPP acce(( in5ormation 5or "P. @n*ine .harging . 8.3.0 8.1.0 "P.-.9
SP-12 SP-
0073 - .orrection on !u*ti+*e Ser8ice <n'icator categor7 $ 8.3.0 8.1.0 .97
SP-12 SP-
0080 - $'' Ser8ing %o'e T7+e to PS 'omain charging : 8.3.0 8.1.0 .98
SP-13 SP-
008& - PS o55*ine charging - #5 'e(cri+tion re5inement( 5or "P. o55*ine
charging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0087 - PS o55*ine charging - #e5inement( on PG= .6# content 'e(cri+tion
an' PS-in5ormation 'e(cri+tion :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0088 -
.*ari5ication( on "P. charging .
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0089 -
(er )ocation 'e(cri+tion enhancement 5or com+*7ing to "P. conte2t :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0090 -
.orrection o5 >oS han'*ing in "P. .harging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0091 -
#e5inement( on SG= .6# content 'e(cri+tion .
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0092 - Su,(cri+tion i'enti5ier a''e' in J(er8ice in5ormationK 'e(cri+tion 5or
"PS o55*ine charging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0093 -
%o'e--unctiona*it7 u(e 5or #5 in "P. charging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0091 - %on-3GPP acce(( J.6!$2000 9#P6 acce((K in5ormation in "P.
charging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0095 -
!a++ing $.# to .6# in "P. charging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
009& - !i((ing in5ormation in PS in5ormation 5or SG=3PG= .6#( in "PS
o55*ine charging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0097 -
$'' ne4 chargea,*e e8ent( to <P-.$% ,earer charging :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-13 SP-
0098 - SG= .6# an' PG= .6# 5ie*'( 'e(cri+tion re5inement 5or 5ie*'(
a++*ica,*e to GP#S on*7 :
8.1.0 8.5.0 "P.-.9
SP-11 SP-
0099 -
.orrection on Ser8ing %o'e $''re(( -
8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
Qun SP-11 SP- 0100 - $'' mi((ing (7m,o*( an' a,,re8iation( 5or "P. - 8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! )& "elease #
2009 090132
SP-11 SP-
0101 -
#emo8e generic J%on 3GPP (+eci5ic in5ormationK +arameter -
8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
SP-11 SP-
0102 - .*ari57 J<P-.$% ,earer .hargingK i( achie8e' ,7 J-*o4 :a(e'
.hargingK in P-G= -
8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
SP-11 SP-
0103 - .*ari57 the SGS% .harging 'e(cri+tion a++*ie( to SGS% 4ith Gn3G+
connecti8it7 on*7 -
8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
SP-11 SP-
0101 -
J!o,i*e %o'e <'enti5ierK u(e' 5or P!<P S53S8 an' S2a3S2, -
8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
SP-11 SP-
0105 - $*ignment ,et4een PS-in5ormation u(e' 5or o55*ine charging an'
SG= 3 PG= .6#( -
8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
SP-11 SP-
010& -
.orrection on "P. .harging -
8.5.0 8.&.0 .98
SP-15 SP-
09053& 110 -
.orrection 5or Su++orte' 5ie*'( in $ccounting #e;ue(t an' #e(+on(e
!e((age( - 8.&.0
8.7.0 .98
SP-15 SP-
113 - .orrection on >o( han'*ing in PS in5ormation 5or "PS - 8.&.0 8.7.0 .98
SP-15 SP-
115 - .orrection on .harging .haracteri(tic( 'e(cri+tion - 8.&.0 8.7.0 .98
SP-15 SP-
117 - .orrection on .harging characteri(tic( 5or4ar'ing 5rom !!" - 8.&.0 8.7.0 .98
SP-15 SP-
09053& 119 -
.orrection on (u++orte' 5ie*'( 5or .re'it-.ontro* #e;ue(t3an(4er 5or
@n*ine .harging - 8.&.0
8.7.0 .98
3GPP TS 3$%$&' (#%)%* $**+,*+! ). "elease #

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