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Nowadays, the Internet plays an important role in modern life.

virtually all students use it as a source of information and entertainment.
However, particularly, they are at risk for Internet dependence. It is generally
accepted that excessive use of the Internet can lead to an addiction and it
also has a negative efect on students study.
irst, some college students who are heavy users of the Internet may
sufer from Internet addiction. An international study has shown that they are
una!le to step away from the computer or put down mo!ile devices even for
a day. In that study, ",### college students were asked to go without media
for $% hours, !ut many students were not up to the challenge. &ome of them
confessed that they felt very anxious, antsy or even cra'y when a!staining
from the Internet.
&econd, spending a lot of time online makes students to neglect their
studies. In many cases, students who performed well in school !efore
allowed their grades to crash. (hey may not reali'e the pro!lem until serious
trou!le happens) *(hey +unk out of college. (heir parents explode when they
,nd out their huge investment in their childs college education is going to
support all-night Internet sessions..
In conclusion, from my perspective, people should have dou!t a!out
the Internets advantages. Although it is an excellent tool for gathering
information and for interpersonal communication, people, particularly
students, should not !ecome too dependent on the Internet and make it the
central focus of their lives.

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