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Steps for writing

(adaptable to any subject matter)

Sr. Young, M.Ed.
Checklist for
before you begin
Are you actively listening?
Are your notes out?
Is your writing utensil ready?
Are you paying attention to the speaker?
Are you actively engaged?
Are you prepared to ask questions?
Are you putting active thought into the task at
Preparatory work:
The planning phase
Identify what is being asked of you
Preparatory work:
The planning phase
Identify the important information
What are you being asked to produce?
Are there key phrases or grammatical
points you need to include to get a full

Preparatory work:
The planning phase
Organize your thoughts
Jot down an outline/web/chart that
includes ALL key information that is
Be mindful of things like noun/adjective
agreement and subject/verb agreement

Initial Writing Work:
The preview phase
Compare your graphic organizer
against the prompt
ENSURE that you are about to write to
the question
VERIFY that you selected appropriate
vocabulary and/or grammar concepts (or
pertinent data that is being judged for
a grade)

The Writing Phase
Respond to the prompt according to
all directions and identified focus
The Review Phase:
Checking your work!
Read what you wrote and REVIEW (look at
again) to ensure:
You answered the question(s)
Your nouns and adjectives agree in number and
Your subjects and verbs agree in conjugation
[Spanish] Your questions begin with and end
with ?
[Spanish] Your exclamations begin with and
end with !
[Spanish] Double check accent marks
Writing Prompt
You are hosting a party for your
grandmothers birthday. Write an e-mail
of at least 10 sentences to your cousin in
Puerto Rico that details the event. Your e-
mail should describe the family members
who are coming, what kind of food you are
going to have, how old the celebrant (your
grandmother) is going to be, when her
birth date is, and when the party is going
to be.

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