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Observer: Chaun Kuzin

SIOP Nicole Sweson Observation #2 FA2014 86% (104/120)

Preparation Score 0-4
1. Content objectives 4 Introduced them after the opening
2. Language objectives 4 Introduced them after the opening activity
3. Content concepts 4 Appropriate for the grade level
4. Supplementary materials 3 Sentence strips, reading poems on monitor,
graphic organizer
5. Adaptation of content 4
6. Meaningful activities 4 Sample poem was a good way to engage
students and show examples of sensory
Good preparation for the lesson. Both the sample poem and your modeling of popcorn were
effective in showing the idea of using sensory words in poetry. You used gestures and involved
students in gathering sensory words.

Building Background 11/12
7. Concepts explicitly linked 4 The sensory idea was easily linked to
students personal experiences. The student
generated poem was based on their own
interests as well.
8. Links explicitly made 4 Preview of previously learned vocabulary
(rhyme, rhythm, stanza, personification)
9. Key vocabulary 3 The introduction of sensory words was good
and you provided plenty of examples. You did
refer to metaphor during class but didnt
reinforce the definition with students to
check for comprehension.

Comprehensible Input 10/12
10. Speech 4 A good pace; no slang
11. Clear explanation 3 A better explanation of why their poem does
not have to rhyme would be good.
12. A variety of techniques 3 Group brainstorming before writing was great
and good use of the graphic organizer. You
took input from students throughout the
lesson and modeled writing your own poem.
You did a great job modeling what you wanted students to do.

Observer: Chaun Kuzin

Strategies 10/12
13. Opportunities for learning
3 The graphic organizer helped students
organize their writing. The group work allowed
for practice before independent writing.
14. Scaffolding techniques 4 You provided a lot of modeling for students
and involved them throughout the writing
process. You allowed students to use
dictionaries and thesauruses in their own
15. Questions to promote
higher-order thinking
3 More higher order thinking questions would be
good for students.

Interaction 14/16
16. Interactiondiscussion 3 Small group work, and teacher-student
interaction. Majority of teacher-student
interaction was question-response. Planned
turn and talk didnt happen.
17. Grouping configurations 3 Whole class, groups
18. Wait time 4 Good wait time overall.
19. Clarify key concepts in L1 4 I didnt see much native language use by you.
Its hard to tell if students used it to support
each other.

Practice/Application 10/12
20. Hands-on materials 3 Sentence strips
21. Apply content/language
3 The whole class was focused on the content
22. All language skills 4 Readingthe text and poem; writingthe
sentence strips and poem; speakingwith
group and partners; listeningto you and

Lesson Delivery 13/16
23. Content objectives
24. Language objectives
25. Students engaged 3 I would say you had about 80% engagement.
Observer: Chaun Kuzin

26. Pacing 3

Review/Assessment 13/16
27. Review of key vocabulary 3 The use of sensory words was throughout the
lesson. Simile and metaphor was used rarely.
28. Review of concepts 4
29. Feedback on output 3
30. Assessment throughout
3 It would be good to have thumbs up/down
checks throughout the lesson to see if
students understand the directions and have

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