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The Secret Recommended Reading

(I lack: 10, 21, 30)

01. Claude Bristol, The Magic o !elie"ing
02. Henry Drummond, The #reate$t Thing in the %orld
Christian D. Larson
03. The #reat %ithin
0&. 'o( to !e %ell
0). 'o( to 'eal *our$el
0+. 'o( to Stay *oung
0,. The Ideal Made Real
0-. .ea"e it to #od
0/. 0u$t !e #lad
10. Ma$tery o Sel
11. The Mind 1ure
12. Thinking or Re$ult$
13. *our 2orce$ and 'o( to 3$e Them
1&. Dr Joseph Murphy, The 4o(er o *our Su5con$ciou$ Mind
William Walker Atkinson
1). Mind 4o(er
1+. Thought 6i5ration or .a( o 7ttraction in the Thought %orld
1,. James Allen, 7$ 7 Man Thinketh
1-. Napoleon Hill, Think and #ro( Rich
Ernest Holmes
1/. 1reati"e Mind
20. The Science o Mind
21. Thi$ Thing 1alled *ou
Prentice Mulord
22. #it o the S8irit
23. *our 2orce$ and 'o( to 3$e Them
Catherine Ponder
2&. The 9ynamic .a($ o 'ealing
2). The 9ynamic .a($ o 4ro$8erity
2+. The 4ro$8ering 4o(er o .o"e
2,. !alph Waldo "rine, In Tune (ith the Ininite
2-. Wallace Wattles, The Science o #etting Rich
Joseph #. Benner
2/. The Im8er$onal .ie
30. The %ay :ut
31. Ne$ille %oddard, *our 2aith i$ *our 2ortune
32. Charles Haanel, The Ma$ter ;ey Sy$tem 2ree e!ook
33. Jiddu &rishnamurti, 7t the 2eet o the Ma$ter
3&. Dr !o'ert A. !ussell, #od %ork$ Through *ou

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