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Lee-Brown 1

Makayla Lee-Brown
Creative Writing 3
Having to see this beati!l baby boy" !irst yo were in a bad part o! yor li!e" and
then he #st $hanges yor world% &a'ian (dward Bo$hard is who 'ade 'e who ) a'
today% When )*' with hi'" all 'y proble's #st go away% Bt ) a' not going to start this
like how ) a'%
+n a night" 'y 'other*s birthday" ) think" 'y sister was a$ting !nny% ) didn*t
nderstand why she was a$ting the she was" like her ndies got st$k in a wad% We were
having a wonder!l ti'e" ntil ) see 'y sister plling 'y 'o' into 'y 'o'*s roo'% )n
deep thoght" ) was thinking 'aybe she killed so'eone" or 'y brother-in-law $heated
and they are getting a divor$e% ) needed to know" so ) se$retly sn$k 'y way in 'y
'o'*s roo'% ) see 'y 'o' $rying" hope!lly happy tears% ) asked what was going on
and be!ore 'y sister $old say anything ) said" ,-o*re pregnant./ 0he shook her head
yes" and that is when ) !ainted% Literally" !all on the !loor" not waking p !or awhile"
!ainted% 1his was real.
Waking p" ) look at 'y sister2 all she was doing was s'iling" like she was a
$reepy $abbage pat$h kid doll% ) was so e3$ited that 'y sissy was having a baby% ) was so
happy that ) was telling everyone at 'y s$hool% My 'other said ) was happy everyday"
whi$h ) was #a$ked p on Montain &ew% 4inding ot that 'y sister was pregnant wasn*t
the 'ost e3$iting part% 0he was having a baby boy. 5ls" she was 'oving in with 'y
'o'" 'y seven brothers" and )% My 'o' and dad split p" so ) needed so'eone to talk
to% Being by 'y sister*s side" ) was there every step o! the way% 0he was always there !or
'e" and this was really big" so ) thoght ) was going to be by her side every step o! the
way% 6oing to do$tor appoint'ents" baby shopping" it !elt like ) was going to have the
Being by 'y sister*s side" $leaning p throw p" shaving her legs" et$% ) #st
wanted her to be able to rest and have a healthy baby% Being at s$hool and getting $alled
down the o!!i$e ) knew that the baby was on the way. ) rshed down the hall and 'y
brother and daddy $a'e to pi$k 'e p% What really 'attered was when ) got there" 'y
sister kept asking !or 'e% ) got in there and she was ready to psh% ) held one o! her legs
and ) saw this little baby $o'ing% 1ears rolling down 'y !a$e" ) was an ant%
7!ter abot three hors" 'y sister wanted 'e to $o'e in% 0he handed &a'ian
(dward Bo$hard to 'e" and said she had a 8estion !or 'e% 0he asked i! ) $old be the
god'other o! &a'ian% Balling even 'ore" ) said ) wold love to be this gorgeos baby
boy*s god'other% My li!e was already getting better% ) thoght 'y li!e was $o'pleted% )
kept saying ) didn*t want any kids be$ase ) already had one% 1he love ) had !or this baby"
it was like he was 'y own%
When he $a'e ho'e" ) was ready% ) $leaned every roo' in the hose% ) didn*t
want any ger's on 'y pre$ios pot o! gold% He was too deli$ate to have anything har'
hi'% 1hat is when everyday a!ter s$hool" ) wold get hi'" so it wold be at three% ) walk
throgh the old wooden door" throw 'y st!! on the living roo' !loor" rn p the stairs to
'y sister*s roo' and ) wold get to 'y baby boy%
Love is strong2 'y li!e was $o'pletely $hanged on 0epte'ber 39" 2912" at 12:1;
a'% &a'ian (dward Bo$hard" 'y nephew" 'y godson" was born" and 'ade 'e a better
Lee-Brown 2
person% ) was in a bad spot" ) hng ot with the wrong grop" did wrong things" rde to
'y !a'ily" and now ) a' a strong" $aring" good" hang ot with okay people" and always
go ho'e and help take $are o! 'y !a'ily% &a'ian is 'y best !riend and ) love hi'" he is
the big event that 'ade 'e who ) a' today%

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