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1.- She's _______ university teacher.

a) a b) an
c) the
2.- I like _______ small animals.
a) the b) every
c) a
3.- Is this coat _______ ?
a) yours b) your
c) you
4.- Is Diana _______ ?
a) a your rien! b) yours rien! c) a
rien! o yours
".- #ho are _______ $eo$le over there?
a) those b) that c)
%.- _______ is your $hone number?
a) ho& b) &hich c)
'.- (oul! I have _______ !rink?
a) other b) th c)
).- *here aren't _______ or everybo!y?
a) chairs enou+h b) enou+h chairs c)
enou+h o cahirs
,.- *hey're _______ youn+ to +et marrie!.
a) too much b) too c) very
1-.- .ost _______ like travellin+.
a) o $eo$le b) o the $eo$le c)
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8ay >ue hacer )- $re+untas como estas $or niveles.

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