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Name_______________________________ Date_____________
Monday Homework Sort your words, then write words under headers.
You can leave these cut-out words at home for daily homework.
!hese sheets should "e turned in at the end of every week.
__________ __________ __________ __________
!hursday Homework Do an at home $retest of each word $rior
to the test at school on %riday. !urn in this dou"le-sided sheet
on %riday.
__________ __________ __________ __________
&elow are the weekly word wall words for this week.
Your child should "e a"le to read and s$ell these words easily.
'. why (. $eo$le ). they*re +. didn*t ,. must
!uesday and -ednesday .H/0.1 Homework
.hoose !-/ additional activities to com$lete $er week.
!his sheet is the only sheet that needs to "e turned in.
2lease have an adult si3n and date that ( of the activities "elow were
S4- 5Sort, 4l$ha"eti6e and -rite7 - Students sort their words,
alphabetize the words within their categories and then write down the
Adult Signature_____________________ Date____________________
&eat the 2arent - Parent sorts the words while being timed by their
child. The child then tries to beat the parents time while sorting their
Adult Signature_____________________ Date____________________
S$eed Sort Student completes the sort while timing himsel!"hersel!.
The sort is then repeated to see i! he"she can beat his"her pre#ious time.
Adult Signature_____________________ Date____________________
-ord Hunt - Students loo$ !or words in boo$s"print that %t the
rule"pattern. Students record the words.
Adult Signature_____________________ Date___________________
8ain"ow -ords &rite each word in a #ariety o! colors.
Adult Signature_____________________ Date___________________
&u""le 9etters - &rite each word in bubble letters.
Adult Signature_____________________ Date___________________
Hi3hli3ht the :owels &rite each word highlight the #owels.
Adult Signature_____________________ Date___________________
-rite a 2oem or Story - 'se as many o! the words as possible.
Adult Signature_____________________ Date___________________

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