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Visual impairment including blindness means an impairment in vision that, even with correction,
adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and

Common causes of visual impairment include: diabetes, retinopathy, cortical, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal
detachment, infection and trauma, and macular degeneration.

Technology: Apps have the ability to enhance the learning environment for students with visual impairments.
Utilizing object manipulation on computers and other technological media devices is also helpful.


Eye glasses
Large Print Books
CCTV (closed circuit TV
Screen Magnifier
Screen Color Contrast
Screen Reader, Text Reader
Braille translation software
Braille printer
Enlarged or Braille/tactile labels for keyboard
Alternate keyboard w/ large keys
Braille keyboard & note taker

Simple Things: Increase font size on web browsers.
The Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of October 8, 2010. Most popular and
prime time channels now accessible to those with viewers with vision loss. Provides a description of what is
happening on the program.
Programming guide and other resources for video for students with visual impairments:

Educational Needs That Result from a Visual Impairment.
Vision loss can result in delayed concept development which, without effective intervention, severely
impacts the student's social, emotional, academic, and vocational development.
Students with visual impairments often must learn through alternate mediums, using their other senses.
Students with visual impairments often require individualized instruction since group instruction for
learning specialized skills may not be provided in a meaningful manner.
Students with visual impairments often need specialized skills as well as specialized books, materials
and equipment for learning through alternate modes.
Students with visual impairments are limited in acquiring information through incidental learning since
they are often unaware of subtle activities in their environment.
Curriculum areas that require unique strategies or adaptations for students with visual impairments
include concept development, academic functioning,communication skills, sensory/motor skills,
social/emotional skills, orientation and mobility, daily living skills, career/vocational skills and utilization
of low vision.

Students with visual impairments should be included in the most unrestricted environments with the
best technological tools based on their individual level of need. Classroom and lesson modifications should be
designed to suite the need of each students impairment. Teachers should be aware of how the student became
blind for a student may be sensitive to light. Teachers should use auditory instruction and aids when possible to
tailor a lesson. Students who have visual impairments have the ability to succeed if the appropriate tools are
IDEA As Described by the United States Government

(2) Runyan, M. (2013). Seeing Is Believing! Learning & Leading with Technology, 40(5), 12-17. Retrieved
October 17, 2014, from impaired students&id=EJ1015167\

(3) American Printing House for the Blind, "Annual Report 2014: Distribution of Eligible Students Based on
the Federal Quota Census of January 7, 2013 (Fiscal Year 2014)." Accessed July 28, 2014, from

Braille Institute: Info on what media is available. Misc other resources for parents, students and teachers
(4) mobileapps/Via.aspx.

Knowbilitys program and service to help make the technology accessible to all people.
ATSTAR (Assistive Technology Strategies Tools Accommodations and Resources Program) brings assistive
technology/ training and expertise directly to the classroom
(5) http//

American Federation for the Blind
(7) http//

Project Ideal: An amazing site with tons of info on diseases, solutions, and outside resources for further info.

VisionAware: Resources for Independent Living with Vision Loss

Education; A brief overview of visual impairments and solutions.

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