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Development Journal: Unit 3: Language

Write about your students future

Think about three students in your class. Make notes about what you think they will do in the future, 15
years from now. Look at the example to help you.
Name Their future? Reason
Go to university, get good grades,
maybe be a politician
Hes hardworking, very clever and loves
Go to supermodel agency, make many
friends, maybe a supermodel
he!s beautiful, gracefully and charming
Go to Les "opa#ue tudio, produce new
animation series for kids, maybe an
$e lo%es to drawing, so creati%e and &"T
Go to 'ukit (alil ports chool, open a
gymnasium, maybe a fitness instructor
$e lo%es sports, full of stamina and
)rite about your students. *ou can use this structure to help you. +emember to be careful with the future
forms you use. )rite 15, words.
"ntrodu#tion paragraph
&n this essay & will talk about -topic..
Three of my students are -names..
This essay is about their future.
$ody paragraphs %&3'
/irst, ...
0nother student of mine is...
/inally, ...
(on#lusion paragraph
&n conclusion...
To conclude.
0dd your text to the box below1
2 The 'ritish "ouncil, 3,11
The 4nited 5ingdom6s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. )e are registered in 7ngland as a charity.

In this essay I will talk about my student's future. They are yu, ripin and !arouk.
!irst, the most gracefully students is yu. "he's so beautiful and has the '#$factor' that I believe is
her charming attitude. %& years from now, she will be 'oining a supermodel agency, make some friends
and she is definitely will be the (alaysia's )e#t Top (odel*
nother student of mine is, ripin. He is a tech person, creative and loves to drawing. His artwork is
a masterpiece. He will be working in +es ,opa-ue "tudio as lead animator. .ho knows there will be
'/pin Ipin0 )ew "eason', right1
!inally, !arouk will be a fitness instructor after graduated from 2ukit 3alil "ports "chool and owning
a gymnasium. He is an inspiring person, loves sports and full of stamina.
In conclusion, I'm really proud of them, it doesn't matter who they will be in the future.
2 The 'ritish "ouncil, 3,11
The 4nited 5ingdom6s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. )e are registered in 7ngland as a charity.

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