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A noun is the name of person, place, thing or idea. Whatever existing thing that we
assume and can be name is known as a noun.
Types Of Nouns
1. Count Noun
Naming anything that can be counted
Eg : two fishes, a few dishes, one dozen box
2. Mass Noun ( non-count nouns )
Naming something that cant be counted. !so "efe" to b"and o" ty#e.
Eg : water, air, energy, blood
$. Co!!ecti%e Noun
Can ta&e a singu!a" fo"m but a"e com#osed of mo"e than one indi%idua! #e"son o"
items. Co!!ecti%e noun can be eithe" count noun o" non-count noun de#ending on
ho' they a"e being used in a sentence.

Eg : (e got into trouble ( non-count )
(e had many troubles ( countab!e )
Experience is the best teache" ( non-count )
)e had many exciting experiences in co!!ege ( countab!e )
*. +"o#e" Noun
,efe" to one #e"son, #!ace, thing o" institution and begins 'ith a ca#ita! !ette". -hey
"e used 'ithout a dete"mine".
Eg : Edwin, IPIS, Malaysia
+"o#e" noun 'hich "efe" to a g"ou# of #eo#!e o" things is ca!!ed collective proper
noun. Can be used 'ith eithe" singu!a" o" #!u"a! %e"b.
Eg : Boy Scout
.. /ingu!a" Noun
!'ays singu!a". 0sed 'ith a dete"mine"
Eg : his shirt, the ball, my friend
1. +!u"a! Noun
!'ays #!u"a!. 0sed 'ith #!u"a! %e"bs
Eg : shirts, friends
Forms Of Nouns
Nouns can be in the sub2ecti%e, #ossessi%e and ob2ecti%e case de#ending on the
Eg : The English professor is ta!! ( sub2ect )
(e chose the English professor ( ob2ect )
The English professors ca" is g"een ( #ossessi%e )

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