Steps of Mail Merging A Document

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Steps of Mail Merging a Document

Step 1- Open MS Word and type the letter and save the document as doc
Step2- Open MS Excel and make a document with all the requirements and
save the document as address1.xlsx
Step3- Open the word document then click on Mailing > start mail merge> step
by step mail merge wizard

Step4- Follow the desired steps and in step 3 browse the excel file saved as
address1.xlxs. A dialog box will appear to select the table. select

Step5- another dialog box will appear asking the recipients to whom the
documents are to be sent. Click OK

Step6- After selecting the names go to Mailing > Insert merge field . a dialog
box will appear with a list of headings that was on the excel spredsheet.

Step7- insert the desired fields as per the specifications

Step8- Complete the remaining steps of mail merge. And select preview
result,where all the fields are now filled with the specific category.

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