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MBA Semester 4


Subject: Corporate Governance & Global Business Environment Subject Code: FT-401C

1. Explain the term Corporate Governance. Explain briefly its evolution & its principle.
2. Describe the theories & models of Corporate Governance.
3. Discuss Tariff & NonTariff barriers in international trade.
4. Write down the basic principles of WTO and also explain the objectives & functions of
5. What are the recent trends & Drivers of International Trade?
6. What is FDI? Why do developing countries need FDI & explain the various factors that
influence FDI.
7. What is Economic Environment? And how it is important for business?
8. What element of culture environment may be most relevant to the marketing & why?
9. Write note on:
Multi National countries
International monetary system
Foreign direct investment
Future of international business
Technological Environment

10. What is Political Risk? How is it assesses? What are the various modes of its
11. Discuss the concept of BOP. What are the possible reasons for deficit in BOP? Discuss
the measures to correct deficit in BOP.
12. What are the participants in foreign exchange market? Discuss the nature importance of
their participation. How does risk management factors works in international market.
13. What is the need of managing foreign exchange risk?

14. Describe International Monetary Systems & its functions.
15. Discuss the various financing techniques in International Trade.

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