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The Great Gatsby Chapter Questions

Chapter 1
1. Describe the narrator.
2. Why did he come to the east?
3. Who did the narrator meet in the first chapter?
4. Daisy tes the narrator t!o thin"s on the front porch# !hat !ere they?
$. What does %ordan do for a i&in"?
'. What happens at the end of chapter 1?
Chapter 2
1. Who is Dr (.%. )c*ebur"?
2. Where does (om ta*e Nic*?
3. What is +(he ,aey of -shes?.
4. Describe the Wisons.
$. Describe the party in this chapter. /Peope# con&ersations# etc.0
'. What do (om and 1yrte ar"ue about?
Chapter 3
1. What !as 2atsby3s party i*e?
2. 4o! did most peope "et there?
3. Who did %ordan "o to the party !ith?
4. Who !as sittin" in the ibrary? Describe that encounter.
$. What !ere some of the rumors about 2atsby?
'. 4o! !as 2atsby introduced to us?
5. 4o! many dinners !ere ser&ed? Why !oud this be?
6. Describe 2atsby3s actions durin" the party.
7. Why !as Nic* in&ited?
18. 4o! did the party end?
11. 4o! did Nic* describe himsef at the end of the chapter?
12. What did Nic* decide that he had to do at the end of the chapter? Why?
Chapter 4
1. What !as the name of the +boarder. at 2atsby3s?
2. Describe 2atsby3s car. What can you infer about 2atsby?
3. 2atsby as*s Nic* somethin" on their !ay to N.9. !hat !as the :uestion?
4. What !ere some thin"s 2atsby tod Nic* about his ife?
$. Who did the t!o eat unch !ith?
'. What !as his caim to fame?
5. What did %ordan te Nic* in the fashbac* in this chapter?
Chapter 5
1. What did 2atsby no use a summer?
2. What did 2atsby !ant Nic* to do in this chapter? 4o! did Nic* react?
3. What happened !hen 2atsby and Daisy met in this chapter?
4. Describe 2atsby3s actions before Daisy arri&ed and after they met? Why !ere they
$. What did 2atsby as* Daisy to oo* at? Why?
'. What !as her reaction?
5. What did 2atsby sho! Daisy once they !ere at his home?

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