Fever Change Assignment

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Fever Change Assignment

For every 5 chapters of Fever you need to do the following:
1. Write two quotes from the section using MLA format.
a. The first one has to be an example of how Mattie has changed or been affected by the fever
b. The second has to be an example of the fever epidemics progression or effect on the city of
2. Then you need to explain how the quotes are examples of these.

Example of an Entry

Chapters ____ to _____

1. Matties change quote:
a. I took the girl in as if she was my own (Halsey 300).
b. This quote shows how Mattie has grown up during these chapters because she has taken in an
orphan girl and will be raising her.
2. Fever progression quote:
a. Three thousand children had been orphaned and there were no rooms at the orphanage for
them so they were living in the street (Halsey 400).
b. This shows how the city services were so overwhelmed with the fever that they could not even
care for children who had lost their parents.

Chapters ________ to _________

1. Matties change quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Fever progression quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
Chapters ________ to _________
1. Matties change quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Fever progression quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
Chapters ________ to _________
1. Matties change quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Fever progression quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________

Chapters ________ to _________

1. Matties change quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Fever progression quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
Chapters ________ to _________
1. Matties change quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Fever progression quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
Chapters ________ to _________
1. Matties change quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Fever progression quote: _______________________________________________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________

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