Memoir Information

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Memoirs Name:__________________________

A memoir, which means memory, is an account of a personal experience from the

authors point of view.
-Memoirs difer from an autobioraphy in that an autobioraphy presents a complete
picture of the authors life, while a memoir focuses on one !ey event or period of time.
-Memoirs are almost always written in "rst person. #he one you write should be in "rst
-$ach memoir will include a theme, clearly stated at the end.
%&emember' a THEME is' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
)n this case, *+, are the author, so you decide on the theme-
-After readin your memoir, the Topic and Main Idea should be clear.
- #he ((((((((((((((( is one or two words on what the writin is enerally about.
- #he ((((((((((((((((((( what your writin is speci"cally about in one
or two sentences. /hat point is the writer tryin to ma!e0
-Memoirs have already ta!en place, so they should be in (((((((((((((( tense throuhout
the entire story.
-*our memoirs should include correct capitali.ation 1 ,se wor!boo! paes 234-256 for
capitali.ation rules.
-*our memoirs should include correct pronoun usae 7especially with ) and me8 1 ,se
wor!boo! paes 293-22: for pronoun rules.
-)f your memoir includes dialoue between characters, the dialoue should be punctuated
correctly 1 ,se wor!boo! paes 243-26: for dialoue punctuation rules.
Your second memoir should consider every characteristic mentioned above, in
addition to'
A variety of sentence types to ma!e the writin more interestin'
-;imple sentences'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
-<ompound sentences'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
-<omplex sentences'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
-<ompound-complex sentences' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
-,se sensory imaery and details to ma!e the reader feel as if they are there with you.
-)n your writin, did you describe to the reader what you (((((((((((((,
((((((((((((((((, ((((((((((((((((((, and (((((((((((((( durin the experience0
-,se an excitin or interestin ((((((((((((( to draw the reader into your memoir. =o not
start your paper with >i, my name is ?.., and )m oin to tell you about ?.. -
Your third memoir should consider every characteristic mentioned above, in
addition to:
-@now your audience 1 *our writin should ((((((((((((((((( based on who you are tal!in
to. @now when to use formal and informal lanuae.
-)n your writin use the riht TONE to create the MOO you want.
- ((((((((((((((( - tells how the author feels about the topic. #he author will use
diferent words to chane the feelin they want to convey 1 $x' )s the author tryin to be
funny0 ;ad0 Anry0
- ((((((((((((((( - the efect that the authors words have on the reader. >ow do the
authors words ma!e you feel when you read their writin0
Each !inal "opy should:
-Ait the reBuired lenth 1 <hec! with your teacher about *+,& reBuired lenth.
-/hen writin, do C+# waste space 1 #his will result in a point deduction if it causes
paper to be too short.
-De written in blac! or blue pen 7C+ pencil8
-De written neatly and carefully
-C+# have spellin errors 1 #his should be chec!ed durin editinErevisin 1 ,se the
-C+# have rammatical errors 1 ,se the suestions iven to you on your draft.
->ave identi"ed what your teacher has as!ed you to identify for that particular memoir'
-Airst one' Main idea F #heme
-;econd one' ;ensory details F ;entence variety F >oo!
-#hird one' <orrect audience F MoodE#one

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