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With every religion, there is a place that it originates from.

For Spain during the

Roman Empire, Spain was mainly considered a Christian based country. But by the 7

century there was an invasion from the Arab army that intended to lead the country to
Islamic rules. The regaining of Spain by the people left of the Christian forces, it led to
the reassertion of European rule over this Iberian land (Ellis, 2009). The joys of this led
to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who worked hard to initiate the country of Spain
into Catholicism. This was then helped transferred to the country by the arrival of
Christopher Columbus.
Where Catholicism is being now considered the religion of Spain, it helped open
up and shape what the country believes on its social and cultural development. The
Franco era was hugely influential in the Catholic religion in Spain. Francos regime
established policies that were highly favorable to the Catholic Church (Meditz & Solsten,
1988). Being Catholic in Spain meant a person believed in one holy God. This helped
shape the country and its people because it shaped how everyone had full beliefs in
God and followed the day to day scriptures from the bible. The church kept to its beliefs
and followed its practices and traditions with one another even to this day.
There are a bunch of places in Spain that are considered sacred sanctuaries
close to the holy spirits. As Spain is one of the first countries to adapt to the Catholic
cathedrals the cathedral of Burgos representing the Roman Catholics was one of the
first to be built in Spain. Not just is there sacred catholic churches in Spain but there is
places relating to other religions such as the Jewish Quarter in Cordoba, Spain,
Sinagoga de Cordoba and many more. The sites of Spain all around the country can be
considered sacred in Spain because of the age of the country and the love of religion
the Spaniards have.
Throughout the years in Spain, Catholicism is always observed as the sole
religion but over decades there has been struggle with Islam, Judaism, and
Protestantism trying to come in and make a state with their religions. Between the
government and religion, the Inquisition played a big role in why the purification of
Catholicism in the nonbelievers was abolished in the 1830s. In 1851, when the Spanish
government signed a Concordat with the Vatican that committed Madrid to pay the
salaries of the clergy and to subsidize other expenses of the Roman Catholic Church
(Ellis, 2009). This is turn made the churchs existence in Spain threatened and then
would later be returned to in Francos uprising later on.
From being a Catholic, the importance of this religion and how it has shaped
Spain is a great reminder to people today how Spain and its being catholic is an
important country to Catholics across the world. Of course every religion has its ups and
downs and from the research given on Spain it has had its battles with establishing the
religion across the country. In every religion there is an idea formed on how it really
came about and made me consider where Christopher Columbus really thought or
having an impact create the Catholic religion. There is an extensive list of the beliefs on
Catholicism and by how much Spain recreates the image of god is great example of a
country who believes together sticks together.

Works Cited
Ellis, L. (2009, July). Religion in Spain. Retrieved from donQuijote:
Meditz, S. W., & Solsten, E. (1988). Spain. Retrieved from Library of Congress:

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