GSG Maffei Poll Memo

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1C: lnLeresLed arLles
l8CM: Clobal SLraLegy Croup
8L: new ?ork's 24Lh Congresslonal ulsLrlcL survey
uA1L: CcLober 27, 2014

$*+,*-*./0/12* '0. !033*1 4*05- 1. ,06* 37, 87.9,*--
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uemocraLlc 8epresenLaLlve uan Maffel leads 8epubllcan !ohn kaLko by 3 polnLs, 43 Lo 40, accordlng
Lo a recenL survey of 400 llkely Ceneral LlecLlon voLers ln new ?ork's 24Lh Congresslonal ulsLrlcL.
Maffel leads by 20 polnLs among women, 32 Lo 32.
Maffel leads by 7 polnLs among lndependenL voLers, 43 Lo 36.

ln a generlc balloL LesL, a generlc 8epubllcan candldaLe has a Lhree-polnL lead over a generlc uemocraLlc
candldaLe, 39 Lo 36. ln Lhe lasL poll conducLed before Lhe 2012 elecLlon, Lhe generlc uemocraL held a
slx-polnL lead, 39 Lo 33.

CLher key flndlngs lnclude:
Maffel ls vlewed favorably by 42 of voLers and unfavorably by 41.
!ohn kaLko ls vlewed favorably by 36 of voLers and unfavorably by 36.

1he survey was conducLed by Clobal SLraLegy Croup from CcLober 20-22, 2014. 1he margln of error aL
Lhe 93 confldence level ls +/- 4.9.
arLy composlLlon (from reglsLraLlon)
uemocraL 34
lndependenL 23
8epubllcan 41

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