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By the end of this lab, students should be able to:

• To filter the image


• Type Tool
• CTRL+E ( merge the text layer into the background layer)
• Filter > Stylize-> Wind
• CTRL+F (to re-apply)
• Image> Rotate Canvas
• Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur
• Image-> Mode-> Grayscale
• Image-> Mode-> Indexed Color


1. Create a blank image and fill the background with black. Press X on the
keyboard (to flip colors) and then select the Type Tool -- type whatever you want,
press OK.
2. To center the text on your image, press CTRL+A-> CTRL+X-> CTRL+V and then
press CTRL+E to merge the text layer into the background layer.

3. Next, use Filter-> Stylize-> Wind with the settings "Wind" and "from the left".
Press CTRL+F to apply the same filter over again a second time. Now use
another Filter-> Stylize-> Wind, but this time with the settings "Wind" and "from
the right". Press CTRL+F to re-apply, just like before.

4. The next step is to repeat the same process we applied to the sides, but this time
to the top and bottom. Since there isn't a "top or bottom" option in the wind dialog
box, we will turn the image itself around. Use Image-> Rotate Canvas-> 90 CCW.
Apply the wind just like before, two on the left and two on the right. When you


have completed this task, use Image-> Rotate Canvas>90 CW in order to

straighten your work up.

5. Apply Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur with a value of 2, then Filter-> Distort->
Ripple with the default values.
6. Convert the image to Grayscale by using Image-> Mode-> Grayscale and then to
Image-> Mode-> Indexed Color. The next step is to give our image some color,
so choose Image-> Mode-> Color Table. Since we're shooting for a "fire effect"
choose the Black Body table.

7. Last Step: make our text a bit more legible. Choose the Text Tool & press D on
your keyboard. Use/type the same words you used earlier (use the same font
size and type) click OK, position the text in the middle .


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