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1. Christian humanism

2. Desiderius Erasmus's The Praise of Folly

3. Thomas More's Utopia

4. pluralism and absenteeism

5. Thomas a Kempis' Imitation of Christ

6. Oratory of Divine Love

7. the sacraments

8. Martin Luther

9. salvation by faith

10. priesthood of all believers

11. Johann Tetzel and indulgences

12. Ninety-Five Theses

13. the Edict of Worms

14. the Peasants' War, 1524

15. transubstantiation

16. the Protestant minister and family

17. Charles V

18. Pope Clement VII

19. Suleiman the Magnificent

20. Peace of Augsburg

21. Gustavus Vasa

22. Ulrich Zwingli

23. Marburg Colloquy

24. Anabaptists, Munster

25. millenarianism

26. Menno Simons

27. Henry VIII's wives

28. Act of Supremacy

29. Book of Common Prayer

30. Edward VI and "Bloody Mary"

31. John Calvin

32. predestination

33. Geneva

34. Protestant education

35. Puritans

36. Catholic Reformation

37. Saint Teresa of Avila

38. Ignatius Loyola

39. Jesuits

40. Francis Xavier

41. Pope Paul III

42. Council of Trent

43. Huguenots and Saint Bartholomew's Day

44. Henry IV and the Edict of Nantes

45. Philip II

46. the Battle of Lepanto

47. the New World

48. the Netherlands

49. Union of Utrecht

50. Elizabeth

51. Spanish Armada

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