Ice Breakers

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The purpose of the Im a game is to engage students in simple puzzle solving

skills to identify something about themselves to their peers. It is typically used at

the start of a new class for getting-to-know purposes.
Pick two topics you want to students to answer about themselves. For example: age
and favorite color. Have a key on the board linking the various possible ages to an
adjective and the various possible colors with a noun.
6- Silly Red- Monkey
7- Grumpy Orange- Tiger
8- Fluffy Yellow- Giraffe
9- Sleepy Green- Bear
Blue- Octopus
Purple- Kitten

Have the kids figure their two options and put together this sentence
Im a _______ ________.
Ex: Im a Fluffy Octopus. Would be for a child who is eight and whos favorite
color is blue. Have the kids go around the room and share their sentence.

The purpose of the imaginary line is to get the kids up and moving out of comfort
zones with their peers. It forces them to listen so they know where they will stand
on the line and identifies the groups of kids that are interested in similar things as
themselves. This will help them identify with each other and get to know
interesting facts about one another.
Walk down the center or front of the room creating an imaginary line. For younger
kids its more exciting if you actually draw the imaginary line with imaginary
drawing tools. Once you have your line drawn you get all the students up to stand
on the line. One end represents a strongly agree side. The other end represents a
strongly disagree side. You then state a series of statements someone could
strongly agree or disagree too. For example: I like dr.pepper. Students who
really like Dr. Pepper stand along the line closest to the strongly agree side.
Students who do not like Dr. Pepper go to the strongly disagree side. Students who
like Dr.Pepper but whos favorite is actually Coke, may stand in the middle of the

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