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Hopfers Procedures
It is highly important to set up specific classroom routines from the very beginning of the year. These
routines/procedures should be modeled, practiced, and acknowledged consistently. Taking time to develop
these as habits will be beneficial for the remainder of the year. In the space below, enter your routines/
procedures for the following areas:

Entering the Classroom:
As a class:
-Walk into the classroom
-Go to your designated spot/desk
-Prepare for the next subject
-Sit quietly and wait for the teacher

As an individual:
-Be responsible, find your seat, be
prepared and be at a level 0 for voice.

Teacher Role:
- Make sure all students are in
classroom, prepare students for next

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond

Breakfast/Start of Day:
-Come into the classroom
-Put cold lunch in the basket
-Sharpen any pencils
-Have a seat at your desk
-Read the morning message, complete
the morning activity
-Voice level 0-1
-Take out reading logs
-Complete any homework
-Give any notes to Mr. Hopfer or ask

Teacher Role:
- Greet students, have morning
message and activity up, check
reading logs

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond
Working independently:
- Voice level 0-1
- Work on your own work
- Wait for teacher if you have a
question, raise hand sit patiently and
continue on with your work
- Stay in your spot/desk

Teacher Role:
- Teacher will pull students to small
groups, circulate the room and assist
with other student needs

Dates Taught: Week of 9/2
Asking for help:
- Raise hand and sit patiently
- Come to teacher and let the teacher
know that you need help if in a
- If teacher is unavailable ask another
student quietly

Teacher Role:
- Answer students questions and
assist them as needed

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond

Sharpening pencils:
- Done at the beginning of the day,
when students come in (own pencils)
- Teacher has a jar with pencils that
need to be sharpened and ones that
are sharpened
-Each morning a students will sharpen
them and teacher will add more if
- If a student needs a pencil they can
grab a sharpened one and put the
unsharp one in the appropriate jar

Teacher Role:
- Make sure pencils get sharpened in
the jar, add more if needed

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond
Moving around the room:
- Done in transition time, teacher uses
5-4-3-2-1 or 10-9-8 when
- Only done during instruction time if
a tissue is needed (no drinks,
sharpening of pencils, bathroom)

Teacher Role:
- Have students be ready before they
are seated, tell them all materials

Dates Taught: Week of 9/2
Talking in class:
- Raise hand and wait to be called on
- If in discussion, use voice level 0-1
- No blurting answers
- Teacher may use sticks for calling on
Meeting personal needs (bathroom
and drink):
- Students have designated time
where the whole class uses the
bathroom and gets drinks, students
Organizing assignments:
- Use the planner/agenda (parents
need to sign)
- Look at the board to make sure that
they have all their homework down

Teacher Role:
- Use hand signal so students know to
raise hand, call on students who are
showing that they are ready. Address
students who are not paying

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond

get them at this time
- If emergency, teacher will use the
bathroom pass

Teacher Role:
- Remind students to use the
restroom or get a drink when they are
able to.
- Allow students with emergencies to
use the bathroom and get a drink.

Dates Taught: Week of 9/8
- Keep documents in the certain
folders (Math, Language Arts, etc.)

Teacher Role:
- Check planners/agendas periodically
(parents need to sign)
- Keep board updated
-Tell students the folder the
assignment goes to

Dates Taught: Week of 9/2
Testing routines:
- Voice level 0
- Eyes on own paper (I want to know
what you know, not someone else)
- Use a folder of a different subject as
a barrier
- Sit quietly, draw me a picture on
- Raise hand if question

Teacher Role:
- Make sure the voice level is 0
- Monitor students
- Answer questions
- Go over test beforehand

Dates Taught: Week of 9/8

Sending things home (mail):
- Done at the end of the day
- Students put in yellow folder
- Make a note in agenda/planner if it
needs to be returned

Teacher Role:
- Handout at the end of the day
- Remind students to put in
- Keep records of things returned

Dates Taught: Week of 9/2
Classroom helpers/jobs:
- At the end of the day, students will
pick up 5-10 scrapes on the floors
- Put up their own chair or another
student if gone
- First student will sharpen pencil in
- Pick a stick for library drop off
- Ask a student to bring down and pick
up lunch basket

Teacher Role:
- Make sure all students are
- Use sticks to have students complete

Dates Taught: Week of 9/2
Picking students up in the morning:
- Walk quietly in the hall
- Clean up locker space, keep things
out of the hallway
- Use the restroom/get a drink

Teacher Role:
-Monitor hallway
- Greet students

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond

Picking students up at recess:
- Line up out on the blacktop, same
spot each day
-Wait for the teacher to get there
- Proceed in and turn voice level to 0
- Line up in the hallway by the teacher
- Stop and use the bathrooms, line up
-One student gets the lunch tub

Teacher Role:
- Pick students up outside, count them
- Have students line up and make sure
everyone is there, maintaining level 0
- Monitor students at the bathrooms

Dates Taught: Week of 9/2
Dropping coats off on the way to
- Pick up coats on the way to lunch
- Hang them on the appropriate racks
in the cafeteria

Teacher Role:
- Make sure students are dressed
- Have students pick up coats and
make sure hallway is clean

Dates Taught: Will teach when colder

Reporting Problems:
- Address any problems with the
teacher first
- Teacher will decide how to proceed
from that point on

Teacher Role:
- Listen to students, find the best
solution of way to handle the situation

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond

Lunch tub drop off/pick up:
- One students will drop off the lunch
tub, picked by sticks
- Same person will pick it up

Teacher Role:
- Pick a stick and have that student
bring it down to lunch
- Make sure it is brought back each

Dates Taught: 9/2 and beyond
Inside Recess:
- Voice level 0-1
- Choose activity that was made
before lunch
-Stay in room
- Listen to supervisor

Teacher Role:
- Pick activities before lunch
- Make sure supervisor knows the
activities, leave a note

Dates Taught: Week of 9/15 and

Other notes:

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