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Edward B.

1159 East 61st Street, Chicago, IL 60657
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, expected Spring 2016
Concentration: Computer Science
Minor, Computational Neuroscience
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, expected Spring 2016
Bachelor of Arts, Tutorial Studies
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, expected (in application process) Spring 2017
Concentration: Virtual Reality Studies
X Research Assistant Winter 2014Present
Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics, Chicago, IL
Assisting Amy Boonstra (Managing Director, Programs & Outreach) and Lars Peter Hansen (Research Director)
with presentations in LaTeX. Focus on content delivery and professional aesthetics for Professor Hansens work.
Workshop Participant Summer 2014
Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry, Chicago, IL
(4 day long workshop.) Assisting Gerard McBurney (creative director of Chicago Symphony Orchestras Beyond
the Score) and Mike Tutaj (video designer) to stage projector screens in relation to video, storytelling, and live
Laboratory Assistant Spring 2012
Collar Group Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Chicago, IL
Worked as programming and tech assistant in physics laboratory. Personally focused on designing a rabbit hole,
to test how far a wire went during experiments.
Professional Skills
Foreign Languages: French (fuent, bilingual), Spanish (advanced reading, intermediate writing), Irish (beginner).
Computer Languages & Software: R, PHP, Javascript, Ruby, C, Adobe Creative Suite, LaTeX, Excel, Power Point.
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, Mac.
Co-Curricular Transcript
Founding President, Chi Chi Chi academic honours coed Fraternity 2014-2015
Elected Treasurer, Japanese Animation Society 2014-2015
Marketing & Promotion, Middle East Music Ensemble 2014-2015
Panel Coordinator, UChiCon (UCJAS Anime Convention) 2013-2014
hack@uchicago Neuro Club Euphony Journal

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