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Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame

Lesson Plan:
Lesson Ideas:
Measuring Volume:
Volume of Olympic-size Pool: Hae stu!ents calculate the olume of an
Olympic-size pool"
$ie stu!ents the len%th& 'i!th& an! !epth of a re%ulate! Olympic-size pool"
Hae the stu!ents (n! out the olume of an Olympic-size pool"
Volume ) len%th * 'i!th * hei%ht
The follo'in% are the stan!ar! re%ulations for an Olympic-size pool:
Len%th: +, m
Hei%ht: - m
.i!th: -+ m
Answer: Volume: 2500 m
Calculating Scores:
Stu!ents 'ill calculate the scores of !i/erent %ames base! on information
0urin% the championship %ame& the .il!cats score! 1 touch!o'ns an! ma!e
all their e*tra points 23ic34 an! the 0olphins score! - touch!o'ns an!
misse! 5 of their e*tra point attempts" .hat is the score of the %ame6
Touch!o'n ) 7 points 8*tra Point ) 5 point
Answer: Wildcats - 28 !!!!" # 28
$ol%&ins -'( !!' # '(
Calculating Cost:
# soccer team has 9:,",, to buy balls" One ball costs 9;" The team %ets
eery (fth ball for half-price 'hich is 9<"+," .hat is the lar%est number of
balls the team can purchase6
Total amount to spen!: 9:,
=ost per ball: 9;
8ery (fth ball purchase!: 9<"+,
5, balls ) 97< 2> balls at full price 9+7 ? the +
an! 5,
ball for 9<"+, each4
Ho' many a!!itional balls can they purchase6
Answer: '( )alls
Si*teen teams enter a hoc3ey tournament" @f there can be no !ra's& ho'
many %ames must 'innin% team play in or!er to 'in the tournament" 8ach
team can be eliminate! by one loss6
Answer: +&e winning team &as to %la, " games total to win t&e
.ind t&e /est 0oute:
Aim is trainin% for a race" He uses this map to (n! possible routes" The route
must start at AimBs house 2home4 an! en! at the par3" He 'ants to run
bet'een 1"> an! + 3ilometers"
Fin! the best route"
Home-=lub-Can3-La3e- Par3
5"- ? 5"5 ? 5", ? 5"7 ) 1": 3m
1"> D 1": D +",
@f 5 %ram of %rass see! is nee!e! to plant 5 sEuare meter& ho' many %rams
of %rass see! 'ill be nee!e! to plant an entire soccer (el! that is 5,, meters
lon% an! 71 meters 'i!e6 .hat is the area of the (el!6 @f 5&,,, %rams
eEuals 5 3ilo%ram& ho' many 3ilo%rams of %rass see! is nee!e! to plant the
soccer (el!6
#rea ) len%th * 'i!th
#rea ) 5,, * 71 ) 7&1,, sEuare meters
7&1,, %rams ) 7"1, 3ilo%rams
#bout 7"+ 3ilo%rams of %rass see! is
nee!e! to plant the soccer (el!"
There are 5- men on a bas3etball team& an! in a %ame + of them play at any
one time" @f the %ame is 1> minutes lon% an! if each man plays e*actly the
same amount of time& ho' many minutes !oes each man play6
Total time ) 1> * + ) -1, minutes
@n!ii!ual player time ) -1, / 5- ) -, minutes per player

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