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5Account for Sales - GAS

Ver 7.0 Updated July 2012
1. The Monthly Witnessing of Gas Metering Reading is approed !y "#$
%&'(td.) *(N *(TGU and #* M+G",
-n .onthly !asis) the representaties of *(N *(TGU) "#$ %&'(td and #* M+G",
/itness the .onthly .etering reading at Gas Metering ,tation *T *(N 0 "#$
%&'(td in $iruta. The Monthly Witnessing of Gas Metering Reading is approed
and signed !y the Witnes%&'fro. *(N) #* M+G", and authori1ed "#$2s
representatie then distri!uted to *o/er) Gas 3 4a5ilities 6epart.ent 7*G48.
Refer to document as follows:
C1.5.1.3 Monthly Witnessin of Gas Meterin Readin sin !y
C1.5.1.$ Monthly Witnessin of Gas Meterin Readin
C1.5.1.5 %erita Acara &enya'sian &em!acaan An'a Meter Gas
di &( &)* +&ersero,
Actual Control:
C1.5.1 - Monthly Witnessing of Gas Metering Reading is approved
and signed by the WitnesXYZfrom !"# $ M%G&' and a(thori)ed
&$C*s representative.
- +he 'tatement of Gas ,elivery to + !" ersero and 'tatement
of Gas ayment Gas ,elivery from o-shore XYZfor !+. Cir(ta are
approved by a(thori)ed &$C*s representative and !"*s
representative /GM !+G. Cir(ta0.
- +he amo(nt of Gas 'ales ayment is mat1h bet2een %nvoi1e and
'tatement of Gas ayment from 3-shore XYZto !+. Cir(ta.
2. *o/er Gas 34a5ilities 6epart.ent prepares ,tate.ent of Gas 6eliery and
,tate.ent of Gas *ay.ent on .onthly !asis
*o/er Gas 34a5ilities6epart.ent re5eies the approed Monthly Witnessing of
Gas Metering Reading and used it as a !asis to prepare ,tate.ent of Gas
6eliery and ,tate.ent of Gas *ay.ent then su!.itted to ,enior 9ead
:;ploitation and Manager :;ploitation for further reie/ then approed !y "#$2s
representatie 7Manager *G48 and *(N2s representatie 7GM *(TGU $iruta8.
The approed ,tate.ent of Gas 6eliery and ,tate.ent of Gas *ay.ent then
su!.itted to "55ount Re5eia!le and Material "55ounting for further reie/.
Refer to document as follows:
C1.5.1.- Statement of Gas .eli#ery
Page 1 of 4
C1.5.1./ Statement of Gas &ayment
Actual Control:
C1.5.1 - Monthly Witnessing of Gas Metering Reading is approved and
signed by the WitnesXYZfrom !"# $ M%G&' and a(thori)ed
&$C*s representative.
- +he 'tatement of Gas ,elivery to + !" ersero and 'tatement
of Gas ayment Gas ,elivery from o-shore XYZfor !+. Cir(ta are
signed by a(thori)ed &$C*s representative and !"*s
representative /GM !+G. Cir(ta0.
- +he amo(nt of Gas 'ales ayment is mat1h bet2een %nvoi1e and
'tatement of Gas ayment from 3-shore XYZto !+. Cir(ta.
C1.5.4 'tatement of Gas ,elivery is the responsibility of
56ploitation ,epartment 2hile invoi1ing pro1ess is 7inan1e
<. "55ount Re5eia!le 3 Material "55ounting "55ountant 5he5=s the state.ents
for inoi5ing pro5ess
"55ount Re5eia!le 3 Material "55ounting "55ountant re5eies the approed
,tate.ent of Gas 6eliery and ,tate.ent of Gas *ay.ent for inoi5e issuan5e
pro5ess to #uyer>*(N. Then "55ount Re5eia!le 3 Material "55ounting
"55ountant eri?ed that the gas pri5e U,@A.B>MM#TU is .at5h /ith the Gas
,ales "gree.ent.
Gas ,ales *ri5e for U,@ A.B per MM#TU 7and shall !e es5alated !y <C eery year
as of May 1) 20118 is !ased on ".end.ent to the Gas ,ales "gree.ent on July
21) 2011 !et/een *T *(N 7persero8 and "#$ %&'(td.) *T *erta.ina 9ulu :nergi
-%&'DN-$ ,u.atra (td.) ,ala.ander :nergy ,u.atra #V.) 4ortuna Resour5es
7,unda8 (td.) UD 7,outheast ,u.atra8 (td.) Resour5es
7#aha.as8 (td. approed !y *resident of "#$ %&'(td. 76uan $henggang8 and
*resident 6ire5tor of *T *(N 0 *ersero 76anian +s=an8.
+f the gas pri5e is not .at5h) "55ount Re5eia!le 3 Material "55ounting ,e5tion
/ill prepare "dEusted "$F ,tate.ent and 5onsider $lassi?5ation of #uyer
:;5used Fuantity and 5onsult to (egal 6epart.ent 7+f ne5essary8 to 5on?r. /ith
the gas 5ontra5t.
+f the gas pri5e is .at5h) then "55ount Re5eia!le 3 Material "55ounting ,e5tion
prepares inoi5e and pay.ent re5eipt. The pay.ent of the inoi5e shall !e due
as follo/ 7refer to arti5le 1A of G,"8G
Page 2 of 4
"t the latest 20 day after the #uyer re5eies the releant .onthly
state.ent) "dditional $ost inoi5e or "nnual Re5onsolidation or any
Refer to document as follows:
C1.5.1 Re0uest for &ayment of Gas Sales 1n#oice to &)(G2
C1.5.1.1 1n#oice
C1.5.1.3 &ayment Recei"t
C1.5.1.1/ Gas Sales Areement
Actual Control:
C1.5.8 - 7inan1e 9 &11o(nting ,epartment 1he1:s the invoi1e pri1e for
gas sales based on the gas sales 1ontra1t. %f there is any disp(te#
it 2ill be 1ons(lted to legal department for advi1e.
- %nvoi1e iss(ed for gas sales is revie2ed by '(pervisor &11o(nt
Re1eivable 9 Material &11o(nting# '(perintendent &11o(nting#
'enior ;ead of Reporting 9 &11o(nting# Manager 7inan1e 9
&11o(nting and approved by < 7inan1e 9 51onomi1s as &$C*s
representative in a11ording to =o2er of &ttorney signed by
B. Manager 4inan5e 3 "55ounting reie/s inoi5e and pay.ent re5eipt for
+noi5e issued for gas sales is reie/ed !y ,uperisor "55ount Re5eia!le 3
Material "55ounting) ,uperintendent "55ounting) ,enior 9ead of Reporting 3
"55ounting) Manager 4inan5e 3 "55ounting and approed !y V* 4inan5e 3
:5ono.i5s as "#$2s representatie in a55ording to H*o/er of "ttorney signed !y
Then "55ount Re5eia!le 3 Material "55ounting "55ountant su!.its the
approed inoi5e and pay.ent re5eipt to *(N 9ead -J5e Ja=arta for further
reKuest pay.ent of gassales.
Refer to document as follows:
C1.5.1.15 &ower of Attorney as "er March 4th5 3616 to "erform5
#erify5 issue5 e7ecute the Monthly Statements as s"eci8ed
in Gas Sales Areement
Actual Control:
C1.5.8 - 7inan1e 9 &11o(nting ,epartment 1he1:s the invoi1e pri1e for
gas sales based on the gas sales 1ontra1t. %f there is any disp(te#
it 2ill be 1ons(lted to legal department for advi1e.
- %nvoi1e iss(ed for Gas sale is revie2ed by '(pervisor &11o(nt
Re1eivable 9 Material &11o(nting# '(perintendent &11o(nting#
Page 3 of 4
'enior ;ead of Reporting 9 &11o(nting# Manager 7inan1e 9
&11o(nting and approved by < 7inan1e 9 51onomi1s as &$C*s
representative in a11ording to =o2er of &ttorney signed by
A. General "55ounting "55ountant prepares Eournal entry and post into ,"*
General "55ounting "55ountant prepares and posts Eournal entry for sales gas
reenue and approed !y ,uperintendent "55ounting.
Refer to document as follows:
C1.5.3 9ournal entry to record sales as
Actual Control:
C1.5.? &11ess to inp(t invoi1e data to '& is assigned to
a(thori)ed person.
+ransa1tion 1an only be posted to open a11o(nting period.
C1.5.5 &11o(nt Re1eivable 9 Material &11o(nting &11o(ntant
prepares the Gas 'ales @o(rnal then approved by '(perintendent
&11o(nting. $ased on the approved Gas 'ales @o(rnal# &11o(nt
Re1eivable &11o(ntant posts the Gas 'ales @o(rnal into '&.
Connectin to Su!-"rocess 11.-! Manae &eriod :nd Closin ; <inancial
Re"ortin &rocess
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