1st Quarter Assignment Guide

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Revised 28 October 2014

Sophomore Bible Homework Guide

** 1st Quarter **
Short Name
Due Date Description Other Comments
NhmhRptn 9/10 Sept Nehemiah Representation
Look under "eek 1 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
(osh1)2 1* Sept
(oshua 1 + 2 Summaries ) ,heme
-erse o& (oshua
,his %oes in 'our (ourna$# Look under "eek 2
!ome"ork" on """#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or
a pd& cop' o& this assi%nment#
.em-s01 19 Sept .emor' -erse /1 0 (oshua 101
Look under "eek 2 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
(sh34s 24/2* Sept
(oshua 3 5uestions 0 6hoose at $east 2
7uestions and ans"er thorou%h$'
,his %oes in 'our (ourna$# Look under "eek 4
!ome"ork" on """#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or
a pd& cop' o& this assi%nment#
8toS 29 Sept ,he 8uide to Surviva$
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"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
.emStns 1/2 Oct
.emoria$ Stones 9:h'sica$; 0 :ainted
:aper .ach< Stones
,his is =n06$ass ork
.em-s02 2 Oct .emor' -erse /2 0 (oshua 3012> 22024
Look under "eek * !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
(sh3?eep 1 Oct
(oshua 3 5uestions 0 8oin% ?eeper
.r# !a$pin responds to 'our ans"ers
&rom the ori%ina$ (oshua 3 5uestions
@ssi%nment b' askin% deeper
7uestions# Respond to his ne"
Look under "eek * !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
h'@,A 8/9 Oct
"h' @$$ ,he Ai$$in%4" =ntervie"
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"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
(oshRap 12 Oct
(oshua Rap 0 SummariBe the Cook o&
(oshua in a Rap
Look under "eek 1 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
(d%s?sp 1*/11 Oct (ud%es 2 6$ass ?isp$a' =n06$ass ork
.em-s02 13 Oct .emor' -erse /2 0 (ud%es
Look under "eek 3 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
Sms6o$or 23 Oct Samson 6o$orin% :a%e 0 =n06$ass ork
Look under "eek 9 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
@$$ =n06$ass ork
(rn$6hk1 28 Oct 5uarter 1 (ourna$ 6heck
6$ick on the "Cib$e 10 (ourna$ Dntries" Link on the
ri%ht side o& the main b$o% pa%e &or a &u$$ $ist o&
Eourna$ entries#
(d%6hart 29/20 Oct 6hart OG the (ud%es
Look under "eek 9 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
(d%Nck$ 29/20 Oct
(ud%es Neck$ace 0 =n06$ass ork
6reate a bead "ith a S'mbo$
describin% 'our vision o& a per&ect
(ud%e o& =srae$#
@$$ =n06$ass ork
=Sam6hk1 21 Oct
= Samue$ Readin% 6heck /1 0
= Samue$ 103
Look under "eek 9 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a pd& cop' o&
this assi%nment#
(d%5uiB 21 Oct 6hart OG the (ud%es 5uiB
Look under "eek 9 !ome"ork" on
"""#n"cha$pin#b$o%spot#com &or a 7uiB stud'

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