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Revised 29 October 2014

Algebra 1 Homework Guide

** 1st Quarter **
Short Name
Due Date Description Other Comments
Test1WS 9/10 Sept Chapter 1 Test B Worksheet
Look under Week 1 !o"e#ork on
###$n#cha%pin$b%o&spot$co" 'or a
pd' cop( o' this #orksheet$
Wk2Chk 12 Sept Week 2 !o"e#ork Check
There is nothin& (ou can do to
chan&e this &rade
Chap1Rv# 1) Sept
Chapter 1 Topica% Revie# * +a&e 10, -11.1/0
+a&es 24.21, -2.11, 20.22, 2), 21, 4)
3ui401 11 Sept Chapter 1 3ui4 56%% o' Chapter 17
3ui4018C 11 Sept
Chapter 1 3ui4 8C . +a&es )2 to )1, -).400
+a&e 92/, -9.11
Wk2Chk 19 Sept Week 2 !o"e#ork Check
There is nothin& (ou can do to
chan&e this &rade
Test2WS 22 Sept Chapter 2 Test B Worksheet
Look under Week 2 !o"e#ork on
###$n#cha%pin$b%o&spot$co" 'or a
pd' cop( o' this #orksheet$
Wk4Chk 21 Sept Week 4 !o"e#ork Check
There is nothin& (ou can do to
chan&e this &rade
Chap2Rv# 29 Sept
Chapter 2 Topica% Revie# . +a&e 929, -/.22, 2/.21,
3ui402 1/2 Oct Chapter 2 3ui4 56%% o' Chapter 27
3ui4028C 1/2 Oct
Chapter 2 3ui4 89tra Credit .
+a&es 121 to 124, -1.10
Wk)Chk 2 Oct Week ) !o"e#ork Check
There is nothin& (ou can do to
chan&e this &rade
Test1:2 12 Oct Chapters 1 ; 2 So%utions <uide
Look under Week ) !o"e#ork on
###$n#cha%pin$b%o&spot$co" 'or a
pd' cop( o' this assi&n"ent$
B62$2 1)/11 Oct
Book 6ssi&n"ent 2$2 . +a&es 144.141, -2.14, 22
22.24, 2=, 2/0 8C -4)
Wk=Chk 1= Oct Week = !o"e#ork Check
There is nothin& (ou can do to
chan&e this &rade
>tsChk01 2/ Oct
3uarter 1 >otes Check
>otes 'ro" 1 Sept 2014 to 21 Oct 2014
?or a co"p%ete %ist o' 3uarter 1
>otes 'or 6%&ebra 1, &o to
B62$4 29/20 Oct
Book 6ssi&n"ent 2$4 . +a&es 1)0.1)1, -9.140
+a&es 1)=.1)/, -1.14, 20.24, 22.2), 42.44, 41
Wk9Chk 21 Oct Week 9 !o"e#ork Check
There is nothin& (ou can do to
chan&e this &rade

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