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Employee Induction / Orientation

What is Orientation:
Orientation or induction is the process of introducing new employees
to an organization, to their specific jobs & departments, and in some
instances, to their community.

An orientation program principally conveys 3 types of information,

a) General information about the daily work routine to be followed
b) A review of the organization’s history, founders, objectives,
operations & products or services, as well as how the employee’s job
contributes to the organization’s needs.
c) A detailed presentation of the organization’s policies, work rules &
employee benefits.

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Items Topics covered in employee orientation programs

1. Organizational Issues  History of the employer

 Organization of employer
 Names & titles of key executives
 Employee’s title & department
 Layout of physical facilities
 Probationary period
 Product line or services provided
 Overview of production process
 Company policies & rules
 Disciplinary regulations
 Employee Handbooks
 Safety procedures & enforcement

2. Employee Benefits  Pay Scale & Pay Days

 Vacations & leaves
 Rest Breaks
 Training & Development benefits
 Counseling
 Insurance Benefits
 Retirement program
 Employer-provided services to employees
 EAP’s

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Items Topics covered in employee orientation programs

3. Introduction  To Supervisor
 To Trainers
 To Co-workers
 To Employee Counselor

4. Job Duties  Job Location

 Job tasks
 Job Safety requirements
 Overview of Jobs
 Job Objectives
 Relationship with other jobs

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Objectives of an Orientation Program

 To welcome the new employee, relieve anxieties & make him/her

free comfortable.
 To develop a rapport between the company & the new employees
& make them feel part of the organization as quickly as possible.
 To inspire the new employee with good attitude towards the
organization & the job.
 To acquaint new employees with the organizational goals, history,
management, traditions, policies, departments, divisions, products &
physical layouts.
 To communicate to new employees what is expected out of them,
their responsibilities and how they should handle themselves.
 To present the basic information the employee wants to know:
rules & regulations, benefits, paydays, procedures & general practices
followed in the organization.
 To encourage the new employee to have an inquiring mind & assist
him/her towards a discipline effort in developing additional
 To provide basic skills, terms & ideas of the business & help the
new employee in building effective human relations.

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Orientation Program:
An organization needs to make four strategic choices before designing its Orientation Program.
These include:

Type of Orientation Features/Hallmarks


1. Formal or Informal  In case of informal orientation, new recruits are directly put
on to the job are expected to acclimatize themselves with the
work environment & the Organization.
 In case of Formal Orientation, the management provides a
structured program.

2. Individual or Collective  The individual approach aims to develop far less homogeneous
views in individuals about their respective jobs & is also likely
to preserve individual differences & perspectives.
 Collective Orientation aims to socialize individuals with
themselves & with the organization as a whole.

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Orientation Program:
An organization needs to make four strategic choices before designing its Orientation Program.
These include:

Type of Orientation Features/Hallmarks


3. Serial or Disjunctive  A serial orientation is the one where an experienced

employee inducts a new hire.
 When new hires do not have any predecessors available to
guide them or to model their behavior in the organization,
it is known as disjunctive orientation.

4. Investiture or  Investiture Orientation seeks to ratify (approve) the

Divestiture usefulness of the characteristics that the person brings to
the new job.
 Divestiture Orientation, seeks to make minor modifications
in the characteristic of the new hire & this is done to so as
to seek a better fit between a new member & the

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Components of a Formal Orientation Program

HR issues
HR Employee
Representative Employee
Representative benefits
benefits Special
SpecialAnxiety To
Introductions Anxiety ToPlacement
Introductions reduction
Supervisor Locations & duties
Supervisor Locations & duties

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Orientation Program
Requisites of an effective Orientation Program:
 To prepare new employees
 To determine information, which the new employees might
want to know
 To determine how to present information
 Completion of paperwork.

Evaluation of Orientation Program:

A systematic orientation program should have an evaluation &
follow-up. To measure how well the orientation program has met
its objectives, the Hr manager may use:
 Testing or questionnaires
 The checklist
 Evaluation forms or opinions
 Discussions with immediate supervisors of newly oriented
 Formal or informal interviews during probationary periods or
at the end of a month’s employment.
 Exit or terminal interviews

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