Modal Verbs: Modal Verb Uses Example Can

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Modal Verbs

Modal Verb Uses Example

Can Ability / Possibility He can swim very well. I can have lunch with friends.
Inability / Impossibility Im sorry. I cant fix it.
Asin! for permission "an I smoe here#
$e%uests "an you help me#
Could Asin! for permission. "ould I use your dictionary#
$e%uests "ould you say it a!ain more slowly#
&u!!estions 'e could try to fix it ourselves.
(uture possibility I thin we could have another war.
Ability in the past He !ave up his old )ob so he could wor for us.
May *ivin! / Asin! for permission +polite, May I have another cup of coffee#
(uture possibility "hina may become the bi!!est economic power.
Might (uture possibility -hey mi!ht !ive us a ./0 discount.
Must 1ecessity 'e must say !ood2bye now.
3bli!ation 4ou must !ive me the money tomorrow.
Prohibition -hey mustnt disrupt the wor more than necessary.
Should &ayin! whats ri!ht or correct 'e should sort out this problem at once.
$ecommendin! action I thin we should chec everythin! a!ain.
Will Predictions Profits will increase next year.
Instant decisions I cant see any taxis so Ill wal.
Promises Ill !et bac to you first thin! on Monday.
Would Asin! for permission 'ould you mind if I brou!ht a collea!ue with me#
Main! a re%uest 'ould you pass the salt please#
Invitation 'ould you mind waitin! a moment#
&tatin! or asin! preferences 5'ould you prefer tea or coffee#5 2 5Id lie tea please.5
Main! arran!ements 5'ould three ocloc suit you#6

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