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graphics w ww .t h i s t l eg irl de s i g n s .

c o m design
w w w .2 ca re2 t e ach 4 ki d s .c o m
11/6: Family Eating Out ight at !ot"elly#s in $ake %ene&a
11/11: !'( )eeting 6*+ 11/14: Family Fun ight ,cience 'heme
11/1-: !arent )ath )eeting at the )iddle ,chool 6*+
11/26*11/2-: O ,chool 'hanksgi&ing .reak
'he o&em"er !'( meeting will "e an open /orum to discuss the use o/ 1:1
computing here at 0ackson Elementary1 and alternati&e seating in grades 4*2.
!lease come to &oice your concerns and ask 3uestions on these two topics.
'eachers will "e there to answer 3uestions and to gi&e e4amples on how they
implement 1:1 computing and alternati&e seating in their classrooms.
11/5*11/+: 6nd1 long1
down1 day did
11/17*11/14: get1 come1
made1 may1 part
11/1+*11/21: o&er1 new1
sound1 take1 only
11/24*11/2-: O ,pelling
12/1*12/2: little1 work1
know1 place1 years
8owel 'eams1 $ong 8owels
!lace 8alue to 1777
Earth ,cience
Social Studies:
9orld o/ 9ork
Snack Time:
Our snack cup"oard is looking pretty empty. !lease remem"er to send in a snack /or
o&em"er. ,ome o/ our /a&orites are: /ruit snacks1 gold6sh1 pret:els1 crackers and teddy
grahams. 9e ha&e 22 children in our classroom.
!lease &isit our classroom we"page at mrspellas6rstgrade;wee"
here you will 6nd newsletters1 a peek at our weeks and more.

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