Skiing Catastrophe Draft 1

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Skiing Catastrophe

By Jack Butler
Shoom! I was flying at a high speed down the hill. It was the first double black
diamond I had ever skied on. All was well and I was cruising through the
powdered snow that had fallen just the night before. In other words, it
couldnt be better. It was a nice day in Beaver Creek Colorado, the sun was
shining, the snow was glistening, and everything seemed perfect for now.
As I came to the end of the course I tried to turn into the ski lift, but I couldnt,
my skis were frozen in place. I lifted my head to look whats ahead of me and
then I saw it, a snow cliff. It looked as if I was about to ski off the edge of the
earth. I reached up to grab the life line but I slipped under it as if I had butter
on my hands. I fell face first into the snow and go tumbling down off the
cliff. All I can see is the world spinning around me. with no sense of direction I
stamp my ski out in front of me and finally come to a stop. I shake all the heavy
snow off of me and stare straight up the hill to see my dad plunging down the
cliff face first scared out of his mind, while my mom waits at the top with the
same expression.

He almost crashes into me as he finishes his descent, Are you ok? my dad
asks shakily. Then we see the ski patrol lumbering down the hill as if he really
didnt want to do what he was going to have to do. Are you well enough to
get on my back? the man asked. Yes I said in a high - pitched voice so I
hopped on his back as we struggled up the snow cliff. When we finally got to
the top my mom rushed over to me and gave me a giant hug. I was so scared!
Dont do that ever again! she said wearily. Trust me I didn't mean to. I
mumbled. Then we all limped on to the ski lift for another round.

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