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Phase 2 proposal

Project definition:
Main goal: keep watershed (especially spring creek canyon) healthy through public education
Environmental education center, similar to shavers creek except focusing on spring creek
Teaches both students & public about water quality, riparian habitat, and the importance of the
watershed to us & the environment
Includes recreational aspect to entertain visitors (signed trail along waterway, models, museum)
Includes stakeholder driving tour of major important environmental sites in watershed
Time management/scope:
Project proposal submitted to major stakeholders, prelim meetings, within 3 months
Final funding decided, rest of timeline decided from that meeting
Extensive meetings for final site program, within 5 years
Construction begins, within 10 years
Construction finishes within 12 years
Short term reinforcement: immediate action taken after public becomes educated
Long term education: teach students whom will use knowledge at a later age
Activity outline:
Stakeholder tour of watershed: environmental center pieces (both for water quality & habitat)
Public meetings regarding water quality, similar to townhouse meetings. Includes stakeholders
o Meetings include water samples from millbrook marsh and other testing centers
private Stakeholder meetings
Student programs
o Elementary
o High school
o college
Public lectures by specialists
Hiking/ biking trails, self-teaching
Outdoor classrooms, similar to shavers creek
Spring creek watershed is home to 17 endangered species & 3 unique biohabitats.
It provides water to several major urban centers,
land for a a centre county pop. Of over 155,000,
& irrigation for agriculture.
With this in mind, it is important to keep the spring creek watershed healthy both short term and long term.

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