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Individuals Assessment

Before the showcase lesson, I determined which three students would represent the low,
average, and high performers of the class. To me, it is imperative to understand how these
students do during the class time that I am allotted because they all learn differently. Each
of them reveals a different aspect of learning types. For example, what works for a low
performer may not be what is best for an average performer. ll of the students were
below a passing percentage on the pre!assessment. "one of them knew beyond half of the
material that I was covering. ll three of these individual students were actively
participating in this lesson. #y high performer was adamant on answering each and every
verbal $uestion, my average performer was attentive, and my low performer was intent
on improving. By the end of the lesson, two of the students scored an , and the
remaining student scored a B. #y average performer actually ended up making the
highest score in the class by the time we reached the final assessment%

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