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Unpacking Standards Graphic Organizer

Adapted from Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction

Grade: 9
Grade Course: Pre-Aice Biology

SC.912.L.14.7: Relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues
to physiological processes.

Skills Students should be able to do Concepts Student should know


Plants get carbon dioxide and water
Chlorophyll traps light energy
o Chemical energy
o Carbohydrates
o Cuticle
o Cellular structure
o Tissue structure
o Distribution of chloroplasts
o Stomata and mesophyll cells (gas
o Vascular bundles-xylem and
phloem (transport and support)

Critical Area of Focus:

Plant and leaf structure and their adaptions to aid in photosynthesis.

Learning Goal:

Students will be able to understand the plant and leaf structure and how the
adaptations of leaves aid in photosynthesis.

Essential Question for the lesson:

How does the structure of plants and leaves aid in photosynthesis?

Unpacking Standards Graphic Organizer
Adapted from Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction

Supporting questions for the lesson:

What is the significance of the vascular bundles in the leaf?
How is the distribution of chloroplasts important to photosynthesis?
What role do stomata and mesophyll cells play in photosynthesis?
Explain the importance of nitrate ions for protein synthesis and magnesium ions
for chlorophyll synthesis.

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