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Treasure I sland

diabolical- evil, having wicked intentions
Note:Diabolical is related to the Spanish word diablo, which means "devil."

abominable- exceptionally bad or displeasing

tyrannize-rule or exercise power over in a cruel and autocratic manner

rebuff: a deliberate discourteous act (usually an expression of anger or disapproval)

leer: a facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls

flighty: unpredictably excitable

ruffian: a cruel and brutal fellow

indignation:va feeling of righteous anger

feeble: lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality, or lacking in force or

repent: feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about

embolden: give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something or to behave in a
certain way.

foolhardy:marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

totter: walk unsteadily

irresolute: uncertain how to act or proceed

wretched: characterized by physical misery

miscreant: person without moral scruples

condescend: show feelings of superiority; to patronize

Hardy Boys no. 7, DeathGame
lichen (p3): a symbiotic organism made of both fungus and algae

dense (p3): densely compacted

inevitable (p4 ): unavoidable

pursuer (p5): an effort to chase, or capture or achieve

abrupt (p7): sudden and unexpected

curtly (p9): brief to the point of rudeness, tersely

exterior (p9): related to the outside of something

seminar (p10): a form of instruction or training

legitimate (p79): conforming to the rules or standards

unruly (p41): unmanageable, disorderly

veered (p40): to change direction, swerve

alignment (p39): arrangement in a straight line, or position of agreement/alliance

obliged (p33): legally or morally bound to an action or course of action, to make grateful or

cordoned (p 29): to enclose or guard

staccato (p27): marked by disconnected parts or sounds

villainous (p25): having cruel or wicked nature

looming ( p24): To come into view as a massive, distorted, or indistinct image

Prefix Meaning Key Word
anti- against antifreeze
de- opposite defrost
dis-* not, opposite of disagree
en-, em- cause to encode, embrace
fore- before forecast
in-, im- in infield
in-, im-, il-, ir-* not injustice, impossible
inter- between interact
mid- middle midway
mis- wrongly misfire
non- not nonsense
over- over overlook
pre- before prefix
re-* again return
semi- half semicircle
sub- under submarine
super- above superstar
trans- across transport
un-* not unfriendly
under- under undersea

*Most frequent. The four most frequent prefixes account for 97 percent of prefixed words in
printed school English.

From Teaching Reading Sourcebook: For Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade by Bill Honig, Linda Diamond, and Linda Gutlohn. 2000 by
CORE. Reproduced by permission of Arena Press.

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