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PRESS RELEASE, CONTACT: Jim Leydon, Communications Director


October 28, 2014 Springfield, MA- In July 2014 the City of Springfield issued an !" soliciting
proposals from pro#iders for $o% training and &or'force de#elopment( )s a result of this solicitation, the
City is a&arding a total of *2+0,000 of ,-D Community De#elopment .loc' /rant 0 Disaster
eco#ery 1CD./2D3 !unds to three separate agencies to pro#ide $o% training and &or'force
de#elopment programs to residents of disaster impacted neigh%orhoods( 4here &ill %e special focus on
recruiting residents of the Si5 Corners and South 6nd neigh%orhoods, as the residents of these
neigh%orhoods face multiple %arriers to employment and %oth areas &ere hea#ily impacted %y %oth the
long and short term effects of the natural disasters that occurred in 2011(
4he City has issued the follo&ing a&ards for these purposes:
4raining esources of )merica &ill recei#e *7+,100(00
Springfield 4echnical Community College &ill recei#e *84,448(00
9indo& "reser#ation, LLC in partnership &ith the ,ampden County Sheriff:s Department &ill
recei#e *;0,4+1(00
<ayor Domenic J( Sarno stated, ="ro#iding education and $o% training to our residents is #ital in our
efforts in 'noc'ing do&n po#erty and crime( 9hene#er &e can step up and pro#ide opportunity it is a
&in2&in for us all(>
4he City anticipates that the contracted organi?ations &ill pro#ide training to a minimum of 100
Springfield residents( 4he programs &ill in#ol#e a #ariety of educational instruction su%$ects, including
high school e@ui#alency preparation, 6nglish language, math, computers, customer ser#ice training etc(
4he #aried programs &ill prepare and ena%le trainees to o%tain permanent positions in fields such as
educational A health ser#ices, food ser#ice, leisure and hospitality, social assistance, &holesale and
retail trade, financial and %usiness ser#ices, insurance and real estate, office and administrati#e support,
accounting, %oo''eeping, payroll ser#ices, legal ser#ices, ad#ertising, manufacturing, as%estosBlead
a%atement and construction(

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