Rubric For Reflection Piece

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Name:_____________________________________________________________ Date:____________

Thanksgiving Reflection Rubric

Due on __________
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
The introduction is
inviting, states what
you are thankful for
and gives the reader a
preview of what is to
The introduction
clearly states what
you are thankful for,
but doesn\'t give the
reader much of a
preview of what is to
The introduction
states what you are
thankful for but does
not give the reader
any preview of what
is in your piece.
There is no clear
introduction of what
you are thankful for,
or what is in your
Your Voice The writer provides at
least three items that
they are thankful for
and describes who,
what, and why they
are thankful for them
by using stories and
The writer provides
three items that they
are thankful for and
describes who, what,
and why they are
thankful for them.
The writer provides
two items that they
are thankful for and
somewhat describes
who, what, and why
they are thankful for
The writer provides
at less than 2 items
that they are
thankful for and/or
does not describe
who, what, and why
they are thankful for
Content Details give the reader
important information
or examples that
support their writing.
Writer reflects back on
their recipe and how it
ties into their
Supporting details and
information are told
to help the reader
understand why
they\'re thankful.
Writer reflects back
on their recipe.
Supporting details and
information are there,
but several key
examples or details
are missing. Writer
does not include
enough connection to
Supporting details
and information are
not clear, or stated.
Writer does not
include recipe.
Organization Vivid details are
placed in a logical
order. Writer keeps
the interest of the
Details are placed in
logical order.
Some details are not
in a logical or
expected order, and
this distracts the
Many details are not
in a logical order. It
is hard to follow
Grammar and
Writer makes no
errors in capitalization
or punctuation, so the
paper is exceptionally
easy to read.
Writer makes 1 or 2
errors in capitalization
or punctuation, but
the paper is still easy
to read.
Writer makes a few
errors in capitalization
and/or punctuation
that catch the reader\'s
attention and interrupt
the flow.
Writer makes
several errors in
capitalization and/or
punctuation that
catch the reader\'s
attention and greatly
interrupt the flow.
The conclusion is
strong and leaves the
reader with a feeling
that they understand
what the writer is
thankful for.
The conclusion is
recognizable and ties
up almost all the loose
The conclusion is
recognizable, but
reader is still left
There is no clear
conclusion, the
paper just ends.

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