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Reflection 1

Standard 4.a. ESC 761

Standard 2. Culture as it affects Student Learning. Candidates know, understand,
and use the major theories and research related to the nature and role of culture in
their instruction. Because of the way cultural identity influences self-esteem,
candidates understand how cultural groups and individual cultural identities affect
language learning and school achievement. They use a range of resources to
discover more about their students backgrounds. Candidates know that students
learn more readily when cultural factors are recognized, respected, and
accommodated, and they demonstrate this knowledge in their curriculum planning,
material selection, and teaching. They involve students families and community
members in students learning.

In my course Latinos in U.S. Schools, ESC 769, at Lehman College, I was
asked to complete a culture study on a Latino culture of my choice. For this study I
picked the history of Mexicans in America because a majority of my student body
that I work with come from Mexico. I was able to take a close look at the history of
the culture, as well as the legal issues that took place in the late 1800s. This study
allowed me to take an in depth look at where and why Mexican students are failing
to graduate, and find success in school districts all over America mainly due to a
large language barrier and lack of resources. The information I discovered will
largely support how I approach learning and how I create instructional
opportunities in my classroom.
This study helped me better my understanding of Standard 2 because I was
able to take a deep look at the Mexican culture and some common issues Mexican
Americans face inside the classroom. Learning more about Mexican Americans will
help me in my future teaching because I will be able to display to my students that I
not only know about their cultural factors, but also recognize, respect, and can
successfully support their learning. I learned that maintaining a relationship and
including the students families is extremely valued in their culture, and visuals are
extremely helpful to include along with an oral connection when instructing
students who are facing a strong language barrier. I believe that working closely
with each students families will help create a positive bond through out my student
body, and as an instructor I need to make it a priority that I can find time to do so.
This artifact addresses standard two directly because in writing this paper I
read through many theories and research that supported how culture should be
included and instructed in the classroom. Cultural identity influences self-esteem in
which largely affects how a student learns, therefore, if cultural identity isnt known,
or present and acknowledged in the classroom students may not feel comfortable,
or learning to their full potential. As stated this assignment helped me understand
specifically the Mexican culture, and opened my eyes to some cultural factors I
never knew such as how Mexicans view the word educacion not just as success in
school but how strong their morals and values are. If a student isnt completing all
homework or coming to school regularly it isnt just to assume they do not care, but
to consider their strong family values and that they may have other priorities
happening at home that must be addressed.

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