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- fictional
- Oxymoron, pun, foreshadowing, simile, irony, tone, allusion, metaphor
- cat and rat become friends over a plate of jumbo shrimp
- they do this when the people leave the house
- the shrimp is from China Garden
- humans left plate of shrimp in fridge
- 3 paragraphs
- rat's name Is Nom-Nom
-cat named Barry

The Jumbo Shrimp Adventure of Barry and Nom-Nom

Once there was a fuzzy cat named Barry. Barry was a bright pink and orange cat who
lived with humans. In his house there was a rat. His name was Nom-Nom. Nom-Nom and
Barry hated each other very much. Sometimes Nom-Nom would sneak up on Barry in his
sleep and bite him on the back. Nom-Nom was as sneaky as a ninja. Even though they
hated each other, they were going to have to learn to get along.
One hot summer day the busy humans went out for a family trip to the Bahamas. The
humans were in such a rush that they forgot to refill the Barry's bowl. Barry got very angry
and decided to claw the humans when they returned. Nom-Nom heard Barry throwing a
hissy fit and decided to come out of his hole to see what all the noise was about. "Ay! Yo,
what's dah pro'lem?" Said Nom-Nom in his ghetto fashion.
"I beg your par'on?" responded Barry in a very gentlemanly way."I said what dah pro'lem
be?" replied a very aggravated Nom-Nom.Barry then walked away faster than the
Enterprise getting to Warp 5. Nom-Nom, being the imbecile that he tended to be, was very
upset by this, and used his rattish speed to catch up to Barry. Nom-Nom was, in fact, so
angered by Barry's insolence that he promptly bit Barry's tail, and refused to let go. "Get off
of me, you oaf!" cried Barry, nearly jumping through the roof."You gon' learn today!" Ain't
nobody mess with Nom-Nom!" Nom-Nom muttered through his teeth. Barry then flung Nom-
Nom against the fishbowl in the kitchen where the fish screamed in excitement.
"Get him with a punch! Jab! Cross! My drill sergeant would be ashamed of you two
cupcakes! I haven't seen fighting like that since basic training!" Grandpa Frank, king of the
fish, exclaimed. "Shut up," they both growled.
Suddenly, the pair perked up, both of their noses twitching with awe. "Could that be..?
JUMBO SHRIMP!" the pair screamed in unison. They began to search earnestly for the
delicious dish, and it wasn't long before they sighted the plate full of shrimp sitting on top of
the refridgeerator. Grandpa Frank yelled, "Holy Shrimp! This scampi happening!" and all the
fish roared in laughter.
Nom-Nom and Barry stared at the plate full of delicious shrimp in awe. "I'll climb up an'
push it off, an' you stay here ta catch it, bruh." Nom-Nom said while scurrying up the
refrigerator. That cat too fat, anyway," as he thought of a plan to get the shrimp all for his
skinny self. "I just gon' keep dis scrimp to mah self," he continued. He then pushed the plate
down the side of the fridge where Barry was standing. Barry then carried it to the table
which happened to be next to the fishbowl. Meanwhile, Barry began to think of ways to
cheat Nom-Nom out of his portion of the shrimp.
These plans ultimately culminated in the two fighting for the right to feast. Barry pulled out
an iron skillet, and began to bash Nom-Nom over the head, and Nom-Nom pulled out his
shanking fork and began to stab Barry's foot. Suddenly... GRA-TA-TA! The bodies hit the
floor, Nom-Nom and Barry were dead, and the fish swam away with the jumbo shrimp to
lock up their AK-47s.
When the humans returned, they were shocked to find their cat and rat riddled with bullet
holes, and their fish fat.

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