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Nouns and Articles

Nouns have a space in front for only one word.

That word could be a:
definite article: el, la, los, las
an indefinite artlicle: un, una, unos, unas
a possessive adjective: mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus

Nouns have space in back for adjectives.

Definite article:
Articles must match the noun in number and gender.
Singular Plural
Masculine El Los
Feminine La Las

La prctica:
1. _____ casa
2. _____ apartamentos
3. _____ sillas
4. _____ jardn
When you use a definite article, you know EXACTLY what you are asking for and only the SPECIFIC tem you ask
for will do.
Because of this, definite articles are often used with adjectives.

1. el profesor aburrido
2. el perro grande
3. los hermanos graciosos
4. los ojos castaos
5. la casa blanca

Indefinite article:
Articles must match the noun in number and gender.
Singular Plural
Masculine un unos
Feminine una unas

La prctica:
1. _____ mesita
2. _____ arboles
3. _____ garaje
4. _____ plantas
When you use an indefinite article, you are not asking for a specific tem. For instance, when I ask for a
marker any marker will do. It doesnt matter if it is red, black, or blue. For this reason, indefinite articles are
less likely to be used with an adjective. You may still use an adjective and an indefinite article with a noun, just
not as often.

1. Unos apartamentos
2. Un edificio alto
3. Unas lmparas
4. Una limonada

Definite article,
Indefinite article, or
Possessive adjective



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