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UDL Weaknesses and Strengths:

1 - Provide Multiple Means of Representation

Strength - Of the 3 categories in Principle 1; I would consider myself strongest in
Perception and Comprehension. A great aspect of teaching Physical Education is
that it allows and encourages you to teach with multiple styles to many different
types of students. Almost, if not all PE classes I have taught have been fully inclusive
to all students. For example, I have worked with interpreters for deaf students and
English Language Learners. I have also taught students with physical and mental
disabilities. This has made me teach in a way that allows all students to learn
equally. I also feel as a PE teacher, I am able to quickly incorporate activities to
encourage comprehension. Stressing the use of cue words, as well as, teaching using
diagrams leads to an audible and visual stimulus when it comes time to execute
skills. Teaching physical skills to students is a constant spiraling model that
incorporates what is already learned and building upon those skills to move
Weakness - My greatest weakness would Language, Expression and Symbols. While
teaching PE, there is a tendency to stick with a lingo that is very basic and common.
Its a way of saying things that has been used forever and is comfortable. With the
continued diversity of students in schools, its critical to broaden the way you
verbalize teachings to meet the needs of all students.

2 - Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression
Strengths This principle is one that I feel very strong in. I enjoy bringing many
different forms of learning into my class. By constantly changing and using various
equipment and technology tools, students are able to grab onto what fits their needs
the best. Allowing students to express their knowledge in abilities in a multitude of
ways has always been the best practice for my gym. Through the newest tracking
technologies goal setting, planning, and monitoring has never been more exciting or
effective. The ability to see students through an effective plan motivates me as a
Weakness As with everything, the advancement in technology has forced myself as
a teacher to constantly improve and look for new ways of teaching. Its easy to get
comfortable and I have been guilty of that plenty.
3 - Provide Multiple Means of Engagement
Strength I feel very comfortable with this principle. As a more veteran teacher, I
was able to let go of some rigidness of what I wanted my students to be interested in
and like. By providing many opportunities to learn different activities while still
teaching essential skills, students could grab onto what they felt was most important
to them. This allowed for greater motivation toward progress and also gave them a
sense that what we where doing was meaningful to themselves. Self-regulation is
another aspect that I had improved on as a teacher. By putting the responsibility on
the students to account for themselves they took an ownership in their learning. Its
a hard thing to do as a teacher, especially at the elementary level. But if planned
properly and used at the appropriate times, it can be an excellent tool.
Concept Map
I chose the ASSURE model. When writing about the UDL principles I kept thinking
back to how I set up lessons for my students. What is obvious to me is that I need to
do quality job of getting all the information I can before executing a lesson or yearly
plan. When looking through the ID Models, I really liked the framework of the
ASSURE model. By following it, I would have everything I need to develop the best
plan possible. I especially felt good about the evaluation and analyzing components
of the model. Who am I teaching and am I doing the best job possible are questions
that can be critical to the success of the program.
I used to produce my concept map. I must admit this is the first time
using this sort of program. It was great to use, but I had to do a lot of trial and error
to get it look anything like I wanted. Im definitely looking forward to using this

UDL Guidelines - Version 2.0. 2011. Retrieved from:
Hanley, M. (2009, June 24). Assure model: Discovering instructional design 18.
Retrieved from

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