9 29 Jodisomies

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Period 1

Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
A Math02
PREP Math09
B Team

Ms. Misar
John Adams Middle School
S-Standard O Objective M Materials I Instruction E Evaluation

Week 5 Goal: The classroom will be a place where everyone feels safe, respected, and empowered to do his or her best
Extra positive reinforcement throughout spirit week (more JAG cards)
Adapt beginning of class routine to increase participation and focus
More consistent follow-through on PBIS response plan: 1) Re-state the expectation 2) Re-direct 3) Re-teach 4) Reflect/Recovery 5)
Referral (Display recovery rooms in classroom for students to see/Print extra reflection forms and place on clipboards)
Tidy up the end of class routines ask for a student volunteer to watch the time so that we can begin the wrap-up activity/formative
assessment to end class together.

Note to Sarah: If the last bullet point of my week 5 goal doesnt come together this week, I will try to give it more focused effort in the future. To be
realistic, this whole goal will require ongoing attention, effort, and evaluation. This list will hopefully help me sort out realistic first-steps.

Monday (B) Date: Sept. 29
Patriotic Day (dress in red, white, and blue)
Be responsible Monday (award JAG cards for responsibility)
Period 1 (7:40- 8:36)
31 students

S: Locate positive rational
numbers on a number line and plot pairs
of positive rational numbers on a
coordinate grid.

O: TSW be able to plot pairs of positive
rational numbers on a coordinate grid.

Learning Targets:
I can graph ordered pairs on a
coordinate grid.

Coordinate grid
X-axis, y-axis
Ordered pair

SMART note (Bell-Ringer, Target, HW
quiz, Coordinate plane vocab startup,
examples, assignment, formative
Students will need a workbook,
notebook, and pencil
Table team display (chart paper)
Timer (on ipad)

Guided Practice p. 50 (1-3)

Stand at the door and ask the students to read the board before beginning the bell-ringer today.

Display adaptations to the beginning of class routine:
When you come into class, get out your notebook and begin the bell-ringer right away (dont
worry about writing the learning target)
You will have 2 minutes to be seated and begin this work
Table teams will get 1 point if everyone at the table is working on the problem in time
whenever your team gets 10 points, you will get a prize

Students should get out their dream room scale drawing (Keep track of absent and unfinished work on
the seating chart)


In 2010, one in three Americans considered themselves extremely patriotic according to a Gallup
survey. In a group of 30 Americans, how many can you expect to be extremely patriotic?

Challenge: In a group of 10 Americans, how many can you expect to be extremely patriotic?

Americans 3 30
Extremely Patriotic 1

Display score tally in the front of the room. (JAG card for table with the highest score at the end of the
week and prize for any team that gets 10 points)

Announce: Starting tomorrow, students who do not come prepared are going to go to recovery

Dream-room design sharing (allow students to show their work at their table before collecting papers
(only collect completed assignments)

Announce: incomplete HW, including scale drawing and make-up quiz, will need to be finished to
participate in the fun-room on Friday. If you make-up work, then make sure to show me at the beginning
of class so I can mark it off.

Display all assignments w/dates for students to reference
Make a list of students who are missing work so that they can look at the sheet and know what is still

Introduce topic representing ratios on a coordinate plane
Vocabulary Start-up, see below (p. 47)

Complete Common Core review on p. 46 in class
Numbers in ratio tables can be used as ordered pairs to plot on a coordinate grid
Do Got it on p. 48 and move ahead if you feel confident

Example #1 (p. 48)

Why would we want to graph a ratio table onto a coordinate grid? How is it helpful? (We can see the
patterns and compare different ratios)

Example #2 (p. 49)

8:26 time to start HW and ask questions
Work on HW problem together

Last 3 minutes Formative assessment
Students will pack up their supplies and remain seated
A coordinate plane will be displayed on the board. I will choose a point on the graph and when a student
knows the coordinates, he or she will stand up. The first one to stand gets to answer. If correct, he or
she will get to come up and choose the next point.

E: Students who meet the target will be able to identify points on a coordinate grid (see formative

Period 2 (8:40-9:30)
21 students

See Period 1 SOMIE.

9:20 time to start HW and ask questions
Period 3 (9:34-10:24)
18 students
See Period 1 SOMIE.

10:14 time to start HW and ask questions
Period 4 (10:28-11:18)

Prep hour
Period 5 (11:22-12:12)
35 students

See Period 1 SOMIE.

12:02 time to start HW and ask questions
Lunch (12:12-12:42)
Period 6 (12:46-1:36)

Period 7 (1:40-2:30)
31 students

* Yahye Ahmed, PARA, present to
assist with special needs students

See Period 1 SOMIE.

2:20 time to start HW and ask questions

Ms. Misar
John Adams Middle School
S-Standard O Objective M Materials I Instruction E Evaluation
Tuesday (A) Date: Sept. 30
Retirement day (dress like an old person)
Be Respectful Tuesday
Period 1 (7:40- 8:36)
Use reasoning about multiplication
and division to solve ratio and rate

S: Determine greatest common
factors and least common multiples.
Use common factors and common
multiples to calculate with fractions
and find equivalent fractions.

O: TSW be able to determine whether
or not ratios are equivalent.

Learning Targets:
I can determine whether or not
ratios are equivalent.


SMART note (Bell-Ringer, Example
problems, formative assessment)
Table team display (chart paper)
Timer (on ipad)

One of the cases from p. 57
Determine which Skill/Topic it addresses

Award points for table teams that begin the bell ringer within 2 minutes
*Check #2 (the coordinate grid) for HW accuracy

Write ordered pairs for the information in the table.
Year (x) Retirement Age (y)
2010 59
2011 60
2012 60
2013 61

What questions do you have about the homework? (Address questions)

P. 59 Collaborate with a partner to solve the Real World Link problem
1) Express the relationship between the number of prints and costs for each situation as a rate in
fraction form.
2) Compare the relationships between the numerators and denominators
3) What is the unit rate for 10 prints?
4) What is the unit rate for 30 prints?
5) Are the rates equivalent?

Teach the ASL sign for equal

We used two different strategies to figure out if the rates were equivalent. Look at pages 60 and 61
(where it explains both strategies). Point to one strategy and then show a partner. See if you can find
the other.

(1) Use Unit Rates
(Extension: write a problem that uses
the same skill)

(2) Use equivalent fractions

Work through Got it? a. together
36 t-shirts in three boxes, 60 t-shirts in 6 boxes
The unit rates are not the same, so they are not equal (show had motion that we will use for NOT equal)

For Got it? b, try to figure out if it is equivalent once you have the answer and you can explain WHY,
stand up. On the count of three, do the hand signal for equal or not equal.

Turn to a partner and explain why.

Have one person share their explanation (or that of their partner)

Go to Example #4 compare the fractions by figuring out how the numerators and denominators relate

Try Got it? c and d
Go through each question give the symbol on the count of three

Go to page. 55 - The Four Step Plan
Walk through the steps

Explain HW assignment Number off 1-4 at each table
Each number specifies a case (3-6) from page. 57 to try the 4-step plan
Write it out in your notebook

Announce: Next week, we will take the chapter test on Wednesday
The questions will test all of the skills from this chapter (list them)
And youll need to figure out which strategy to use to find the answers.

8:26 time to start HW and ask questions

Last 3 minutes Formative assessment
Students will pack up their supplies and remain seated
A set of five ratios in fraction form will be displayed on the board (4 equivalent and one not) students
will be instructed to figure out which one is not equivalent. I will point to each fraction one at a time and
students will raise their hands when I get to the one that doesnt fit.

5/20 2/8 6/18 3/12 7/28
(All fractions are equivalent to except for 6/18, which is equal to 1/3)

E: Students who meet the target will be able to tell which fraction in a set is not equivalent to the others.
Period 2 (8:40-9:30)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

Period 3 (9:34-10:24) See Period 1 SOMIE.

Period 4 (10:28-11:18)

TO DO: Meeting with Sarah
Period 5 (11:22-12:12)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

Lunch (12:12-12:42)
Period 6 (12:46-1:36)

O: TSW read independently.

O: TSW discuss the school expectations
for behavior.

Trivia slide PPT
PBIS PowerPoint (created by Expect
Respect committee)
Students will need a book to read (their
Action 100 bags) and HW to complete
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens


Tally students participating in Spirit Week (wearing retirement clothes)
Announce: If you are up-to-date on your steps, you may ask to work on other HW quietly during part of

Trivia question on the SMARTboard:
Which of these states has the largest percentage of people 65 years old or older?
A) Arizona
B) New York
C) Hawaii
D) Florida

What is the average age that most people consider to be old?
a) 40
b) 54
c) 68
d) 82

The person who gets the trivia question gets to present the PBIS PowerPoint
(with a partner of his or her choosing)

*If multiple people get the right answer, they can do rock, paper, scissors to
decide who gets to present.

Independent Reading (30 min)

HW time/Book review prep

Closure (1:30) Continue reading, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Period 7 (1:40-2:30)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

Ms. Misar
John Adams Middle
S-Standard O Objective M Materials I Instruction E Evaluation
Wednesday (B) Date: Oct. 1
Color day (wear white for 6
Be safe Wednesday
Period 1 (7:40- 8:36)
Use reasoning about
multiplication and
division to solve ratio
and rate problems.

O: TSW be able to solve
ratio and rate problems.

Learning Targets:
I can solve ratio and
rate problems.

SMART note (Bell-Ringer,
learning target, jobs for
group work, examples)
Whiteboards and markers
(3 per table)
Table team display (chart
Timer (on ipad)

Independent Practice (p.
75) #1-3

Award points for students who begin the bell-ringer within 2 minutes of class

Note: HW check-in for the day will take place during group work/presentation (no record on Skyward)
While students are working on Bell-ringer, they will be able to have out any HW that I havent seen so I can check it
off (make-up work)


1) Yes 2) No 3) No 4) Yes

Read learning target aloud

Announce: Tomorrow, we will have a quiz to help assess solving problems with ratios
One question will be from the HW (#3 on p. 43) you will need to show all of your work to get full credit.
One question will be using the same skill

Find two other people who did the same case as you for HW

Count off 1-4 in your group
1s write the skill used to solve it
2s write the work completed to solve it
3s write the answer on a whiteboard
4s present to the large group

Case #3 Walking unit rate, 6,482 steps
Case #4 Pools ratio table, 450 gallons
Case #5 Money multiplication/addition, $890
Case #6 Sports Equipment division, 8 basketballs with $10 left over

Have each group presenter share their findings

Now its time to take what we know and can do with ratios and rates and solve real problems.
There are many strategies we can take to find answers to problems.

Walk through example #1 (p. 72)

With a partner, try Got it? a and b (p. 73)

Show answer on a whiteboard (one per pair)
Which method did you use? Why did you choose this method? Did it work out? How do you know?

Example #3 (p. 74)

Try Got it? d with a partner
Show answer on a whiteboard

Fist to five if youve got it, move toward the back of the room and start on the HW
If youre at a 3 or below, go back to Example #2 and #3 (if time allows)

Finish by 8:16 Work time

E: I will know that students can solve ratio and rate problems through their performance and process on the Got it?

Period 2 (8:40-9:30)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

Finish by 9:10 Work time

Period 3 (9:34-10:24)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

Finish by 10:04 Work time

Period 4 (10:28-11:18)

Prep hour
Period 5 (11:22-12:12)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

Finish by 11:52 Work time

Lunch (12:12-12:42)
Period 6 (12:46-1:36)

Period 7 (1:40-2:30)

* Yahye Ahmed, PARA,
present to assist with
special needs students
See Period 1 SOMIE.

Finish by 2:10 Work time

Ms. Misar
John Adams Middle School
S-Standard O Objective M Materials I Instruction E Evaluation
Thursday (A) Date: Oct. 2
Pirates v. Cowboys Dress-up day
Random acts of kindness Thursday
Period 1 (7:40- 8:36)


O: TSW reflect on their mathematical
understanding by reviewing homework
and taking a quiz.

O: TSW contribute to a positive
classroom community through reflection
and interaction.

Learning Targets:
I can contribute to a positive
classroom community.

M: SMART note (Bell-ringer, HW
review, Quiz questions)
Students will need their math book,
notebook, and pencil
Table team display (chart paper)
Timer (on ipad)
JAG cards
? Prize (jolly ranchers?)
Reflection form (colored by class)

P. 83 Problem Solving (review)

Attendance by seating chart
Check #2 for accuracy on HW (p. 75) Answer: $30 (Continue to update the missing work list so that
students know what they need to complete for the fun day)

Award points for table teams who are working on the bell ringer within 2 minutes of class time

The ratio of cowboys to pirates in a town is 3 to 5. If there are 33 cowboys, how many pirates are there?

Describe class schedule go over HW, quiz, work time, and end with team awards and a game

Announce: I will not be in class on Monday.
You will spend the class period working on a review of chapter 1 to prepare for the chapter test
Get quizzes back on Tuesday

Review HW:
What did you get for #1? (90 cookies)
#2? ($30)
#3? (840 gallons)

What questions do you have about the HW?
(Address questions and show examples as needed)

Explain scoring on quiz (1 for first question, 2 for the others, work and answers total of 5 points)
When you finish with the quiz, pick up a reflection form and fill it out:
Write your name, give yourself a score on HW and organization
On the back, write anything that you think I should know (concerns, questions) or something
we should talk about at parent-teacher conferences
(Then you may begin the HW)

Quiz: (on notebook paper)
1) Ratios that represent the same relationship between quantities are ____ (equivalent)
2) HW write down the answers and work to #3 on page 43
3) A tutors rates are shown in the ratio table. Use the ratio table to determine how much she
charges for 5 hours.
Cost ($) 30
Hours 2 5

When finished, turn in quiz and begin working on the HW problems (can work quietly with a partner)

8:16 Community building activity/Energizer

Give JAG cards to the team with the most points for the week

Guess the Number
Choose a number, write it down and have students take turns asking yes or no questions to get clues
about the number
Students may pass if they dont have a question or guess if they think they know it
Practice listening, questioning, and analytical thinking


Period 2 (8:40-9:30)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

9:10 Community building activity/Energizer
Give JAG cards to the team with the most points for the week
Guess the Number

Period 3 (9:34-10:24) See Period 1 SOMIE.

10:04 Community building activity/Energizer
Give JAG cards to the team with the most points for the week
Guess the Number

Period 4 (10:28-11:18)

Period 5 (11:22-12:12)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

11:52 Community building activity/Energizer
Give JAG cards to the team with the most points for the week
Guess the Number

Lunch (12:12-12:42)
Period 6 (12:46-1:36)

O: TSW read independently.

O: TSW discuss the school expectations
for behavior.

Trivia (on PPT)
PBIS PowerPoint (created by Expect
Respect committee)
Students will need a book to read (their
Action 100 bags) and HW to complete
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens


Tally students participating in Spirit Week (wearing cowboys or pirates)

Collect RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) log sheets

Another term for a new cowboy is
a) Calfango
b) Greenhorn
c) Buckaroo
d) Freshie

(People who get the correct answer can go on to the second question)

In pirate talk, Hang the jib! means:
a) to come in peace
b) to frown
c) to visit the restroom
d) to go fishing

The person who gets the trivia question gets to present the PBIS PowerPoint
(with a partner of his or her choosing)

*If multiple people get both right answers, they can do rock, paper, scissors to
decide who gets to present.

Independent Reading (30 min)

HW time/Book review prep

Closure (1:30) Question and Answer time

Period 7 (1:40-2:30)

See Period 1 SOMIE.

2:10 Community building activity/Energizer
Give JAG cards to the team with the most points for the week
Guess the Number

Ms. Misar
John Adams Middle School
S-Standard O Objective M Materials I Instruction E Evaluation
Friday (B)
*Student of the Month breakfast at 6:45
Date: Oct. 3
School Spirit Day (red and black)

Team 603 Catch Up/Fun Day all of the 603 teachers compiled a list of missing assignments on a
Google doc so that everyone can see what a student is missing. If a student is missing something
(including steps for reading), he or she will go to the workroom (not a punishment). When finished,
students can enjoy a movie in the fun room.

Period 1 (7:40- 8:36)

Period 2 (8:40-9:30)

Period 3 (9:34-10:24)

Period 4 (10:28-11:18)

Prep hour
Period 5 (11:22-12:12)

Lunch (12:12-12:42)
Period 6 (12:46-1:36)

Period 7 (1:40-2:30)

* Yahye Ahmed, PARA, present to
assist with special needs students

Next week:
Mon Chapter 1 Review (covers all the topics from CH. 1)
Students will be instructed to work out the problems in their math workbook first,
Check their answers, and then write their answer and notes on the review.

Tues Return quizzes from Thursday
Go over Review (and help students get online)
Send out a completed review to parents on Tuesday so that they can study for the test

Wed Chapter 1 test?

Seminar Agenda Responses

Reading Assignment: 101 Answers, Tip 36
Answer the following questions:
What are the benefits of cooperative learning?
Wow. It is amazing how quickly I can forget things that I learn and believe. Cooperative learning
benefits student social, intellectual, and emotional development. It allows students to practice
problem solving, communication, and collaboration. Hopefully, it would also improve the quality of
relationships (and, therefore, community) in a classroom. These are all things that I know and have
known for a while. The problem is trying to figure out how in the world I can make it work in my
classroom with real students. I need to keep trying new things I am thinking about moving my tables
into table groups. But first, I need to strengthen my classroom management. Perhaps I will challenge
my students to show me that they can work together and contribute to a positive learning
environment before I make the change. I could do a daily or weekly assessment on the classroom
climate and wait until we reach a certain climate before we make the switch. It might be worth a try.

How are you meeting the needs of your gifted students?

One of my students parents e-mailed me early on in the year to investigate the possibility of
changing to a higher math class. I helped connect the parent to the GATE specialist at John Adams
so that a placement test could be scheduled.

I would like to improve my engagement of gifted students in class. I always have enough for all of
the students to work on an extension problem on the board if they finish early, the option to start the
homework during work time if they get the concept, and alternative activities (like Inquiry Labs)
during review. However, I dont know how many of the gifted students are taking me up on these
opportunities. When I find an activity that would really stretch them, I need to find a way to make it
more than an opportunity, but somehow less than a requirement . . . perhaps I could require it in the
place of another activity that the majority of students are to complete. I am looking forward to
getting my NWEA scores back so that I can consider data beyond what Ive observed and seen in
class assessments in the process of grouping students. I would like to have an easy way to identify
groups (so I can say, Blue group (for example), do problems ___ and yellow group try number __ with
a partner) but yet keep it flexible.

What is your school/team/grade levels policy for holidays? Halloween?
My team reported that the school does not promote holidays but I can ask students about what they
celebrate during certain times of the year. For example, I shouldnt explain that Christmas is the only
or most important winter holiday. I like the approach of asking questions since most students will be
thinking about some holiday or celebration anyway. In the past, when students have dressed up for
Halloween, they are allowed to wear anything except a mask (and of course, no fake weapons).

How have you connected and collaborated with your Special Education staff?
It has been great to have a SPED resource room right across the hall from my classroom. As a second
year teacher at John Adams, Melanie is always willing to talk through any questions that I have
regarding SPED. We have discussed challenges with students that we have in common and shared
ideas and strategies. I have been open to IEP meetings, but all of the ones that I have planned to
attend so far had to be canceled due to lack of family representation. When I could not attend IEP
meetings, I have sent some information about how the student is doing in my class.


Support needed:

Here is where I outline my current grading set-up . . .

Daily HW a student will get a 0 if their work is incomplete, 1 if the answers are present, and 2 if the
answers are there WITH the work shown (this score will be worth 0% of their grade)

Quizzes Occasional checks for understanding that focus on a smaller set of skills, can incorporate
problems from the HW and new application (worth 15% of the grade)

Tests Chapter tests (worth 70% of the grade)

Assignments some project or application beyond a test (like the scale drawing), hopefully
incorporate choice later in the year. Note: I will try to base the assignments (or performance
assessment) off standards that are covered less in the chapter tests (worth 15%)

Quarter one grades (planned so far):
LCM/GCF quiz (just 5 points application)
Ratio and Rate quiz? (HW and application)
Scale house (performance assessment/assignment)
HW scores

Standards-based grading (Kim King e-mailed me about the system she created last year)
I did completely standards-based grading last year. It worked fairly well once I got
everything established. The biggest thing is grading the tests. You have to grade sections of the tests
individually by standard I would be happy to share my templates with you. Andy Ollenberg (8

grade math) was an excellent resource for me.

I graded homework as a 2,1,0 scale (complete and accurate =2, partially complete or partially accurate
= 1, and neither complete or accurate = 0) mainly to see that they were practicing the skills. I set the
weight of this at 15%. 85% of the grade was assessments (quizzes or tests). I allowed students to
retake sections of the tests that they scored poorly on (after they completed additional practice pages
or met with me to do reteaching). I would change scores in the standard as they improved (scores are
fluid till the end of the quarter).

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