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This is a Linux Live System for the PS2 with NetSurf 3.

1 (web browser)
The archive ps2linux_live_v5_pal_netsurf_usb.7z needs to be extracted to the
root directory of a USB storage device (e.g. FAT).
The file PS2NS/kloader.elf needs to be started from the USB stick.
You can use uLaunchELF for this task.
If you didn't used kloader before, it will automatically start Linux and
run NetSurf from the USB storage device. If you used kloader before you need to
load the NetSurf configuration from the USB stick.
It is recomended to use a USB keyboard and a USB mouse.
If you only have a mouse, you can activate the OSK (on screen keyboard).
To power off, just shortly press the power button. The PS2 will need some time
to power off.
F12 will terminate NetSurf and you will be at the command line. Press CTRL + D
to restart NetSurf.
New in this release is:
- NetSurf 3.1
- bison 3.0.2
- flex 2.5.39
- gperf 3.0.4
- kernelloader 3.0
The release has some problems:
- There is still the old Linux used which causes some problems.
- https doesn't work.
- The OSK (on screen keyboard) is sometimes not visible, but it is still there.
You need to disable it when scrolling or clicking on hyper links.
- Some web pages are to large to fit into memory, you need to activate swap
memory (you need to manually add a swap partition on the USB storage device).
- Loading of web pages can be slow and the GUI doesn't accept further commands
while loading (not responsive).
- Advanced stuff like videos and sound are not working (e.g. youtube).
- When you use a large screen resolution with much colors, you will have less
memory for web browsing.

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