Letter To Parents England

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September 2, 2014

Greenwood High School

1816 Cokesbury o!d
Greenwood, SC 2"64"
#e!r $!rents or Gu!rdi!ns%
&y n!me is ebecc!h C!llow!y !nd ' will be ! student te!cher in your child(s )nglish ''
Honors*+,'# cl!ss this semester- ' look .orw!rd to h!/ing your child in the cl!ssroom!nd ' h!/e some
wonder.ul things pl!nned .or this course- ' hope to le!rn .rom !nd grow with your child during my time
!t Greenwood High School- ' will communic!te through &rs- Co0!rt1s emind !ccount- $le!se be sure
you h!/e signed up-
'. you h!/e !ny 2uestions, comments, or concerns, ' encour!ge you to cont!ct me /i! e3m!il !t
ebecc!h C!llow!y
Senior )nglish )duc!tion &!5or
6!nder 7ni/ersity
Greenwood, South C!rolin!

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