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Expanding the Story Type

The debt that must be repaid

The debt that
must be repaid
The character wants something or
someone and becomes aware that
something or someone is available
which will possibly give her what
she wants- at a price. The
character agrees to pay the price
later and pursues her original
desire. The character attempts to
avoid setting the debt but is finally
confronted by the debtor and the
debt is repaid.
Story plot
We planned to base our storyline on a girls
father that is in a lot of debt and owes
money. The father is unable to pay back his
debt and his daughter is kidnaped as a
result, until he is able to pay. However we
plan an unusual twist and the end, making
the daughter behind the whole plot,
highlighting aspects of human monster.
The Daughter is highlighted as unstable
nearer the end of the storyline,
communicating her as naturally evil
individual that wants to cause pain and
suffering. During our planning we
wanted to consider how we can make
our storyline much more sinister feel
and how to conform to the horror
genre, therefore we want to play on
the use of our sub-genre human
monster, the fact that she has no
reason behind her motive
communicates this aspect.
During our ending we have planned a twist.
Throughout the whole film that father has
believed that it was the person he owed money
do and has desperately wanted his child back.
However he eventually finds that this attack
was his own daughters doings. She plans to kill
him and take all his belongings and money. She
has no feeling of guilt whatsoever

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