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This Deed of Rental Agreement made at ________, this _____________________

effective from ______________________ between Mr. ________________, S/o.
Mr.___________________________, aged __ Years residing at
_____________________________________________. hereinafter called the
HOUSEOWNER of the ONE PART and Mr. ________________, S/o Mr.
__________________________ aged __Years residing at
______________________________________________. hereinafter called the
TENANT of the OTHER PART, the terms the Hose owner and the Tenant wherever
the! ma! occr, nless fond re"gnant to the conte#t hereinafter shall mean and inclde
themselves and their res"ective heirs witnesseth as follows$%
&H'R'AS the Hose owner is the sole absolte owner of
&H'R'AS the tenant has a""lied to the Hoseowner for grant of tenanc! on to him of
the (lat sitated at the above address for living accommodation.
). That the Tenanc! shall be initiall! for the "eriod of )) *'leven+ months with effect
from ____________ and ma! be renewed from time to time with mtal
consent of both the Hose owner and the Tenant.
,. That the rent "a!able b! the Tenant to the Hose owner or his Athori-ed "erson,
in res"ect of the said "remises, shall be Rs. _______ /%
*___________________________ onl!+ "er month which shall be "a!able on or
before .
of ever! scceeding month in addition to the flat maintenance charges
"a!able to ___________________ Association b! the Tenant ever! month.
/. That the Tenant has "aid a sm of Rs. ________/% *R"ees
_______________________ onl!+ as interest free rent advance, the recei"t of
which is hereb! ac0nowledged b! the hoseowner b! these "resents. This advance
amont shall be retrned to the tenant b! the hoseowner at the time of vacating
the said "remises after ad1sting the des sch as rent, water charges, maintenance
charges and electricit! des, a"art from cost of damages if an!.
2. That the said hose "remises have a se"arate normal three "hase hosehold
electricit! connection and the tenant shall "a! the electricit! charges to the
'lectricit! 3oard as "er the meter Reading noted in the card.
4. That the 5or"oration 6ro"ert! ta# and water and sewerage ta# shall be "a!able
b! the hose owner bt the tenant shall "a! the water consm"tion charges
"eriodicall! and li0ewise an! rnning charges conse7ent to the
sage/consm"tion b! the Tenant shall be "a!able b! the tenant .
8. That the fittings and fi#tres in the hose "remises are in good condition and the
tenant retrn the same to the hoseowner in good condition e#ce"ting normal
wear and tear before vacating the hose "remises and actal cost of damages if
an!, shall be reimbrsable b! the tenant to the hose owner.
.. That the tenant has agreed to ensre 9minimm sta!: for a "eriod of si# months.
The tenant has agreed to give two months notice before vacating the hose. ;ncase
of shorter notice the tenant has agreed to "a! two months rent to the hoseowner.
The Hoseowner as agreed to give two months notice to the tenant which "eriod
does not consider the 9minimm sta!: "eriod clase.
<. That the tenant shall not sblease or sblet either the entire or an! "art of the
tenanted hose "remises. The tenanted hose "remises shall be sed onl! for
living "r"ose of the tenant and his famil! not for an! other commercial or illegal
=. That the tenant has agreed to 0ee" the hose "remises clean and in h!gienic
condition inclding the srronding areas and the tenant has agreed not to do
an! action that wold case "ermanent / strctral damages / changes withot
obtaining "rior consent from the owner on im"act and costs.
)>. That the hoseowner shall be at libert! to ins"ect to the hose "remises b! him
self and or b! an! other athori-ed "erson*s+ as and when necessar!.
)). That the tenant has agreed not to 0ee" an! "et animals in the hose "remises.
),. That the tenant has agreed to hand over main door 0e!s * ?os+, bedroom 0e!s
* ?os+, tbe lights * ?os+ and the blbs with fittings * ?os+ along with the
'3 card to the hoseowner at the time of vacating the hose.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF, both the "arties have "t their hands and signed on the da!
month and !ear above written.
(Mr. _________________)
1. (Mr. ________________)

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