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Our classroom website can be found at the following link: Week of Nov.

1st, 2014

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Thank you to those of you who made it to the
Magic House! It was a great field trip for the
kids, and they really enjoyed seeing what they
learned in Unit 1 put into action. Each child had a
chance to participate in a courtroom case
which was really fun to watch. We have quite
a few actors and actresses in this classroom
Please check out our classroom website
for pictures of the trip. Thank you to parents
who sent me some pictures. If you have
additiona pictures, please feel free to email
them to me!

Book Orders
Again, thank you all so much for ordering. Im so glad to
have such great books to be able to raffle off to the kids
for reading at home! Regarding Scholastic payments please
send either checks or pay online. Scholastic will not accept
cash. The next book order will be due Nov. 14th
Web address:
Class Activation Code: MBTXW

Everyone had a blast at our Fall
Party! Thanks so much everyone
for donatings goodies and
volunteering their time to make this
party such a success. And a huge
thanks to our head room parent,
Mrs. Gould! You rock!

Students are still able to bring in technology to use on a
daily basis. Now that we are researching ecosystems it
would be especially helpful to those students. We do have
books and 4 classroom computers available, but any
additional technology would be helpful (although not
necessary). We are getting prepared during our
keyboarding lessons for doing a project with a program
called Little Bird Tales. Please see the curriculum
highlights on the next page for more information. If your
child brings a device that has the Little Bird Tales app,
consider allowing your child to download it on his or her

Units of Study

Our entire second quarter curriculum will rotate
around the in depth unit of study outlined below.

Unit 3: Making a Difference
This unit is designed to help students gain an
understanding behind both natural and human
impacts in our environment. We begin by using text
features and an understanding of cause and effect
relationships to research different ecosystems in
nonfiction texts. We will learn how plants and
animals adapt to survive in an ever changing
environment. More importantly, we will take a look
at how humans can impact and help the world
around us. Finally, we will compile this information
into a five paragraph essay to share with our peers.
To help us gain a deep understanding, we will
also conduct an authors study on environmental
rights activist Lynne Cherry. After reading and
comparing several of her environment based
stories, we will write our own narrative writing
pieces just like this famous author. Students will
be guided through the writing process to help show
not only facts about a chosen ecosystem, but also
information about how the storys main character
reacts to survive an environmental threat. After
revising and editing for such things as dialogue and
strong leads/conclusions, we will then publish our
writing electronically through the use of the Little
Bird Tales website. I cannot wait to see what our
students come up with!

Below you will ind our curriculum focus for the second quarter of the school year.
Word Study
We will be continuing our spelling/phonics
curriculum Monday, 10/20 when we return from
break. Please keep a look out at the beginning
of each week for the new spelling list.
Week 9 Open and Closed Syllables
Week 10 Vowel Team and Le Syllables
Week 11 VCe and R controlled Syllables
Week 12 Prefixes re, un
Thanksgiving Week no list
Week 13 Suffixes ful, less, ly
Week 14 Suffixes ment, ness

Check out SpellingCity.Com. FIND A LIST for
Henderson Third Grade.


Second quarter we will focus primarily on

Topic 4: Meanings of Multiplication
We will send out a newsletter when the topic begins.

Topic 5: Multiplication Facts: Use Patterns
We will send out a newsletter when the topic begins.

Topic 6: Multiplication Facts: Use Known Fact
We will send out a newsletter when the topic begins.

Topic 7: Meanings of Division
We will send out a newsletter when the topic begins.

Units of Study

Our entire second quarter curriculum will rotate
around the in depth unit of study outlined below.

Unit 3: Making a Difference
This unit is designed to help students
gain an understanding behind both natural and
human impacts in our environment. We begin
by using text features and an understanding of
cause and effect relationships to research
different ecosystems in nonfiction texts. We
will learn how plants and animals adapt to
survive in an ever changing environment. More
importantly, we will take a look at how humans
can impact and help the world around us.
Finally, we will compile this information into a
five paragraph essay to share with our peers.
To help us gain a deep understanding, we
will also conduct an authors study on
environmental rights activist Lynne Cherry.
After reading and comparing several of her
environment based stories, we will write our
own narrative writing pieces just like this
famous author. Students will be guided
through the writing process to help show not
only facts about a chosen ecosystem, but also
information about how the storys main
character reacts to survive an environmental
threat. After revising and editing for such
things as dialogue and strong
leads/conclusions, we will then publish our
writing electronically through the use of the
Little Bird Tales website. I cannot wait to see
what our students come up with!

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